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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Magoli;267328]Prefab ??? Iam very interrested!!! Are these prefabs made by yourself ??? will u post them here in forum ??? Mag out[/QUOTE] Well...First two prefabs I've done just for studying the editor. The fisrt one is a "lonely bench", which consists of asphalt + gravel layer. Then upper are three pew segments + trash can+ streetlight. That's all. The second one is a very small warehouse with ....oh! It's the third...Seems that I've done 3 and am working on the fourth. Whatever... Warehouse with card boxes. Card boxes store toilets or faucets. Kinda bathroom fitment warehouse. It was an experiment with creating another loot containers and loot tables. And the last one is a small underground bunker of reinforced concrete. There are corpse, night stand, gun safe, bookshelf, bed, stove and some cabinets. That's all. So...nothing special. But if u wish I'll post them. There are some issues probably you can help me with. 1. How to lock the door? 'Cause I get only opened or closed, but not locked. 2. There is a problem with air blocks. If I checks "copy air blocks" I have a hole in the ground above my bunker. If I uncheck — stone blocks inside. That's why I'm persuaded to fill that hole with proper blocks: stone, dirt, grass etc. It seems that air block is not a block, it's a block absence.
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[QUOTE=Devilhunter;267295]Why? I use 0.42 version and 11.6 versiom of the game. Everything works fine. I've already inserted 2 prefabs to Navazgane. And right now I'm working on a third prefab, which is quite big.[/QUOTE] Oh, that's good to know. I remember trying to use the modded DLL file for 11.5 and it wasn't working. Just assumed it wouldn't work for 11.6 as well. Edit: Mag, I'm working on a new wilderness POI that your going to love. It would of been done by now but I decided to add more customization :).
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[QUOTE=Devilhunter;267351]Well...First two prefabs I've done just for studying the editor. The fisrt one is a "lonely bench", which consists of asphalt + gravel layer. Then upper are three pew segments + trash can+ streetlight. That's all. The second one is a very small warehouse with ....oh! It's the third...Seems that I've done 3 and am working on the fourth. Whatever... Warehouse with card boxes. Card boxes store toilets or faucets. Kinda bathroom fitment warehouse. It was an experiment with creating another loot containers and loot tables. And the last one is a small underground bunker of reinforced concrete. There are corpse, night stand, gun safe, bookshelf, bed, stove and some cabinets. That's all. So...nothing special. But if u wish I'll post them. There are some issues probably you can help me with. 1. How to lock the door? 'Cause I get only opened or closed, but not locked. 2. There is a problem with air blocks. If I checks "copy air blocks" I have a hole in the ground above my bunker. If I uncheck — stone blocks inside. That's why I'm persuaded to fill that hole with proper blocks: stone, dirt, grass etc. It seems that air block is not a block, it's a block absence.[/QUOTE] 1. There's a meta tag for closed doors. Once I get on my PC later, I will look up which. 2. Is the layer of air above your bunker? If so you will need to fill it in as the copy air blocks feature will copy all air blocks in your prefab file, not just the air blocks inside the bunker.
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[QUOTE=kruys;267333]I'm new to Hal's prefab editor. Can you no longer add prefab to player location? When I try bbb ip with coords in random gen it says location info invalid. Any tips?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Dhjinn;267062]If in a Random Gen, i wanted to put a prefab in an exact spot... how would i go about it ?[/QUOTE] bbb InsertPrefab x = East/West y = Up/down z = North/South [QUOTE=Devilhunter;267351] There are some issues probably you can help me with. 1. How to lock the door? 'Cause I get only opened or closed, but not locked. 2. There is a problem with air blocks. If I checks "copy air blocks" I have a hole in the ground above my bunker. If I uncheck — stone blocks inside. That's why I'm persuaded to fill that hole with proper blocks: stone, dirt, grass etc. It seems that air block is not a block, it's a block absence.[/QUOTE] 1) Try looking for a door with "secure" in the name. Those should be locked by default. Not had time to play recently but I assume they're still there. You can't assign a lock to a person through the editor. 2) Check your prefab and see if there's a layer of air at the top. You can remove layers from the prefab in one of the menu dropdowns
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@hal: Thx for the reply, but thats a bit too brief of an answer to be helpfull. When I insert with coordinates I get a message that location info is invalid. Do I have te be in another or actually in the same location for it to spawn? Can I spawn any prefab in any location regardless of it's xml? Does the location where i want to spawn have to be flat and clean? (I'm guessing not.) Can You give an example of how to enter coordinates incase theres commas or dots or whatever I'm missing?
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[QUOTE] Quote Originally Posted by Dhjinn View Post If in a Random Gen, i wanted to put a prefab in an exact spot... how would i go about it ? bbb InsertPrefab [QUOTE][/QUOTE] x = East/West y = Up/down z = North/South[/QUOTE] I'm sorry, i wasnt being clear enough.. i mean without having the DLL's installed (since i'm on A11.6). I think i saw in one of the vids, that you could write in prefabs.xml on Navezgane.. tried doing something of the same: [B] [/B] Didnt seem to work though. I had hoped, the world allready been created, that coords would be usable.
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[QUOTE=kruys;267417]@hal: Thx for the reply, but thats a bit too brief of an answer to be helpfull. When I insert with coordinates I get a message that location info is invalid. Do I have te be in another or actually in the same location for it to spawn? Can I spawn any prefab in any location regardless of it's xml? Does the location where i want to spawn have to be flat and clean? (I'm guessing not.) Can You give an example of how to enter coordinates incase theres commas or dots or whatever I'm missing?[/QUOTE] It would be easier to tell you what you're doing wrong. Type an example of what you're trying. bbb InsertPrefab barn_01 0 64 0 Would insert the barn in the center of the main city at location 0,0 height 64 (usually 64ish is ground level) I'd recommend being in the area where the prefab is being inserted to ensure all the chunks are loaded. It doesn't need to flat and clean but if you don't have the copy air block ticked then the prefab will be merged with whatever is in the area you're inserting into i.e. if there was a hill there the prefab would spawn but be filled with dirt and rock. [QUOTE=Dhjinn;267444]I'm sorry, i wasnt being clear enough.. i mean without having the DLL's installed (since i'm on A11.6). I think i saw in one of the vids, that you could write in prefabs.xml on Navezgane.. tried doing something of the same: [B] [/B] Didnt seem to work though. I had hoped, the world allready been created, that coords would be usable.[/QUOTE] Ah ok, then unfortunately the answer is no. There's no way to insert into random gen without the DLL mod. I don't think the block code has changed though so you could revert to 11.4, insert the prefab with the DLL and then update to 11.6 again.
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[QUOTE=Dhjinn;267477]That might be the solution.. update for 11.6 not around the corner? ... would hate to waste my players efforts with their homes unless neessary.[/QUOTE] I'm not in the know but I'd guess it's sometime soon. Usually minor updates (11.x) don't mess too much with the block code so worlds are transferable but it's not guaranteed
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[QUOTE=Devilhunter;267351]Well...First two prefabs I've done just for studying the editor. The fisrt one is a "lonely bench", which consists of asphalt + gravel layer. Then upper are three pew segments + trash can+ streetlight. That's all. The second one is a very small warehouse with ....oh! It's the third...Seems that I've done 3 and am working on the fourth. Whatever... Warehouse with card boxes. Card boxes store toilets or faucets. Kinda bathroom fitment warehouse. It was an experiment with creating another loot containers and loot tables. And the last one is a small underground bunker of reinforced concrete. There are corpse, night stand, gun safe, bookshelf, bed, stove and some cabinets. That's all. So...nothing special. But if u wish I'll post them. There are some issues probably you can help me with. 1. How to lock the door? 'Cause I get only opened or closed, but not locked. 2. There is a problem with air blocks. If I checks "copy air blocks" I have a hole in the ground above my bunker. If I uncheck — stone blocks inside. That's why I'm persuaded to fill that hole with proper blocks: stone, dirt, grass etc. It seems that air block is not a block, it's a block absence.[/QUOTE] hey - yeah pls post them !!! I and of curse a bunch of others will appriciate that. To ur Questions: 1. Locking the Doors is meta-value: "unknown3" What Hal meant was following: A door consists of 2 Layers. The lower one and the one above. The lower one is the 'main-block' !!! Please set the Upper block of ALL DOORS to air !!! If u miss to remove the upper doorblock - there will be spawned 2 complete doors (One normal and one door set one block higher) !!! This looks like misspawned - and the function of the door is corrupted !!! 2. If u have any prefab that should have air-parts underground - then u definitly have to make the check on "Airblocks" (=activate it !!!) Sounds like ur yoffset-value is set to low. Or u used the terrainfiller in some strange manor !!! The yoffset-value has to be set to: how many layers below walkingground ur prefabs has got !!! If u got trouble fixing it - u can send it to me. I can check whats the problem with the air under the prefab !!! @Laz: Hey - sry for removing the TWDprison from the Compo-Pack. But the prefabs above 100by100 makes trouble on dedis ;( I hope i can add this (and the others) as soon as possible to the Pack again. Perhaps already in A12 ;) Very very cool to hear u are about to build a new Lazfab - lol I love ur style man. I will surly throw every eye i got on it - when uploaded !!! best regards Mag
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[QUOTE=kruys;267544]Thx Hal. I was trying Insert Prefab factory_lg_01 73.7 64.1 424.8(does it have to be round numbers? I copied lp coords exactly. Apart from Being InsertPrefab without the space)[/QUOTE] NO ! Just use 74 ,64 ,425 (in ur case) !!!
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[QUOTE=Devilhunter;269237]At last. I've found some time improve and post them (prefabs).[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Devilhunter;269250][URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28973-Lonely-bench"]First One - Bench[/URL][/QUOTE] [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28976-Small-single-dweller-bunker"]Second One - Bunker1[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Devilhunter;269237]At last. I've found some time improve and post them (prefabs).[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Devilhunter;269250][URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28973-Lonely-bench"]First One - Bench[/URL][/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Devilhunter;269261][URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28976-Small-single-dweller-bunker"]Second One - Bunker1[/URL][/QUOTE] [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28977-Small-warehouse"]Third One - Storage[/URL] P.S. Sorry for quadruple post, forum doesn't allow to edit posts :(
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[QUOTE=well-wisher;270964]Hi, guys. Can anyone explain me what it means? I wanted to insert the prefab, but nothings happened and i got this message [ATTACH=CONFIG]9208[/ATTACH] what do i do wrong?[/QUOTE] You need to supply a world position to add the prefab at. e.e.g bbb IP MyPrefab 200 64 -200
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[QUOTE=well-wisher;274864]thanks for reply, hal. I found it before. will you make an update of Prefab Editor for Alpha 12?[/QUOTE] And while youre on it a prefab converter please. I dont understand sh** On the .Net REFLECTOR program :(
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[QUOTE=well-wisher;274864]thanks for reply, hal. I found it before. will you make an update of Prefab Editor for Alpha 12?[/QUOTE] That's the plan. Just checked out the code for A12, quite a lot of changes and another method for obfuscation so I need to figure out a new plan. [QUOTE=HydroXTV;275832]And while youre on it a prefab converter please. I dont understand sh** On the .Net REFLECTOR program :([/QUOTE] Not sure on the converter. There's not many block changes so a converter may not be necessary. The converters were about getting you 95% of the way there and that seems to be already the case. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;276118]Not sure on the converter. There's not many block changes so a converter may not be necessary. The converters were about getting you 95% of the way there and that seems to be already the case.[/QUOTE] Do you know which blocks got changed in a way that they cause errors now? I've been deleting blocks (and region files after each try) and reloading a game/spawning my prefab for hours now and I still can't tell which blocks are causing the chunk generation to error out :) The prefab I am trying to salvage has many floors down to bedrock and most common blocks in nearly every possible rotation in it so I am mostly just trying to delete one block after the other and so far without any luck... still the same chunks stop generating as did a couple hours ago. A hint what blocks in particular I should look out for would be a great help.
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