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Native Linux server (with management scripts)


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The path shown in this error refers to the location Valve built this program. It has nothing to do with your system. Also it can be simply ignored, I don't know why it shows up on some systems (did also show on my Debian 6/Squeeze test machine, but neither on my deployment machine with Debian 7/Wheezy nor on my Fedora 20 test machine ...).



Those entries are ok.



What do you mean by "when installing it"?



Sounds like you got a wrong combination of the Steamworks files. Could you pastebin the whole output.log from the instance you were trying to run?



I only have the following ports:

- in: 25000-25002/UDP

- out: 20,21,80,443/TCP

- (and DNS, NTP but that shouldn't matter ;) )

I think it uses HTTP for the server list so port 80 should be enough.



I don't know about a comparison to a Windows based server but I'd suspect it to perform a little bit better as most things perform better on Linux regarding raw CPU / IO power and you obviously don't need graphics power on the server ;)

Also don't have any numbers for required resources for a given player count, only hosting a server for me and two friends.





Page one. I guess the port numbers changed since 2014? :D

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Oh my god, that's over 1000 posts old ... who even reads that stuff? :D


Someone looking at a thread for the first time apparently lol.


I might as well ask this here: is there a way to enable additional verbosity/debugging? I have output directed to the console and am running server/headless mode and getting a freeze during 7 day hordes. The output doesn't give me anything useful. While I'm going to wait until A18 to see if this issue still exists and really dig in troubleshooting it (after I release a new A18 compatible version of my mod :D ) I was wanting to be prepared to diagnose it further in case it is still happening.

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Someone looking at a thread for the first time apparently lol.

But typically only at the first post (if at all :( ) and the last ones ;)


I might as well ask this here: is there a way to enable additional verbosity/debugging?

Suppose you're not talking about my scripts but rather the 7dtd server in general? There's no general verbosity setting, just a few specific ones like networking.

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Suppose you're not talking about my scripts but rather the 7dtd server in general? There's no general verbosity setting, just a few specific ones like networking.


Correct, referring to the Unity3D binary. Would you please provide the command for additional network debugging (or a page or help menu to see the options)? I don't remember trying --help or -h or -? or whatnot but I thought those didn't work.


Thanks :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Correct, referring to the Unity3D binary. Would you please provide the command for additional network debugging (or a page or help menu to see the options)? I don't remember trying --help or -h or -? or whatnot but I thought those didn't work.


Thanks :)


If you look for usages of GameUtils.GetLaunchArgument you'll find almost all of our custom ones. Currently









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If you look for usages of GameUtils.GetLaunchArgument you'll find almost all of our custom ones. Currently










Thank you!! Will give these a try and hopefully if we see the issue again we'll be able to troubleshoot the issue more deeply to help with finding the bug.

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Alloc is there any changes needed to the management scripts for A18? Since I saw that you updated the improvements already but there's no update for scripts, is it safe to assume they're good to go?


I'm explicitly wondering about RWG and instance creation in this regard; I don't want to go try and generate a server world and have it blow up on me. :)

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Scripts wouldn't affect server map generation. That's entirely in the game engine code. So far I haven't been able to get the Linux dedi client to generate a map though. Reminds me that I need to submit my data.


No they wouldn't, but I also prefer to use `7dtd.sh instances create` for my config file, which is almost certainly going to generate a not-quite-right config. (Just the "drop on death/drop on quit" change to line them both up with each other would cause a potential issue.) I mostly just want to make sure that none of the config file changes are drastic enough to break something.

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There are a LOT of config file changes in a18. You can create the instance with the script, but then you should pull the default config from the Engine directory and use it. (Especially since drop on death/quit changed because they took the hidden option 4, and moved it to 0.)


Right, will take a look at that then. The script's teasing, saying there's an update for latest_experimental, downloading it, and not apparently installing it too, but I'm going to guess that's got more to do with it not being actually released than the script itself.



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Alloc is there any changes needed to the management scripts for A18?

Yeah, for the instance editor the scripts need changes, I'll try to get them in today, but no promises. IIRC there's been no breaking changes so the server should still start fine even without an updated instance editor, but you would obviously miss out on the new options as well (as sylen stated already) get a wrong view on the drop on death values in the editor.


The script's teasing, saying there's an update for latest_experimental, downloading it, and not apparently installing it too, but I'm going to guess that's got more to do with it not being actually released than the script itself.

That's probably because you had set the scripts to latest_experimental before and there actually is a newer build on it now, you just missed to supply the password that's requried for now ;)

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Yeah, for the instance editor the scripts need changes, I'll try to get them in today, but no promises. IIRC there's been no breaking changes so the server should still start fine even without an updated instance editor, but you would obviously miss out on the new options as well (as sylen stated already) get a wrong view on the drop on death values in the editor.



That's probably because you had set the scripts to latest_experimental before and there actually is a newer build on it now, you just missed to supply the password that's requried for now ;)


Yeah, that's about what I expected (with the password). No worries on the scripts, part of my problem was I didn't know where the devil the default serverconfig.xml was - I hadn't used it in ages. Grabbing that will be solid enough, but appreciate the response!

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Should hopefully be fine in v113.


Grabbed it and poking. The only thing I'm concerned with - since I can't see the A18 serverconfig.xml yet - is the default difficulty. I know Madmole said it was turned down to Adventurer, but the script is still defaulting to Nomad (2). Not sure if it's that Adventurer is now (2), or if it should be adjusted before A18 rips a lot of peoples' faces off. :)

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I just installed everything using the guide you have on your website. when I try to launch the server i get the error below. I have run all 3 of the different update commands and it did not help. what am i doing wrong?



eac_server.so [x64] :: OnLoad()

Missing method .ctor in assembly /home/sdtd/engine/Mods/Allocs_CommonFunc/7dtd-server-fixes.dll, type System.Action

The class System.Action could not be loaded, used in 7dtd-server-fixes

Missing method .ctor in assembly /home/sdtd/engine/Mods/Allocs_CommonFunc/7dtd-server-fixes.dll, type System.Action

eac_server.so [x64] :: OnUnload()

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Thank you, fixed :)




Would it be possible for you to post, on your website, the default admins/serverconfig.xml files for reference? Over time mine have grown/changed quite a bit and being able to reference new vs old would be helpful.

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Side note, I cannot seem to get the world to generate. After sitting for almost an hour, this is what I get:


2019-10-07T15:53:26 1.360 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 0.351s

2019-10-07T15:53:26 1.370 INF Started Telnet on 9001

2019-10-07T15:53:26 1.379 INF Awake done in 1291 ms

2019-10-07T15:53:29 4.702 INF Telnet connection from:

2019-10-07T15:53:29 4.703 INF Started thread TelnetClient_192.168.2.10:49847

2019-10-07T15:53:30 4.980 INF Started thread RWG

2019-10-07T15:53:30 4.983 INF WorldGenerator:Generating New Asosu Valley

2019-10-07T15:53:30 4.983 INF WorldGenerator:Generating Socket Data

2019-10-07T15:53:30 5.143 INF WorldGenerator:Generating Detail Data

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Side note, I cannot seem to get the world to generate. After sitting for almost an hour, this is what I get:


Same but after 15 mins i get this :


2019-10-07T21:46:59 6.575 INF WorldGenerator:Generating Detail Data
2019-10-07T22:08:26 1293.544 ERR Exception in task
2019-10-07T22:08:26 1293.566 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x0001b] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].ContainsKey (TKey key) [0x00000] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0 
 at WorldGenerationEngine.Input.WorldGenerationRules.get_CurrentRuleset () [0x0001d] in <58bbf922f73645b78d24efc6d568943d>:0 
 at WorldGenerationEngine.Input.WorldGenerationRules.get_CurrentTerrainGenerator () [0x00000] in <58bbf922f73645b78d24efc6d568943d>:0 
 at WorldGenerationEngine.GenerationManager+<>c__DisplayClass30_0.<InitializeSocketData>b__0 (ThreadManager+TaskInfo _taskInfo) [0x0007e] in <58bbf922f73645b78d24efc6d568943d>:0 
 at ThreadManager.myQueuedTaskInvoke (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00041] in <58bbf922f73645b78d24efc6d568943d>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)

(Filename: <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48> Line: 0)




fixed it by creating another instance. Took 46 mins just to gen the socket data with a 8-core 4gig machine. lol

Edited by Zilla (see edit history)
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Would it be possible for you to post, on your website, the default admins/serverconfig.xml files for reference? Over time mine have grown/changed quite a bit and being able to reference new vs old would be helpful.

As the vanilla files aren't touched by my scripts you can just look at the one in the engine folder, that will always be the one matching what you've got installed.



Side note, I cannot seem to get the world to generate. After sitting for almost an hour, this is what I get:

RWG issues aren't related to these scripts, please report such on the general bug reports thread.

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