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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;546218]Asphalt Density Test [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeWVKR51Gk4&feature=youtu.be[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks Gup, interesting. So what's your thoughts on something like 5 high but 8 deep descending smoothly? Density 127 is Air or "no value". It causes the blocks to freak out and disappear which is why the editor won't allow it to be saved. [QUOTE=Guppycur;546219]Can you include changing Density Values to the Replace Block function of the editor? So that the listbox for Block under Find can be scrolled through using arrow keys/mousewheel?[/QUOTE] Maybe...
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I think you'd need to leave it as options, so that the end user can choose the best one that fits their needs. height:depth is x:y ...that way we can just input numbers for x and y. Since the density value is going to be -8 regardless (I guess I really should try -1) then the number of blocks can be variable. [B]MY[/B] preference would be that it [I]appends[/I] to the current prefab, so if I insert a 20x20 and choose a 1:5 blending ratio, it ends up being what, 30x30 inserted into the world.
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[QUOTE=Abrondino;545524]Is there a way to unclaim areas in game? Meaning "bbb claim house123" reverse it with "bbb unclaim house123" or such?[/QUOTE] Awesome, thank you! As a request, can you put in the an alternative command of "unclaim"? It seems realistic to expect the opposite of claim to be "claim". Although I totally understand how delete could be wanted because it deletes it from the list.
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Did a test using -1, which I figure is the lowest angle, and although the difference is almost imperceptible, it is there... so -1 will give the lowest angle. The blocks on the left all have -8, the block to the right is -1. [img]https://s11.postimg.org/iw59iddur/20161119053228_1.jpg[/img]
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[QUOTE=Abrondino;546437]Awesome, thank you! As a request, can you put in the an alternative command of "unclaim"? It seems realistic to expect the opposite of claim to be "claim". Although I totally understand how delete could be wanted because it deletes it from the list.[/QUOTE] Done, it'll be in the next release. [QUOTE=Guppycur;546486]Ignore this bug report, I dunno what I did but it's not happening now, so fuggit.[/QUOTE] Duely ignored [QUOTE=Guppycur;546566]Did a test using -1, which I figure is the lowest angle, and although the difference is almost imperceptible, it is there... so -1 will give the lowest angle. The blocks on the left all have -8, the block to the right is -1. [img]https://s11.postimg.org/iw59iddur/20161119053228_1.jpg[/img][/QUOTE] Thanks Gup
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Is there an advantage to doing the mod your way, with the dll swap, as opposed to coppi's way, doing the /mod folder? One thing I do like about his is the pundo command... I haven't played with his yet (I'm a Hal for Life kind of guy) but his demo video shows it as a way to undo the import; could come in real handy when manually placing prefabs.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;549179]Is there an advantage to doing the mod your way, with the dll swap, as opposed to coppi's way, doing the /mod folder? One thing I do like about his is the pundo command... I haven't played with his yet (I'm a Hal for Life kind of guy) but his demo video shows it as a way to undo the import; could come in real handy when manually placing prefabs.[/QUOTE] I enable a few things in the code that in vanilla aren't available. So if there's a variable in the Pimp's code that's useful but set to Private (can't read it outside the class) I can update it to be Public (available to everything) then reference it in my code. I can also hook and change vanilla methods (chunk generation, chat etc). It was also all done before the mod section was around. I did look at the option when we got access to it but it just doesn't offer all the hooks I need to implement the editor. Yeah prefab insert undo is on The List and will come at some point. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;549375]No worries, I can install coppis as well; I wanna populate a world manually since the pimps broke the prefab push code, and just have the worst luck with the world editor.[/QUOTE] I haven't tried it but yeah I hear it works really nicely and you should be able to run both at the same time if it's using the mods folder. Bad luck? What's the problems? Gup, you're usually dropping a video on that kind of thing ^^ I've got my fingers crossed we (the SDX team) will be getting the RC version this week so have been busy updating everything for A15 but if I can get some editor updates in while I'm in the code this weekend I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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Hey HAL9000! I've worked with your new Version of Prefab Editor and World Edit and i workes really good! Really good work! I found a Title called "smooth" on the dropdown menu of "Actions". Does it already work? Ive tried, but i can not see terrain that has been changed. I tried some other layers, but... nope^^ Thanks Rauler
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[QUOTE=Rauler;551952]Hey HAL9000! I've worked with your new Version of Prefab Editor and World Edit and i workes really good! Really good work! I found a Title called "smooth" on the dropdown menu of "Actions". Does it already work? Ive tried, but i can not see terrain that has been changed. I tried some other layers, but... nope^^ Thanks Rauler[/QUOTE] Hello Rauler, Glad you're enjoying the editor. Yeah the smooth function works but it's mainly for player placed areas. It does it by calculating the average density for the area around it. [URL="https://gyazo.com/92aacf4fb50bea0c6c05c3038b27bc95"]Before[/URL] -> [URL="https://gyazo.com/bd4da41a98df9a379086cf327786ba09"]After[/URL] Cheers, Hal
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Hals9000 editor backup manager issue Hi I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this as this is the first time I have been to a forum so I'm apologizing in advance 😊so the thing is I want to make prefabs so I googled around and all i could find is hals9000 editor so I downloaded it installed the updates and went on to filling out the settings then to backup manager not here's where I start having issues I do the save world setting and open up a new game then log out i then choice my world I have made then to the add player screen I put my user ID in and i get this message. I have no idea what do to im running Windows 10 can someone please help me this is doing my head in 😧😦 Application attermpted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy . To grant this application the required permission, contact your system administrator, or use the microsoft .net framework configuration tool. if your click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit, the application will close immediately. Ecall methonds must be packaged into system module See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.Security.SecurityException: ECall methods must be packaged into a system module. at UnityEngine.Object.op_Inequality(Object x, Object y) at BackupUser.get_SteamID() at SDTDEditor.frmBackupManager.lstPlayers_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WmReflectNotify(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) The Zone of the assembly that failed was: MyComputer ************** Loaded Assemblies ************** mscorlib Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll ---------------------------------------- SDTDEditor Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/SDTDEditor.EXE ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll ---------------------------------------- System Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll ---------------------------------------- Assembly-CSharp Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/Assembly-CSharp.DLL ---------------------------------------- UnityEngine Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/UnityEngine.DLL ---------------------------------------- System.Xml Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- Microsoft.VisualBasic Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 14.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Core Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Web.Services Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Web.Services/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Web.Services.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Configuration Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll ---------------------------------------- Microsoft.GeneratedCode Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- LogLibrary Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/LogLibrary.DLL ---------------------------------------- Mono.Cecil Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/Mono.Cecil.DLL ---------------------------------------- ************** JIT Debugging ************** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.
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[QUOTE=DarkWing;552404]Hi I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this as this is the first time I have been to a forum so I'm apologizing in advance ��so the thing is I want to make prefabs so I googled around and all i could find is hals9000 editor so I downloaded it installed the updates and went on to filling out the settings then to backup manager not here's where I start having issues I do the save world setting and open up a new game then log out i then choice my world I have made then to the add player screen I put my user ID in and i get this message. I have no idea what do to im running Windows 10 can someone please help me this is doing my head in ���� Application attermpted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy . To grant this application the required permission, contact your system administrator, or use the microsoft .net framework configuration tool. if your click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit, the application will close immediately. Ecall methonds must be packaged into system module See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.Security.SecurityException: ECall methods must be packaged into a system module. at UnityEngine.Object.op_Inequality(Object x, Object y) at BackupUser.get_SteamID() at SDTDEditor.frmBackupManager.lstPlayers_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WmReflectNotify(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) The Zone of the assembly that failed was: MyComputer ************** Loaded Assemblies ************** mscorlib Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll ---------------------------------------- SDTDEditor Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/SDTDEditor.EXE ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll ---------------------------------------- System Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll ---------------------------------------- Assembly-CSharp Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/Assembly-CSharp.DLL ---------------------------------------- UnityEngine Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/UnityEngine.DLL ---------------------------------------- System.Xml Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- Microsoft.VisualBasic Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 14.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Core Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Web.Services Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Web.Services/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Web.Services.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Configuration Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll ---------------------------------------- Microsoft.GeneratedCode Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.6.1586.0 built by: NETFXREL2 CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- LogLibrary Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/LogLibrary.DLL ---------------------------------------- Mono.Cecil Assembly Version: Win32 Version: CodeBase: file:///C:/Users/Shane/Desktop/7%20days%20to%20die/hals900s%20editor/Mono.Cecil.DLL ---------------------------------------- ************** JIT Debugging ************** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.[/QUOTE] did you overwrite the assembly .dll when asked by the editor. all ican think off. Hal the great willl def be able to help more if its not this...
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