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I hope they fix the mods for items, far to rare.


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They are too rare, and for the items being all about the mods and not about the quality of the item, shouldn't the mods be somewhat easier to acquire? A streamer I watch is on day 16 or 17 and he hasn't found one complete mod, or a weapon that had mods in it yet. Also the fact they use steel and have some rather silly material requirements (Look at the spikes mod for the club, its just like.. what?), He's found a few schematics but, with it needing steel and such, unless you get lucky at trader forget about making any.


Hopefully the drop rate will be upped and they will show up some more so we can actually make use of the system when it'd help the most at lower level.


I mean one of the big things in a17 was the weapon mod system, and the fact its damn near impossible to actually get any kinda is detrimental to having the feature, especally with how nerfed alot of the tools seem to be.

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Maybe that's the point.


They want Mods to be a mid-late game mechanic?

If that Streamer has made it this far then it's at least possible to survive without them.


Then again you may be right and it'll see some adjustments.


I'll withhold judgement till I play it and see for myself.

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Yes. Essentially the rarer they are, the more valuable they become. We need some end-game chase items. Frankly I am sick of my storage being full of everything after just a few days, even with low loot settings.


I don't think loot settings affect rarity. Only the quantity which only applies to stackable items like feathers.

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