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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;179590]Thanks Laz Man, I'll have a look at the converted prefabs. The decal names are mine, and they were done before I really understood how the new decal system works. That explains why I was confused about there being two NewsFlu decals. I'll amend the list to show the proper decal name. If you can think of better names suggestions are welcome.[/QUOTE] Suggestions: TrashBox > Organs NewsFlu2 > CardCup Cup > CardCup2
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;179962]Suggestions: TrashBox > Organs NewsFlu2 > CardCup Cup > CardCup2[/QUOTE] Added :) Can you send me an example prefab with an x,y,z of where the error is thrown? I've tried running some prefabs through the converter that have decals in but it's not throwing the error. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;180071]Heya Hal, Is there any way to get a specific prefab at specific coordinate location in a random world, even if it means doing something rather brute force and inelegant?[/QUOTE] Hey LZ, Not without a DLL mod or something that could alter the region files while the server is switched off. I've been giving it some thought and the easiest way would probably be something like the "bbb lp" command. Run the modded DLL, insert the prefabs then switch back to the vanilla DLL and run the server so people can connect with EAC enabled. Inelegant but workable. Anything more would be getting into the world editor territory of complexity I think. But there may be other solutions I haven't thought of.
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Thanks! So, 0.37's dll works with 10.2 now? Would it work to pull the relevant .rgn's local, modify them in single player, and push the .rgns back to the server? I wasn't aware of 'bbb lp.' What are the args? Are there other useful in-game commands that aren't listed in the topic-head? (Which are: bbb claim bbb claim base bbb claim base wall bbb save bbb load bbb load base bbb jet bbb reset bbb wipe bbb tp bbb tp bbb rp bbb ex )
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;180082]Hey LZ, Not without a DLL mod or something that could alter the region files while the server is switched off. I've been giving it some thought and the easiest way would probably be something like the "bbb lp" command. Run the modded DLL, insert the prefabs then switch back to the vanilla DLL and run the server so people can connect with EAC enabled. Inelegant but workable. Anything more would be getting into the world editor territory of complexity I think. But there may be other solutions I haven't thought of.[/QUOTE] Leadingzero's question is very similar to mine. I built a military base back in alpha 9.3 and it got saved as a region on the server. Now I want to reload those regions and revert back to alpha 9.3 to turn it into a prefab (while not on the specific game server). The big point here was it never was a prefab. Any advice on how to do this? Just got down reverting to alpha 9.3 and got Fatal Error: unknown file version: mono.dll
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;180166]Thanks! So, 0.37's dll works with 10.2 now? Would it work to pull the relevant .rgn's local, modify them in single player, and push the .rgns back to the server? I wasn't aware of 'bbb lp.' What are the args? Are there other useful in-game commands that aren't listed in the topic-head? (Which are: bbb claim bbb claim base bbb claim base wall bbb save bbb load bbb load base bbb jet bbb reset bbb wipe bbb tp bbb tp bbb rp bbb ex )[/QUOTE] Is lp working in the 0.37 client dll? I issue "bbb lp barn_02" and it says "-BBB-: prefab loaded : barn_02 changes 7120", as in the 'bbb load command', but nothing in the world changes. Or do I also need to reset the region? No, that doesn't make sense. Thanks again
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;180166]Thanks! So, 0.37's dll works with 10.2 now? Would it work to pull the relevant .rgn's local, modify them in single player, and push the .rgns back to the server? )[/QUOTE] Yeah 0.37 is compatible with 10.2 SP. Not dedi support yet but now the code is getting more in line with the latest version the dedicated version should be ready to do soon. For now setting up a world with the same name locally and copying the region files should work. I'll have a look at the lp command to make sure it's working and post an update later. [QUOTE=Baltazar;180221]Leadingzero's question is very similar to mine. [/QUOTE] You'd have to revert the game back to 9.3 and use the editor from that version (0.34 I think). There's a link to a download for that version a few posts up as someone else was asking a similar question. Then claim the area and export it into the editor, save as a prefab, run it through the A9-A10 prefab converter and then do as LZ is doing to load it into the A10 world. [QUOTE=leadingzero;180282]Is lp working in the 0.37 client dll? Thanks again[/QUOTE] The code is enabled but something might have changed in the vanilla code. I'll run some tests after work. Hal
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Ok I've had a play around and unfortunately it's not as simple as I thought. It's possible but buggy. For those interested here's how. * Download a [URL="www.vendocode.com/SDTDEditorInsertTest.zip"]test version[/URL] of the editor * Replace the Assembly-CSharp.dll file in your local game directory (keep a backup) * Enter the game in single player mode * when in the game use this command bbb InsertPrefab e.g bbb InsertPrefab barn02 100 64 243 The prefab should then get loaded into the world at the given location. No rotation applied. PROBLEMS! Sometimes when you run the command you will get disconnected from the world and will have to restart the game. When you re-enter the structure will be there. No entities are spawned that are in the prefab file, just the blocks So it's probably better than nothing but far from an ideal solution. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;180700]Ok I've had a play around and unfortunately it's not as simple as I thought. It's possible but buggy. For those interested here's how. * Download a [URL="www.vendocode.com/SDTDEditorInsertTest.zip"]test version[/URL] of the editor * Replace the Assembly-CSharp.dll file in your local game directory (keep a backup) * Enter the game in single player mode * when in the game use this command bbb InsertPrefab e.g bbb InsertPrefab barn02 100 64 243 The prefab should then get loaded into the world at the given location. No rotation applied. PROBLEMS! Sometimes when you run the command you will get disconnected from the world and will have to restart the game. When you re-enter the structure will be there. No entities are spawned that are in the prefab file, just the blocks So it's probably better than nothing but far from an ideal solution. Hal[/QUOTE] Could this be possible for a multiplayer world? Or do I have to download the map from the server -> Put in the prefab -> revert map back to server?
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[QUOTE=Kraudi;181030]Could this be possible for a multiplayer world? Or do I have to download the map from the server -> Put in the prefab -> revert map back to server?[/QUOTE] There's no support for dedicated servers currently. If the server was using the standard client then it would work. But at the moment you'd have to download the map to your local machine and re-upload after the changes.
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;181418] I'm not getting any response/result [/QUOTE] I'll do a video showing how later and post it [QUOTE=Laz Man;181508]Having trouble setting damage on blocks. It doesn't seem to save in edit or info mode.[/QUOTE] There's an update tonight that should sort it [QUOTE=stallionsden;181534]ok I have looked nearly everywhere. I am trying to learn how to put the prefabs into random gen.. is there a thread on this or a video. Also how to do the xml for random gen now. Would be appreciated..[/QUOTE] Do you mean how to have the prefabs in the RNG choice as the world is building or manually inserting a prefab through the editor?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;181561]Do you mean how to have the prefabs in the RNG choice as the world is building or manually inserting a prefab through the editor?[/QUOTE] Both. I have prefabs which i have converted from a9 to a10 thanks to your awesome prefab converter.. (works a treat btw) but want to be able to put them into random gen as well on our server. Ty for the response
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For adding them into the RNG bit you have to add the prefab into the Prefab.XML file in the Random Gen folder. Once it's in there it's in the list of possible prefabs the world can generate. Then for each prefab you have an XML file the has the details of where it can be spawned (wasteland, forest, townships etc). You can edit that XML directly or through the prefab editor by going to the Prefab dropdown -> Show Random Gen Info For adding them manually there'll be a video later tonight.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;181583]For adding them into the RNG bit you have to add the prefab into the Prefab.XML file in the Random Gen folder. Once it's in there it's in the list of possible prefabs the world can generate. Then for each prefab you have an XML file the has the details of where it can be spawned (wasteland, forest, townships etc). You can edit that XML directly or through the prefab editor by going to the Prefab dropdown -> Show Random Gen Info For adding them manually there'll be a video later tonight.[/QUOTE] ok how do you add them to the prefabxml in the random gen.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;181596]ok how do you add them to the prefabxml in the random gen.[/QUOTE] Look in the file and you'll see what you need to do. Preface: This next bit will make me sound like a jerk. I operate through the "Give a man a fish" school (ha!) of thinking. I don't hold peoples hands when they're doing their mods. I'm not on the forums to guide every person through every trip and fall. But I absolutely will help people that are learning something new and show they just need a nudge in the right direction. Just as you're asking something of me, I want something from you. Give the mods a try. If you get stuck or you think what you're doing is right but there's errors then feel free to show me where you're up to and ask a question. I will gladly help, but I want to see what you've tried to do already. You might have already tried everything you can think of but without showing me what you've done I don't know that and will probably advise something you're already looked at. Modding can be quite a difficult thing and requires lots of trial and error. It will make you a better modder and you'll learn a lot just by the mistakes you make. There's also a nice kick when you figure something out or discover something new. I'll state this explicitly as it can be hard to read context or intent in a forum post. None of the above is aimed at you directly, I'm just explaining my way of doing things. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or discourage you from posting. Quite the opposite, I want more people posting and lots of new mods to try out but I want each question to be a progression for that person. For people that are thinking "Hmm I have this problem but if I ask Hal I may get that narky post about how he doesn't help people" there's 2 simple things to ask yourself: 1) Have I tried everything I can think of? 2) Can I show or explain what I've tried already? If you've got a yes to both then Ask! (Disclaimer: I may still tell you to go away and do it yourself ^^) Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;181671]Look in the file and you'll see what you need to do. Preface: This next bit will make me sound like a jerk. I operate through the "Give a man a fish" school (ha!) of thinking. I don't hold peoples hands when they're doing their mods. I'm not on the forums to guide every person through every trip and fall. But I absolutely will help people that are learning something new and show they just need a nudge in the right direction. Just as you're asking something of me, I want something from you. Give the mods a try. If you get stuck or you think what you're doing is right but there's errors then feel free to show me where you're up to and ask a question. I will gladly help, but I want to see what you've tried to do already. You might have already tried everything you can think of but without showing me what you've done I don't know that and will probably advise something you're already looked at. Modding can be quite a difficult thing and requires lots of trial and error. It will make you a better modder and you'll learn a lot just by the mistakes you make. There's also a nice kick when you figure something out or discover something new. I'll state this explicitly as it can be hard to read context or intent in a forum post. None of the above is aimed at you directly, I'm just explaining my way of doing things. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or discourage you from posting. Quite the opposite, I want more people posting and lots of new mods to try out but I want each question to be a progression for that person. For people that are thinking "Hmm I have this problem but if I ask Hal I may get that narky post about how he doesn't help people" there's 2 simple things to ask yourself: 1) Have I tried everything I can think of? 2) Can I show or explain what I've tried already? If you've got a yes to both then Ask! (Disclaimer: I may still tell you to go away and do it yourself ^^) Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Nah all good I understand that :-)
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[QUOTE=leadingzero;181418]Wow. Thanks! Hrm. I'm not getting any response/result when I issue said command using the single player .dll located in said link, even correcting to barn_02, trying different cammelcase variations and reloading after issuing. Other bbb comannds are working, just not the new one.[/QUOTE] Try downloading the file again. I think I uploaded the wrong version (I was very tired and Assembly-CSharp.DLL looks a lot like Assembly-CSharp.dll ^^) I was going to do a video tonight but I've gotta go AFK for a while.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;181866]Try downloading the file again. I think I uploaded the wrong version (I was very tired and Assembly-CSharp.DLL looks a lot like Assembly-CSharp.dll ^^)[/QUOTE] YES! Works like a charm. I know you have a lot of irons on the fire. Thanks so much for your time. [QUOTE=Kraudi;181898]Unknown command bbb... hm[/QUOTE] You issue 'bbb' through chat, rather than the console.
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Update Time! Added: A10.3 Support Added: InsertPrefab command Updated: Damage blocks in the editor should save again Updated: Block list Insert Prefab command This will let you insert prefabs into SP games (Navezgane or Random Gen) Usage: bbb InsertPrefab or bbb ip e.g. bbb InsertPrefab barn_02 200 64 340 Notes: While inserting the prefab if the prefab contains the "terrainFiller" you'll get a dodgy looking prefab. This is because it inserts the placeholder block rather than the snow/grass/wasteland block it's meant to look up. I'll look into it more when I have the time. Any loot placerholder blocks are replaced as they should be. As always, report your bugs. Cheers, Hal
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Hi HAL, I'm working on a randomgen prefab megapack about a month. All my work mainly depends on your editor. And even if I'm not a first heaviest user of your editor, but surely one of them. Just want to say thank you for your great tool.=) I have a question. After all prefabs were converted to A10, there was a lot of bugs, that were fixed manually, thanks to the editor. The only thing left, is decals on prefabs. Editing damage and decals works good now, but there is a problem. Some prefabs are huge, and has a lot of decals. Checking every pixel of every prefab would be a pain in the arse. I hope you understand=) Actually, the question: is there any way to make "Show Decals" checkbox working? So i would see which blocks has a decals on it? Thanks in advance!=)
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