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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Der Morder;461402]I have been watching tutorials on using your editor. Your videos I have a hard time with the sound for some reason I can barely hear you. I used bigc90210 video on your prefab editor and followed his directions. But I keep getting this error message when I try to setup the backup manager... Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refesh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply the changes. I have tried completely quitting the game and re-starting. I have re-downloaded your editor. I have re-set the settings. Still the same messages. Any idea what I am doing wrong?[/QUOTE] Sounds like you haven't installed the DLL. Do a manual update from the main menu and when prompted to replace the DLL choose "Yes" and it will do it for you. Start the game and enter a world and it will create the command folder.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;461571]Sounds like you haven't installed the DLL. Do a manual update from the main menu and when prompted to replace the DLL choose "Yes" and it will do it for you. Start the game and enter a world and it will create the command folder.[/QUOTE] After updating the program restarted after patching the .dll I had my file explorer window open to watch for the new command folder. I launched SDTD from the editor. Entered a completely new game. No command folder created in the editors folder. I did notice after updating the SDTD editor it created a zip file within its folder named editor.zip Now when I attempt to save player in the backup manager it does not give an error. It does nothing as far as I can tell. Now when I go into the Users\Appdata\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Random Gen\GameName\BlockBackup There is a Commands folder there which contains an Output folder. Is this what I am supposed to have? Or is something still sideways? I will check back in the morning...building the Giza Plateau is hard work time to get some sleep. Thanks in advance
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[QUOTE=Der Morder;461588]After updating the program restarted after patching the .dll I had my file explorer window open to watch for the new command folder. I launched SDTD from the editor. Entered a completely new game. No command folder created in the editors folder. I did notice after updating the SDTD editor it created a zip file within its folder named editor.zip Now when I attempt to save player in the backup manager it does not give an error. It does nothing as far as I can tell. Now when I go into the Users\Appdata\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Random Gen\GameName\BlockBackup There is a Commands folder there which contains an Output folder. Is this what I am supposed to have? Or is something still sideways? I will check back in the morning...building the Giza Plateau is hard work time to get some sleep. Thanks in advance[/QUOTE] Yes that's how it's meant to be. The command folder is how the editor talks to the game to update the settings. Now you have the DLL installed you can use the bbb commands or the world editor
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Hal, I noticed something interesting. Know how sometimes you are trying to shift click a row or a column to add/change blocks, something goes wrong and you end up changing a large portion you didn't intend to and then you have to hit the undo button? Well, even after you hit undo whatever density the blocks you were adding remains applied to the original. This is a bug I wish to remain in; because it helps when trying to change density values to -118 and -128 for semless blending of blocks and terrain. I'll do a video and show you next time. Also, I created a prefab the size of a city block. It generates in correctly; however, because it's a city block another prefab in the corner of it. I have it set to copy air blocks...any way to prevent another prefab from generating? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- her name was Hillary Rodham
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;462885]Hal, I noticed something interesting. Well, even after you hit undo whatever density the blocks you were adding remains applied to the original. This is a bug I wish to remain in; because it helps when trying to change density values to -118 and -128 for semless blending of blocks and terrain. [/QUOTE] Haha I'm so used to this I don't see it as a bug anymore. Fastest way to change density. But a real "paint density" tool would be great! Since I've gotten more or less how density works I terraform the sh*t out of my base :D you can bring things really to life when you bend the terrain to your will. Some examples just to show people that spending some time experimenting with the density values is worth it: Ice on the floor of a cooled storage: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728610155[/url] A small heap of ash: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=547812163[/url] Garbage hill: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=608757873[/url] When you sink spikes into the first layer of soil and give it density -127 (or some other, high negative value) the terrain closes the hole and you have the spikes still reaching out of the terrain, but now you can tarn them with grass and they simply look better like this in my opinion. The editor is a really great tool and adds so much to the game, even with its "bugs" sometimes^^
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[QUOTE=h0tr0d;462885]Hal, I noticed something interesting. Know how sometimes you are trying to shift click a row or a column to add/change blocks, something goes wrong and you end up changing a large portion you didn't intend to and then you have to hit the undo button? Well, even after you hit undo whatever density the blocks you were adding remains applied to the original. This is a bug I wish to remain in; because it helps when trying to change density values to -118 and -128 for semless blending of blocks and terrain. I'll do a video and show you next time. Also, I created a prefab the size of a city block. It generates in correctly; however, because it's a city block another prefab in the corner of it. I have it set to copy air blocks...any way to prevent another prefab from generating? Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- her name was Hillary Rodham[/QUOTE] Hey H0tr0d, Unfortunately that bug is already fixed in the next version of the editor. But densities have been given new ways to be added so you should get the benefit without the bug. If you're generating in a city block it has to adhere to the size limit for the lot or others will bleed into it. It's not something set by the prefab, it's the RWG code that does it. If it's the last prefab to be added to the area it'd work but other than that you'd need to keep to the size limit I think. [QUOTE=Krash;463673]Haha I'm so used to this I don't see it as a bug anymore. Fastest way to change density. But a real "paint density" tool would be great! Since I've gotten more or less how density works I terraform the sh*t out of my base :D you can bring things really to life when you bend the terrain to your will. Some examples just to show people that spending some time experimenting with the density values is worth it: Ice on the floor of a cooled storage: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728610155[/url] A small heap of ash: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=547812163[/url] Garbage hill: [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=608757873[/url] When you sink spikes into the first layer of soil and give it density -127 (or some other, high negative value) the terrain closes the hole and you have the spikes still reaching out of the terrain, but now you can tarn them with grass and they simply look better like this in my opinion. The editor is a really great tool and adds so much to the game, even with its "bugs" sometimes^^[/QUOTE] There's a new way to add densities in the next version. You'll have access to [URL="https://gyazo.com/2b52adba5a60c4cb078dee2cf81cdcf6"]this[/URL]. There's a new option in the "Selection" area for densities that will display all the densities for the layer and allow you to update them like you do with the blocks without overwriting the blocks Nice examples of densities changes. That ash and garbage pile looks great! (third link is the same as the first though unless you manually swap the id in the url)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;463808]Hey H0tr0d, Unfortunately that bug is already fixed in the next version of the editor. But densities have been given new ways to be added so you should get the benefit without the bug. If you're generating in a city block it has to adhere to the size limit for the lot or others will bleed into it. It's not something set by the prefab, it's the RWG code that does it. If it's the last prefab to be added to the area it'd work but other than that you'd need to keep to the size limit I think. There's a new way to add densities in the next version. You'll have access to [URL="https://gyazo.com/2b52adba5a60c4cb078dee2cf81cdcf6"]this[/URL]. There's a new option in the "Selection" area for densities that will display all the densities for the layer and allow you to update them like you do with the blocks without overwriting the blocks Nice examples of densities changes. That ash and garbage pile looks great! (third link is the same as the first though unless you manually swap the id in the url)[/QUOTE] Nice! Looking forward to it. Of course it's hard to say anything without trying it out, but I'll still mention this... worst case it's allready coverd with the new function :) When terraforming; I had to adjust (or have to-still working on it) my waaay to big work in progress from old nevazgane to fit seamless into the new nevaz; I had to place a lot of terrain and change density on even more. It became clear very early that it would take a lot of time until the border of my prefab isn't visible anymore on the new nevazgane map. In this situation you can't change whole areas to one value(but thats a very handy function for other situations!), but must go block for block and give each an individual value. The Bug we talked about was/is saving me hours. I'm nearly done and I knew the bug won't be there foreever^^ But from that experience I can say having a block permantly picked in the editfunction, change density there, place, place place, undo undo, undo, change density again and repeat placing/undoing may be just skipping the "pick new block" part if I use the "info" function to change density of existing blocks, But when you want to create beautiful hills thats hundreds or thousands of blocks and the time needed to pick every one individually, edit values, pick next one, edit again, accumulates to a lot very fast. That's why I said a "paint density on blocks" function would be great. Until we have something like automated terrain smoothing, creating natural looking terrain is a very time consuming task and every mouseklick or mousemovement less is pure gold. I hope what I mean isn't lost in translation. Also I don't "demand" or really need it atm just sharing what I've experienced and looking forward to the update to try it out..
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Yeah thanks for the feedback, it's nice to know how people are using the editor so improvements can be made. The new way should save you even more time as you won't have to undo your changes. You can just choose a density and paint where you want it. Either individually or by using the middle mouse button to cover a large area. You can do the usually stuff like right clicking to change to another density or copy/paste areas. The only thing that you can't do is use the circle and square tools but if people wanted it I can add it to the todo list.
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Hi, I'm having the problem that my buildings will not collapse properly. I have no idea why. Is there something in particular I have to pay attention to? I have, for example, tried with "Air Blocks" checked and unchecked, and it's the same. Might it be because I have usually started building with "Air Blocks" checked? Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;464256]Yeah thanks for the feedback, it's nice to know how people are using the editor so improvements can be made. The new way should save you even more time as you won't have to undo your changes. You can just choose a density and paint where you want it. Either individually or by using the middle mouse button to cover a large area. You can do the usually stuff like right clicking to change to another density or copy/paste areas. The only thing that you can't do is use the circle and square tools but if people wanted it I can add it to the todo list.[/QUOTE] Nice! I'm glad if it helps you. Really appreciate your work here and the way you have an open ear for those who use your programm! Your editor is like mcedit for minecraft, after you get used to it you can't imagine the game without it. ... Yes, I play 7dtd as if it were minecraft :D [QUOTE=Guppycur;464849]Garbage pile looks amazing. Guess I need to get on the ball and start messing with densities...[/QUOTE] That one was my first try to use density for more than seamless transition from terrain to blocks. There was a lot of try and error. To put it simple you go with higher negative values from the base of a pile to the middle for the terrain (like -2 where the pile begins and -90 or higher in the middle) stuff like grass blocks on the same level next to the pile get low positive values getting higher the further away from the pile. That way you get smooth transition. You can also place things like logs, damaged concrete, bricks or spikes (non-decoratice, solid blocks) inside such a pile and use them like terrain if you just give them negative density values. Non-decorative blocks/voxels like plates, all blocks or fences make the terrain under them automatically density -127 so you can put those only where you want the terrain block underneath to fill a voxel completly. I could uploud the tts file so you could take a look ingame and in the editor to see what values have what effect. But it's very much WIP so a lot is unfinished and in a state of "ok this doesn't work"... I still experiment a lot and try to adjust values every time I export the prefab to work on it in the editor after building rough frameworks ingame. When finished I hope to have this epic fortress like base thing for nevazgane in which a player can truly become lost while adventuring inside of it.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;467681]I've heard 14.7 stability gets unreliable after a while but it's usually for the worse rather than better. I'll have a dig around in the code when I get chance[/QUOTE]The issue is instantly there, new world, prefab inserted and it's not collapsing. It seems that airblocks are always being included, no matter if I check that box or not. Here's a test: [img]https://picload.org/image/rrlgcpac/bild1.jpg[/img] That indentation should not be there I assume. But it's there in any case. Or I am doing something wrong. And if I remove the base of that inverted-L-shape, the blocks float: [img]https://picload.org/image/rrlgcpap/bild2.jpg[/img] However, if I remove the horizontal blocks first and then the lowest of the vertical stack, the upper blocks from the vertical stack will fall. Edit: Or maybe not, now I inserted that prefab 4 blocks below the surface, and with airblocks checked there is a pit, without there is not. Strange.
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I've added some code to the next version to recalculate stability for the chunks when you insert a prefab, give it a try in the next release. However when inserting prefabs they don't cause stability checks to happen. You can add a prefab in the sky and it will stay there until something interacts with it. That's just the way the game handles it. Can you send me the prefab you have that's got air blocks included all the time? I'll run it through debug mode and see if anything is missing.
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Well, I made a mistake as noted in the Edit, it's just that there is a dent from the air as you can see on the images. Why would it be there if air-blocks are ignored? At least that's what I was thinking. But here you have a prefab that will not collapse properly, it's a hospital that I edited a bit so it will fit into a hub-city-city-block: [url]http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=03463120632852316847[/url] [quote]However when inserting prefabs they don't cause stability checks to happen. You can add a prefab in the sky and it will stay there until something interacts with it. That's just the way the game handles it.[/quote]Hm. So this means when I insert a prefab made with the editor, it simply won't collapse at all..? I just tried to insert the game's hospital prefab and it does the same, not collapse.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;470244]Once you interact with it, after the insert, the engine calculates SI.[/QUOTE] Actually no, SI only works for blocks that have blocks under them, and these blocks may not be air blocks. Any block with an air block under it will not collapse. At least it does not for me. But, being the brilliant scientist that I am, I noticed that button called "Recalc stability" that you get in the menu on ESC after enabling debug mode. A precise click on that button seems to solve all those problems.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;470190]Curious side question... have you checked Coppi's mod, it seems very similar to your dll, have ya'll collaborated, anything cool you can steal from his, he from you, etc?[/QUOTE] Hey Guppy, Yeah I've read the thread, looks cool. I haven't run it as I don't use Alloc's fixes because I'm SP only these days. I have the dedi server installed but only to see if the editor DLL boots without crashing. I haven't actually played the game in weeks tbh, just bug fixes for the editor. Roll on A15 ^^ but it's great to see other options out there for people to export their stuff and share with the community. When I looked through the list the only thing I thought the editor DLL could use is an undo feature for inserting prefabs. You can reset the chunk but that could remove a lot of work unnecessarily so that feature will probably make an appearance at some point. I don't really use the editor though so I don't know what's needed. I just wait for people to ask what's possible. If it's doable in a reasonable timeframe I'm usually up for doing it. If not it goes into the list and I try and bear it in mind when messing with the code to see if it can get worked in somewhere down the line. Coppi is welcome to pull ideas from the editor too, I don't obfuscate the code so people can see what I've done and how I did it. The only snag may be that to do some of the stuff I do I've had to edit the vanilla code which I don't think is possible using the method he uses to add the mods in. But Alloc may be able to sort that. [QUOTE=Kubikus;470232]Well, I made a mistake as noted in the Edit, it's just that there is a dent from the air as you can see on the images. Why would it be there if air-blocks are ignored? At least that's what I was thinking. But here you have a prefab that will not collapse properly, it's a hospital that I edited a bit so it will fit into a hub-city-city-block: [url]http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=03463120632852316847[/url] Hm. So this means when I insert a prefab made with the editor, it simply won't collapse at all..? I just tried to insert the game's hospital prefab and it does the same, not collapse.[/QUOTE] If it's a dent then it may be the densities are wrong in the prefab. They shouldn't be but may be worth checking out. No, the prefab should collapse if walked on but if you inserted a prefab that defies SI it will be ok until someone walks/hits it. Only then does the game check the SI. [QUOTE=Kubikus;470320]Actually no, SI only works for blocks that have blocks under them, and these blocks may not be air blocks. Any block with an air block under it will not collapse. At least it does not for me. But, being the brilliant scientist that I am, I noticed that button called "Recalc stability" that you get in the menu on ESC after enabling debug mode. A precise click on that button seems to solve all those problems.[/QUOTE] Yeah that's basically what the new code in the next release does after inserting a prefab. Sounds like A15 is still a while away so I may do another release for 14.7 that includes the updates.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;470565]No, the prefab should collapse if walked on but if you inserted a prefab that defies SI it will be ok until someone walks/hits it. Only then does the game check the SI. [/QUOTE] It does not for me. When I have a block in some kind of roof, that has only air under it and I remove all the surrounding blocks, it floats, and I can walk on it, build on it, attach blocks vertically and under it. [quote]Yeah that's basically what the new code in the next release does after inserting a prefab. Sounds like A15 is still a while away so I may do another release for 14.7 that includes the updates.[/QUOTE] Nice. I guess I just did not know that it's normal that inserted prefabs don't collapse as they should. Btw I just noticed that you included custom zombies to that list of entities. Once upon a time I had asked for it, so thanks + well done (though I don't need that atm, which is why I didn't notice until now). I have a few suggestions of minor relevance: When inserting a prefab into a prefab in the editor, it asks for the coords, but not the coords you see in the editor when pointing at a square, but how many from the top and how many from the left. Why not ask for the coords you see when pointing at a square. Also: Why not start counting the squares with 1 instead of 0. When using the copy function, the information for a block is not shown when pointing at a square. It should. When replacing a block id, the interface closes. Would be nice if it stayed open, so multiple operations could be performed without having it to open every time. Anyway, let me re-iterate that your editor is one fine tool.
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[QUOTE=Kubikus;470610]It does not for me. When I have a block in some kind of roof, that has only air under it and I remove all the surrounding blocks, it floats, and I can walk on it, build on it, attach blocks vertically and under it. [/QUOTE] Yeah that can happen just in vanilla, the SI calculation can confuse itself. I've come across it a lot in the fire mod where parts of buildings would detatch but not fall. There was a problem with the import function in the editor side of things though that could lead to a block having a higher SI value than it should have so hopefully the next update resolves that. [QUOTE=Kubikus;470610] When inserting a prefab into a prefab in the editor, it asks for the coords, but not the coords you see in the editor when pointing at a square, but how many from the top and how many from the left. Why not ask for the coords you see when pointing at a square. [/QUOTE] Yeah good point, I'll update that so you specify the lower left starting point (which is what the mouse cursor gives you) [QUOTE=Kubikus;470610] Also: Why not start counting the squares with 1 instead of 0. [/QUOTE] It's a quirk of computing. When storing things in lists or arrays you retrieve them through an index and these always start at 0. It's a bit more complicated than that but you may fall asleep from boredom if I explain too much. It's also the way the game behaves and whenever faced with conflicts I choose the way the game does it to keep consistancy for the user. Like how most people expect the editor to use x/y for the crossslice but in video games Y is height and not depth. It may be weird but at least it's consistently weird. [QUOTE=Kubikus;470610] When using the copy function, the information for a block is not shown when pointing at a square. It should. [/QUOTE] Yep makes sense again. Actually I'll make it show the data when hovering on everything except the "Info" state. Might as well use it if it's available. [QUOTE=Kubikus;470610] When replacing a block id, the interface closes. Would be nice if it stayed open, so multiple operations could be performed without having it to open every time. [/QUOTE] There's a tick box at the bottom saying "Reopen after replace" or something like that. Tick that and it will pop back up
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[QUOTE=tgf914520;470665]this doesn't work with modded 7dtd? keep getting error when i loading into the game. only happens when i replace the dll file.[/QUOTE] XML mods should be fine. You can't use SDX with the editor though at the moment.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;470672]XML mods should be fine. You can't use SDX with the editor though at the moment.[/QUOTE] Ah i see. Trying to move a prefab into my existing game, at my player's current location. You have any advice? Thanks a lot for you help. :)
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