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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Magoli;234548] One thing i figured out: some old Blocks screw the editor up a little bit - by clicking on it in info-mode or trying to copy other blocks to that place !!! Then the editor shows an errorwindow (which can be clicked away) - But these old blocks cannot be removed the normal way !!!! And they also screwup the region when prefab is loaded ingame !!! [/QUOTE] Hi Mag, Do you mean you're loading an A10 prefab and it's screwing up? If so that's expected. It would need the converter to move the file from an A10 - A11 prefab before it works in the editor. Or do you mean a vanilla A11 prefab is messing up? [QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;234829]quick question, i scanned through your post i didnt see anything about minigame that says currently this mod is disabled, what is it for and what does it do? I would like there to be a way to bring back the horde mode I liked where the days where yours and the nights you had to fight waves to survive. Why did they get rid of it to begin with i wonder? Thanks again for all of your hard work and assistance. It sucks i keep trying to add a bunch of prefabs but they dont work due to A11. I end up getting a huge empty space of nothing ness no ground nothing. Does the maze and dungeons still work? i think i placed it wrong, i did place it where i was oprion loaded game and nothing was there, i even cleared the region first etc.[/QUOTE] Yeah the mini-game was pretty much the horde mode with benefits. You and your mates get teleported to a prefab with a bunch of supplies and you had 5 minutes to make some defences and then defend it against zeds. The goal was to see how long you could last before dying. Once you were dead you were teleported back to where you started to carry on with your normal game. To be honest there wasn't much interest in it and it was quite a lot of work to do so once I was able to defend the prefab for quite a while I stopped using it and it fell into disrepair once an update came. I have plans to use the code in a future mod so it may come back in some form or another in the future. I think the GPS hordes were removed because of the fog. Trying to defend a base from a GPS feral horde isn't going to be much fun when you can only see them when they're 6 feet away but the cops can vomit attack you from miles away. MM has said the fog is changing so the hordes may return. Can you supply a video of you trying to insert a prefab? I've tested the code multiple times so I think you're missing a step somewhere but without knowing what you've done I can't advise you. Hal
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Hello, thank you for this. I am new to using the editor, and was building a prefab within Creative mode then looking to export it. Was following a guide, when the below happend. [url]http://i.imgur.com/yfaSmqm.jpg[/url] Could you advise please on how I would remedy this? I checked in settings and I am pointing to the correct game folder. If I create a prefab in the program, I can import it fine into the save game I have.
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Hi Hal When i "Open in memory" an old prefab (made on 10.4) in the editor, and click in info-mode on the Chrysanthemum-plant the following screen appears: [ATTACH=CONFIG]7777[/ATTACH] Its not only the Chrysanthemum-plant. There r a bunch of old-blocks - that makes this little problem. The same window appears in copy-mode - when i want to overwrite (paste) "Chrysanthemum-plant" with ANY other Block (i copied before). In Edit-mode the Errorwarning appers just by pointing to such an Errorfield. As long as i dont point (click) to these Fields with false(old)-Blocks, no errorwarning apprears. But this means also that these Fields that contain those naughty-old-error-Blocks cannot be edited (the normal way)!!!!!! This is the way i get rid of the naughty-blocks using the editor: If i spot such an old block in the editor (by info-vlicking on it), i make a new layer below it and copy every block accept the errormaking-naughty-block(s) to the new created layer. When finished - i delete the whole layer with the old-errorblocks in it !!! This is it! (only have to make 4 copyframes around the errorblock) IMO this is no Issue or bug. Its just the old blocks from the 10.4prefabs. When these old-blocks r removed - the editor works flawless. Anyway - just wanted to report it clearly now Mag out
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[QUOTE=drdead;235103]Hi HAL9000, could you please uploaded the version of your editor, which is compatible with Alpha 10.4? I can't find any link - just to the latest version.[/QUOTE] Try [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTDEditorA10.4.zip"]this[/URL] [QUOTE=Kuldiin;235151]Hello, thank you for this. I am new to using the editor, and was building a prefab within Creative mode then looking to export it. Was following a guide, when the below happend. [url]http://i.imgur.com/yfaSmqm.jpg[/url] Could you advise please on how I would remedy this? I checked in settings and I am pointing to the correct game folder. If I create a prefab in the program, I can import it fine into the save game I have.[/QUOTE] Open the editor and click on the "Manual Update" button. Go through the update process and when it asks you if you want to replace the DLL click "Yes". Then try again. [QUOTE=Magoli;235189]Hi Hal When i "Open in memory" an old prefab (made on 10.4) in the editor, and click in info-mode on the Chrysanthemum-plant the following screen appears: [ATTACH=CONFIG]7777[/ATTACH] Its not only the Chrysanthemum-plant. There r a bunch of old-blocks - that makes this little problem. The same window appears in copy-mode - when i want to overwrite (paste) "Chrysanthemum-plant" with ANY other Block (i copied before). In Edit-mode the Errorwarning appers just by pointing to such an Errorfield. As long as i dont point (click) to these Fields with false(old)-Blocks, no errorwarning apprears. But this means also that these Fields that contain those naughty-old-error-Blocks cannot be edited (the normal way)!!!!!! This is the way i get rid of the naughty-blocks using the editor: If i spot such an old block in the editor (by info-vlicking on it), i make a new layer below it and copy every block accept the errormaking-naughty-block(s) to the new created layer. When finished - i delete the whole layer with the old-errorblocks in it !!! This is it! (only have to make 4 copyframes around the errorblock) IMO this is no Issue or bug. Its just the old blocks from the 10.4prefabs. When these old-blocks r removed - the editor works flawless. Anyway - just wanted to report it clearly now Mag out[/QUOTE] Hi Mag, Yes, the 0.40 editor isn't compatible with any other version of the game than A11.1. You'll need to use an older version of the editor. I've posted the link above but I've just sent you a PM for something to try. Hopefully it will sort your problem ^^ Hal
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Thank you all sorted :) The only issue I cant seem to figure out though is I need prefabs to be at 1 level1 lower than they are currently. [url]http://i.imgur.com/KEj0F9F.jpg[/url] I did remove the above/below layers as instructed in the guide. Is the option to lower these available? The lowest part is already at 0. Have tried to create this in different areas with the same result :) Thanks again.
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[QUOTE=Kuldiin;235232]Thank you all sorted :) The only issue I cant seem to figure out though is I need prefabs to be at 1 level1 lower than they are currently. [url]http://i.imgur.com/KEj0F9F.jpg[/url] I did remove the above/below layers as instructed in the guide. Is the option to lower these available? The lowest part is already at 0. Have tried to create this in different areas with the same result :) Thanks again.[/QUOTE] Just lower the Y value of your insert by 1.
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[QUOTE=Kuldiin;235546]Really? Thats a shame would have been great to be able to add custom prefabs to random gen. Thank you again for the help.[/QUOTE] You can add custom prefabs to RandomGen. You use the XML file that's attached with the prefab to so the game knows it can use it. Check out BigC90210's videos, I think they show an example. If you want to place a prefab at a specific place then you can use the bbb command.
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does your maze and dungeon generator still work? i selected a maze clicked my save name clicked on delete region then went to world nazgame my save then clicked in add prefab to player location but its not there i even did the lp thing and tried to add the maze that way please help sorry to bother you again
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me again i got the maze to show up for the most part but between getting stuck here and there due to the way they make the blocks now instead of cubes like they used to be and the fact any part under ground or the center of the maze is full of dirt. what am i doing wrong? Thanks again for any help. i think i did it right but i clicked delete region but there are still the other failed mazes and prefabs here and there
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[QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;235876]me again i got the maze to show up for the most part but between getting stuck here and there due to the way they make the blocks now instead of cubes like they used to be and the fact any part under ground or the center of the maze is full of dirt. what am i doing wrong? Thanks again for any help. i think i did it right but i clicked delete region but there are still the other failed mazes and prefabs here and there[/QUOTE] Make sure the "Air Blocks" checkbox is ticked if you want to add things underground and keep the air in the prefab. If the delete region button doeesn't seem to be working then manually delete the region to check. Or start a new world. Hal
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im afraid i cant do that dave lol. Thanks i think the program might not be working i ended up for 5 times placing my last z location 150 instead of 50 something like that went for a walk found part of a stadium another building and like 4 different mazes some above and below ground lol. I cant wait for the prefabs to be updated to 11.1. Thanks again for your help.
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[QUOTE=JayzenFreeze;236002]im afraid i cant do that dave lol. Thanks i think the program might not be working i ended up for 5 times placing my last z location 150 instead of 50 something like that went for a walk found part of a stadium another building and like 4 different mazes some above and below ground lol. I cant wait for the prefabs to be updated to 11.1. Thanks again for your help.[/QUOTE] It's not the z location that determines height. It's the Y value. x = East/West y = Up/Down z = North/South e.g. 0, 64, 0 = The center of the main city hub at ground level 100 0 -500 = East 100 blocks at bedrock and south 500 blocks
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Have a prefab working perfectly now in RandomGen, thank you very much for the help Hal :) One last issue I have. [url]http://i.imgur.com/weFOkLj.jpg[/url] The red square is a stair case thats pointing the wrong direction, when I try to click on that square I get that error. Is there any way for me to get past the error to delete the stair case so I may replace it? Thanks
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[QUOTE=Krash;236067]Any chance for a prefab A10.4-A11 converter? I have come to terms with my base being lost, but I still hope it can be rescued sometime :)[/QUOTE] [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?26088-Prefab-Converter-A10-A11"]Converter[/URL] [QUOTE=Kuldiin;236063]Have a prefab working perfectly now in RandomGen, thank you very much for the help Hal :) One last issue I have. [url]http://i.imgur.com/weFOkLj.jpg[/url] The red square is a stair case thats pointing the wrong direction, when I try to click on that square I get that error. Is there any way for me to get past the error to delete the stair case so I may replace it? Thanks[/QUOTE] Sounds like you're trying to open an A10.4 prefab. Use an older version of the editor or run it through the converter.
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