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Buzzards are the new dogs :)


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Remember back in previous alphas, you can probably search the forum to see exactly when, dogs were upgraded and were made extremely aggressive. The would sneak up on you and bite you in the butt or they would hit you from 10 feet away as you were back pedaling, and then you would bleed out. Everyone complained about it so what did the Pimps do? Dog day, the day before the 7 day horde.


Just a small lesson to everyone complaining about Buzzards, you may regret it in future releases.



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Neither the dogs or the birds are all that hard. Just work on staying out of where dogs spawn. They spawn in the wasteland with the dogs mostly when low level. Birds go down with 2 shots to the face once you level abit. Quite playable but you have to forget the old version of the game. Stop holding on to what this game was vs what it is that is what will hold you all back.

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