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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes of physical RAM ought to be enough.
  2. Translation: Possible maybe in an alternate timeline.
  3. I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone serious.
  4. An apt analogy would be like switching surgeons in the middle of a complex, multi-hour operation without prior planning. If the two surgeons aren't extremely familiar with each other's work then significant complications will arise. Unity and Unreal are skilled surgeons in their own right and appear to do many of the same things, but the details of how they do nearly everything vary significantly. The surgery would not be finished in the original time frame and there may be a need to swap in a new patient, too.
  5. Switching engines is easy. It's getting the game to work after the switch that creates all the problems.
  6. That's because the game isn't hardcore enough.
  7. The game is not casual but you could claim the default settings are casual. Just because someone's skill set allows them to excel while difficulty settings are maxed doesn't mean the game with those settings deserves a casual rating. The number of people playing at max difficulty versus ones playing with more moderate settings is a pretty small ratio. It's that way in nearly every game that doesn't have PvP as part of its core structure.
  8. @Matt115, A big part of the design of 7DTD is the ability to mod it. To say you want changes that TFP will not make, without mods, is to say you do not want changes. Mods ARE what make this game a better game, not a worse game. Whatever game 7DTD ends up being some people will not like it. That's okay because they also gave us the ability to change it. Either get past your bias against mods and change or move on to another game. Seriously.
  9. Do you realize that there are still HUGE mods being made for Half Life 2? That's a lot of years of mods to still be having huge ones released. Never say never. It will happen. The reasons for it not happening so far is that modding is still a moving target since the game is still in alpha. Once the game releases and mods get integrated with Steam Workshop then the number of mods will explode.
  10. I don't think you understand what I am saying. But let's back up a bit to make one thing clear... changes during ALPHA should not ever be considered changes in "their vision" unless the posted goals of the game are modified. Having said that, what I said earlier is that there will definitely be people making overhaul mods that essentially turn 7DTD into 7DTD2 or whatever. It will happen. And I have been around since A11. I bought the game at the end of 2014 which was during A10. Incidentally, 2014 saw at least 4 different alpha versions. If I had known it existed before then I would have jumped on the Kickstarter.
  11. There will literally be dozens of 7DTD2's created as mods over the next several years. TFP does not need to make one nor do I expect they will unless they completely run out of ideas (unlikely). I fully expect that some updates they will make to 7DTD post release will simply be things that make parts of it easier to mod.
  12. Walking past someone else's garage while having a BM can be satisfying, too. So long as you don't get caught and get arrested anyway.
  13. This is spot on. This simple fact that TFP has made 7DTD so modable (and native on Linux) means TFP will already get my money for their next game.
  14. I voted the last option, no control. Without getting too wordy it comes down to the simple fact that absolutely nothing would ever get done if everything was done by committee. Every issue has various perspectives and will cause division of the user base no matter what decisions are made and no matter who is making those decisions. While recent posts suggest TFP might be dumb, I think they're making this game in the best way possible. They are presenting their game, their vision, and giving us every opportunity to change it to match our own vision of the game. Everybody wins and nobody loses as long as people realize TFP's version is all their own and not up for negotiation (meaning they are in control, not us).
  15. Personally, I just wish more devs were as dumb as TFP.
  16. Dammit! I've been duped into playing a game for many thousands of hours that was written by dumb people! Arrrrrrrgh!
  17. I held off for a while but someone had to say it.
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