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Proposal And Outline For A Common Blocks Mod For Alpha17 Onwards


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The Proposal:

A strictly assembled and pattern based completion mod that contains additional blocks, textures and models, as well as updating existing vanilla blocks, for the purpose of increasing the options of prefab creators, the quality and consistency of created prefabs, ease of prefab updating and maintenance, and ease of usage for players.


It was also proposed with large compilations of prefabs (e.g. COMPO pack) in mind.


Why "Common"?:

The idea is that many different prefab makers can use the blocks from this mod, in many different prefabs. But that a player will only have to have one mod installed to use it. Furthermore, as long as they keep the same block names and sizes, different branches of the mod can be made (e.g. when SDX is updated) and still use the same prefabs as the prefabs will be referring to a Common list of block names.


Why Alpha17 Onwards?:

With Alpha17, the fun pimps have implemented native XPath, removed block numbers, and added native mod support. These changes mean that adding blocks no longer involves overwriting the vanilla configs, that we can add blocks without fear of conflicting with other mods, and that other mods can reference and edit our additions without the player having to mess around.


In summary, many things that were technically possible, but difficult, are now streamlined and easy. The end user just needs to download one folder.


What Does Strictly Assembled Mean?:

This refers to the mod having clear rules for what it contains and what it does not. This is not a gameplay mod. The Common Blocks Mod should alter blocks.xml, the lootplaceholders section of loot.xml, as well as possibly painting.xml and add additions to traders.xml (new vending machines). It should NOT alter any other section of loot.xml, items.xml or recipes.xml. Anything other than blocks, including recipes to make them and new items they can drop, should be in non essential companion mods.


New and Altered Blocks Should:

  • Drop a reasonable amount vanilla items, or themselves, when harvested or destroyed
  • Refer to existing entries in loot.xml if they are lootable or containers
  • Refer to new entries in loot.xml only if they are placeholder blocks.
  • Use only vanilla material definitions
  • Use only vanilla Xui if they are usable (a new workbench etc)
  • Be usable in several prefabs
  • Be paintable if a shape, or have a paintable part if complex (car surface, bed sheets)
  • Follow an obvious naming pattern based on vanilla naming schemes
  • Refer to the size, position and shape of the block, even if it is a model (e.g. half centred computer tower)


And Should Not:

  • Create a gameplay exploit e.g. an air block with structural support but no hitbox.
  • Drop unrelated or excessive items e.g. a cardboard box that can be harvested for AK-47s.
  • Use restrictively licensed models or textures


From now on, vanilla+ refers to a player with just the Common Blocks Mod and some Prefabs installed.

Some examples:

  1. Blocks that look like they can be used by the player (new types of workbenches or forges, microwaves etc). For vanilla+ players, they should be able to wrench them for basic resources. Mod makers are free to enable them though.
  2. A range of new growing crop blocks would be admissible, but they must all drop vanilla items. Vanilla players can enjoy the additional visuals, while gameplay mod makers can OVERWRITE the drops using XPath, integrating the prefab into their mod as if it were part of it.
  3. A random white goods appliance place-holder block would be a great part to the mod, even if it doesn't add any new appliances. This is because once this block is baked into a prefab, vanilla+ players will get the random vanilla white goods (washing machine, trash compacter etc), but mod makers can extend the list using XPath, to include their own blocks (e.g. Darkness Falls might add Working Kitchen Sinks)
  4. Additional Flagstone Block shapes and their upgrade paths will be part of the mod. But the recipes to make them will not.


In all things, the mod should strive to be ONLY a vanilla+ BLOCKS mod.


there is more to my proposal (the pattern completion bit about) but I'll add it later. Please leave your thoughts!

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Is "Be paintable if a shape, or have a paintable part if complex (car surface, bed sheets)" possible on custom blocks in A17? It wasn't in A16, if I recall correctly.


But I think we are at a point in modding where this is structure is needed.

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Is "Be paintable if a shape, or have a paintable part if complex (car surface, bed sheets)" possible on custom blocks in A17? It wasn't in A16, if I recall correctly.


But I think we are at a point in modding where this is structure is needed.


I asked about an easy way to add paints, no reply yet.

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