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Does sexual tyranno perk work with mineing and chopping trees?


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With Sexual Tyrannosaurs, you get to use less stamina but think of Sexual Tyro as "specialized stamina". Looks like it was grouped to work with attacking zombies.


You want Miner 69er AND Mother Lode along with regular Strength (*/10) for mining/trees.

Flurry of Blows also speeds up the animation, if it helps.

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Yes it works with harvesting also. I tested it on a test world.


I think as long as its tagged as a melee weapon it'll work.


Example fireaxe:


<item name="meleeToolFireaxeIron">

<property name="Tags" value="knife,melee,medium,tool,perkDeepCuts,perkMotherLode"/>

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Flurry of Blows also speeds up the animation, if it helps.


The first rank already made a huge difference with the stone axe, which helps a lot early on. Definitely going to invest one of my earliest skill points into that when stable rolls out.

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The first rank already made a huge difference with the stone axe, which helps a lot early on. Definitely going to invest one of my earliest skill points into that when stable rolls out.


Yeah I think they have it set to effect the stone axe much higher than other melee tools/weapons as the rest are barely noticable with the first point. The downside? in the end you don't mine faster with the stone pickaxe as eventually your going to run out of stam.

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or is only for melee combat vs zombies?


it just says reduces melee stam usage but is mining or chopping trees considered melee att?



Yes it does, and it makes a HELL of a difference to your mining. It improves all Stamina use except for plain running. Absolute must-have Perk. Take it as soon as you can and put further points in as soon as you can. It takes priority over all other Perks imo.

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