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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;470678]If you're on Navezgane you could add it to the prefabs.xml file and delete the region file (be careful, you'll lose any changes in the area). Or do a vanilla install, change the DLL, insert the prefab and then run SDX[/QUOTE] Did vanilla install, changed the DLL. Ingame commands works. but the prefab doesn't seem to spawn at my xyz location. Freezes every time i do the BBB insertPrefab command. any ideas? Edit: NVM made a new game did a couple test it spawned in the air. Going to work with the Y coordinate
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[QUOTE=tgf914520;470697]Did vanilla install, changed the DLL. Ingame commands works. but the prefab doesn't seem to spawn at my xyz location. Freezes every time i do the BBB insertPrefab command. any ideas? Edit: NVM made a new game did a couple test it spawned in the air. Going to work with the Y coordinate[/QUOTE] Once you get comfortable, try the world editor. It. Is. Awesome. Live in game prefab insertion.
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I've just started learning how to mod and I'm using your editor Hal, so far I"m doing ok. I do have a question and if this was previously addressed, I apologize for asking the same thing again, but there's almost 200 pages in this thread. When did the shape function stop working? I watched the tutorial video and you use it with ease but it's not working for me and it's a bit frustrating if it is supposed to work. Anyone that can help me out with an answer your reply is appreciated. Thanks everyone!
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[QUOTE=Spectral Force;471375]I've just started learning how to mod and I'm using your editor Hal, so far I"m doing ok. I do have a question and if this was previously addressed, I apologize for asking the same thing again, but there's almost 200 pages in this thread. When did the shape function stop working? I watched the tutorial video and you use it with ease but it's not working for me and it's a bit frustrating if it is supposed to work. Anyone that can help me out with an answer your reply is appreciated. Thanks everyone![/QUOTE] Hello Spectral Force, Ah yes, the square tool isn't rendering while dragging. Is that what your seeing? It'll be fixed in the next version. For now if you middle click drag it will still add the blocks, it just doesn't show the preview outline.
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Just got the world editor working last night, it is really cool. I didn't have much time to mess with it as it was pretty late but one thing that seemed to happen that doesn't happen to you in your videos is, when I insert a prefab I can never see my prefab in the red box. Makes rotations hard for me. Also when I mess up and clear the chunks sometimes it will not delete all of the prefab. Even if I teleport away and come back sometimes a part of a house may still be there. I've tried small and large prefabs and same results. I'm sure a lot of it is new user error but wanted to post and see. Thanks. Love it and can t wait to get it all working great, I have big plans for this tool.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;471566]Hello Spectral Force, Ah yes, the square tool isn't rendering while dragging. Is that what your seeing? It'll be fixed in the next version. For now if you middle click drag it will still add the blocks, it just doesn't show the preview outline.[/QUOTE] Hal, yes both the oval and square tools do not show rendering aka "being in use." I will try this when I get home from work. Thanks for the reply.
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;471662]Just got the world editor working last night, it is really cool. I didn't have much time to mess with it as it was pretty late but one thing that seemed to happen that doesn't happen to you in your videos is, when I insert a prefab I can never see my prefab in the red box. Makes rotations hard for me. Also when I mess up and clear the chunks sometimes it will not delete all of the prefab. Even if I teleport away and come back sometimes a part of a house may still be there. I've tried small and large prefabs and same results. I'm sure a lot of it is new user error but wanted to post and see. Thanks. Love it and can t wait to get it all working great, I have big plans for this tool.[/QUOTE] @Hal: I re-iterate my request to add a green face to the "south" face of the prefab (south being the bottom of the prefab in your editor), for this purpose, thanks homie! -gups
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;471800]@Hal: I re-iterate my request to add a green face to the "south" face of the prefab (south being the bottom of the prefab in your editor), for this purpose, thanks homie! -gups[/QUOTE] I notice that some of the prefabs have blue and red. Is the blue showing what should be underground?
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;471662]Just got the world editor working last night, it is really cool. I didn't have much time to mess with it as it was pretty late but one thing that seemed to happen that doesn't happen to you in your videos is, when I insert a prefab I can never see my prefab in the red box. Makes rotations hard for me. Also when I mess up and clear the chunks sometimes it will not delete all of the prefab. Even if I teleport away and come back sometimes a part of a house may still be there. I've tried small and large prefabs and same results. I'm sure a lot of it is new user error but wanted to post and see. Thanks. Love it and can t wait to get it all working great, I have big plans for this tool.[/QUOTE] Yeah the chunks sometimes resetting is a bug in the current version. It's sorted in the next one (Thanks to Masel for the server to reproduce the problem). The prefabs don't appear in the red box until you add it to the world. That may happen in a future version though when I have better access to chunk system. [QUOTE=Spectral Force;471712]Hal, yes both the oval and square tools do not show rendering aka "being in use." I will try this when I get home from work. Thanks for the reply.[/QUOTE] Hmm the oval one was working fine for me but I've updated the code some, let me know if you still have trouble in the next version [QUOTE=Guppycur;471800]@Hal: I re-iterate my request to add a green face to the "south" face of the prefab (south being the bottom of the prefab in your editor), for this purpose, thanks homie! -gups[/QUOTE] Yep Gup, it's coming ^^
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[QUOTE=Spectral Force;472260]Hal, I got it to show up must have been a glitch in my system, I can now see the oval and the square. On a similar note, if possible could you add rectangle as a shape in a future release or a way to select a grouping of squares by holding down control? Thanks again for your help![/QUOTE] There was definitely a bug there so hopefully the next version will work all the time. Not sure what you mean with the rectangle? The shape tool lets you draw rectangles. Do you mean a filled area? If so you can already do that in edit mode with the middle mouse button. What would you do with being able to select multiple blocks? Off the top of my head it would require a pretty big rewrite of the code so the odds are low it'd get added. But if you can give some good reasons I'll mull it over. @all Just stomped a bug that was preventing releasing an update so this is last call for any tweaks you want to see before A15 drops. I'm stopping for the evening so you have 12 hours or so. Update should be out this weekend.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;472397]There was definitely a bug there so hopefully the next version will work all the time. Not sure what you mean with the rectangle? The shape tool lets you draw rectangles. Do you mean a filled area? If so you can already do that in edit mode with the middle mouse button. What would you do with being able to select multiple blocks? Off the top of my head it would require a pretty big rewrite of the code so the odds are low it'd get added. But if you can give some good reasons I'll mull it over. @all Just stomped a bug that was preventing releasing an update so this is last call for any tweaks you want to see before A15 drops. I'm stopping for the evening so you have 12 hours or so. Update should be out this weekend.[/QUOTE] Any love to the world editor with the patch?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;470624]Yeah good point, I'll update that so you specify the lower left starting point (which is what the mouse cursor gives you) It's a quirk of computing. When storing things in lists or arrays you retrieve them through an index and these always start at 0. It's a bit more complicated than that but you may fall asleep from boredom if I explain too much. It's also the way the game behaves and whenever faced with conflicts I choose the way the game does it to keep consistancy for the user. Like how most people expect the editor to use x/y for the crossslice but in video games Y is height and not depth. It may be weird but at least it's consistently weird. [/quote]I understand that, but it's still unnecessary to start a 0 for the user. It is also somewhat counter-intuitive that the upper left is not 1,1 und the lower right max,max. It's obviously not a major problem, but... It'd be easier and save time. [quote]There's a tick box at the bottom saying "Reopen after replace" or something like that. Tick that and it will pop back up[/QUOTE]How could I have missed that. Thanks!
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;472551]Any love to the world editor with the patch?[/QUOTE] Just some bug fixes and maybe a small speed increase in one or two bits. I don't think I've added anything new since the remotely editable chunks and prefabs stuff got added. [QUOTE=Kubikus;472811]I understand that, but it's still unnecessary to start a 0 for the user. It is also somewhat counter-intuitive that the upper left is not 1,1 und the lower right max,max. It's obviously not a major problem, but... It'd be easier and save time. How could I have missed that. Thanks![/QUOTE] Think of it more like a graph than a screen point. It's counter intuitive because you're not used to dealing with the game's world space system. Rather than trying to convert between the two it's best to use a single system and as I can't change the game it's the editor that has to adapt. There's definitely a learning curve but in the long run it leads to a better understanding of the game and how it operates. There's been a spontaneous BBQ here so I've not been able to get as much done as I'd hoped. I'm going to have a quick stab at the minimap system and then I'll look to get the update out.
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Update Time! Added: Control+Z/Y Undo/redo shortcuts for prefab editor Added: Densities section for viewing and updating densities Updated: World editor reset chunks could relapse to old version Fixed: Issue where World Editor would become unresponsive and require a re-connect. Updated: Improved render speed of editor window when overlaying data for blocks Updated: Minor editor UI tweaks Added: Extra SI checks when importing prefabs Updated: Inserting a prefab into another prefab in the editor now uses the bottom left as the start location to match the co-ordinates given by the editor Updated: All edit modes with the exception of Info displays the properties for the block being hovered over Added: World editor prefab box has a green south side Updated: World editor minimap should now be more accurate when clicked Added: World editor minimap can now be exported and opened in an image editor by right clicking on it Updated: World editor icons (prefabs, claims) should no longer appear in wrong positions when scrolling around the map As usual have a play and let me know if anything is wonky. If there's a requested feature missing then remind me before A15 drops and I'll see if I can get it in.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;472928]Update Time! Added: Control+Z/Y Undo/redo shortcuts for prefab editor Added: Densities section for viewing and updating densities Updated: World editor reset chunks could relapse to old version Fixed: Issue where World Editor would become unresponsive and require a re-connect. Updated: Improved render speed of editor window when overlaying data for blocks Updated: Minor editor UI tweaks Added: Extra SI checks when importing prefabs Updated: Inserting a prefab into another prefab in the editor now uses the bottom left as the start location to match the co-ordinates given by the editor Updated: All edit modes with the exception of Info displays the properties for the block being hovered over Added: World editor prefab box has a green south side Updated: World editor minimap should now be more accurate when clicked Added: World editor minimap can now be exported and opened in an image editor by right clicking on it Updated: World editor icons (prefabs, claims) should no longer appear in wrong positions when scrolling around the map As usual have a play and let me know if anything is wonky. If there's a requested feature missing then remind me before A15 drops and I'll see if I can get it in.[/QUOTE] Im not seeing the south side green, is there a setting I need to enable?
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[QUOTE=Sorrowthief;473029]Im not seeing the south side green, is there a setting I need to enable?[/QUOTE] No, there's no setting to enable it. Are you sure you've updated the DLLs? Just to be sure, manually copy the DLL from the editor folder (if it's the dedicated version you'll need to rename it after copying from "AssemblyCSharp Dedicated.dll" to "AssemblyCSharp.DLL".
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Just me or anyone else experiencing this? tldr; Inserting a prefab in the W/E makes the prefab marker on the W/E map appear in a wonky place, and although you can move it, and the prefab moves in game, the prefab marker in the W/E snaps back to the upper left corner. The issue is that, and that you don't see a marker at all for smaller prefabs. Long version: So I had a problem where I *thought* by double clicking a prefab in the world editor did nothing. Then I discovered that it worked for some prefabs. Then I realized it was only large prefabs. Then from there, I deduced that it was working for all prefabs, but that the placement on the W/E map was incorrect, so I just couldn't FIND them in the W/E map. THEN I saw that once you zoomed out too far, the box disappeared entirely, making it all the more difficult to locate them. So, if I insert a small prefab, it's not showing up on the W/E map because it appears off map and I simply don't know where to look, but if I insert a large one, part of it will, but it won't move on the W/E map (I move it, and it snaps back to position, even though [I]in game[/I] it does move. Make sense? :) I tried doing a video, but fraps only captured the 7days window; guess I need a new capturing software that'll do the entire screen.
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World Editor Suggestions/Questions: 1- Please add a method of searching for prefabs; especially if the combo pack is installed, there are a lot to scroll through. :) 2- Ability to Double click/right click/something entities (after show entities enabled) to see what they are 3- Zoom in/out focusing on where the mouse pointer is instead of lower left corner of map 4- Spawn Items "Disabled in A13. Bug HAL about it." Consider this bugging you. :) 5- More specific detail of "Server Error: Object reference not set to an instance of the object." 6- What is search bar for above minimap but below "Import prefeb to server"? 7- Is the list of available prefabs coming from the server or the client? Should be the server, right? 8- Disconnect from Server button! I want to disconnect without having to close the client. 9- What's "button1" do right above Zoom? 10- "Edit Chunks from Prefab Editor" seems to only grab one block (but all heights of that block) when you only select ONE chunk. Select more than one and it seems to work fine. 11- When zooming out, please allow us to still see the prefab marker
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;473369]Just me or anyone else experiencing this? tldr; Inserting a prefab in the W/E makes the prefab marker on the W/E map appear in a wonky place, and although you can move it, and the prefab moves in game, the prefab marker in the W/E snaps back to the upper left corner. The issue is that, and that you don't see a marker at all for smaller prefabs. Long version: So I had a problem where I *thought* by double clicking a prefab in the world editor did nothing. Then I discovered that it worked for some prefabs. Then I realized it was only large prefabs. Then from there, I deduced that it was working for all prefabs, but that the placement on the W/E map was incorrect, so I just couldn't FIND them in the W/E map. THEN I saw that once you zoomed out too far, the box disappeared entirely, making it all the more difficult to locate them. So, if I insert a small prefab, it's not showing up on the W/E map because it appears off map and I simply don't know where to look, but if I insert a large one, part of it will, but it won't move on the W/E map (I move it, and it snaps back to position, even though [I]in game[/I] it does move. Make sense? :) I tried doing a video, but fraps only captured the 7days window; guess I need a new capturing software that'll do the entire screen.[/QUOTE] Hmm, I can't replicate that Gup. What resolution are you running the editor in? [QUOTE=Guppycur;473379]World Editor Suggestions/Questions: 1- Please add a method of searching for prefabs; especially if the combo pack is installed, there are a lot to scroll through. :) 2- Ability to Double click/right click/something entities (after show entities enabled) to see what they are 3- Zoom in/out focusing on where the mouse pointer is instead of lower left corner of map 4- Spawn Items "Disabled in A13. Bug HAL about it." Consider this bugging you. :) 5- More specific detail of "Server Error: Object reference not set to an instance of the object." 6- What is search bar for above minimap but below "Import prefeb to server"? 7- Is the list of available prefabs coming from the server or the client? Should be the server, right? 8- Disconnect from Server button! I want to disconnect without having to close the client. 9- What's "button1" do right above Zoom? 10- "Edit Chunks from Prefab Editor" seems to only grab one block (but all heights of that block) when you only select ONE chunk. Select more than one and it seems to work fine. 11- When zooming out, please allow us to still see the prefab marker[/QUOTE] Good ideas, I'll add them to the list. 5 - I can't give more info, that's an error coming from the game. 99% of the time it's because a chunk is already being used so it's throwing a problem. The editor will try again later and bring it in. 6 - That's just something for me when debugging but I'll turn it into the search box for the prefabs 7 - yeah it's coming from the server 9 - Absolutely nothing.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;473369]Just me or anyone else experiencing this? tldr; Inserting a prefab in the W/E makes the prefab marker on the W/E map appear in a wonky place, and although you can move it, and the prefab moves in game, the prefab marker in the W/E snaps back to the upper left corner. The issue is that, and that you don't see a marker at all for smaller prefabs. Long version: So I had a problem where I *thought* by double clicking a prefab in the world editor did nothing. Then I discovered that it worked for some prefabs. Then I realized it was only large prefabs. Then from there, I deduced that it was working for all prefabs, but that the placement on the W/E map was incorrect, so I just couldn't FIND them in the W/E map. THEN I saw that once you zoomed out too far, the box disappeared entirely, making it all the more difficult to locate them. So, if I insert a small prefab, it's not showing up on the W/E map because it appears off map and I simply don't know where to look, but if I insert a large one, part of it will, but it won't move on the W/E map (I move it, and it snaps back to position, even though [I]in game[/I] it does move. Make sense? :) I tried doing a video, but fraps only captured the 7days window; guess I need a new capturing software that'll do the entire screen.[/QUOTE] Had this happen once but it seemed to catch up or fix itself after a min or two. I just sat there and let it think. The problem I have is that sometime I'll insert a prefab and then hit remove on the icon to get rid of the big red box. For some reason, mostly with larger prefabs the red box wont go away. Is there some other way to remove it other than right click, remove? Even if I restart everything, I come bak on server and the box is still there
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