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Is my pc unable to play and record at 60 fps?


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Hey guys! I just got a new PC, low range, affordable. I wanted to take a shot at recording gameplay at 60 fps using OBS studio. But the minute I got attacked by a wolf and started running...the frames dropped like if I was playing on a normal laptop. These are my pc's specs:





Is there any type of config I can use in order to record and play smoothly at 60 fps? Am I asking too much? If so, can you tell me why? Does the pope sh*t in the woods? Please, help me. Thanks in advance for all the feedback :)



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Based on the blurr I could see, I'm thinking Ryzen 2600 and GTX 1080 ti? If so, it could be your 1080 ti giving you issues with this game, I don't know why, but it seems to be the trend with those cards. It could also relate to the bitrate you're trying to record at.


I myself have the 1st gen Ryzen 5 1600x with a GTX 1060 and I have no issues at all with recording this game, so it's not for a lack of hardware, it's just a weird issue.

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ok, so you've got a Ryzen 5 2600, a 1050Ti, and only 8GB RAM. That last part is going to be a real limiting factor.


If I put your CPU up against mine at a base clock, it's pretty close to the same. That said, you should be able to get a pretty solid 50-60FPS without recording with medium graphics options at 1080p. Shadows and Reflections should be disabled, and UMA textures should be at Low.


With recording, I'm not sure. I'd have to do some testing.


Here are your primary concerns with recording though.


1. It's going to use CPU cycles that will impact the FPS in the game.

2. It's going to use RAM, and you are basically right at the minimum recommended as it is.


OBS is going to be very CPU intensive, and I really don't know how an AMD processor is going to handle that kind of demand. (The reason I switched to Intel so many years ago was because AMD couldn't handle that kind of demand. Sure they were fast, but if given multiple high-load processes, they couldn't keep up.) Fox may have some information in this though.


Because the game uses a lot of CPU, it can interfere with OBS just as OBS can interfere with the game. You will need to consider turning down the settings in OBS to compensate for the games high CPU usage.

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Oh, GTX 1050 ti and 8GB of ram... that's a little different than what I thought it was. Try recording at 720p and 2 000 kbps and see if the video footage is acceptable to you. As for playing the game... this is what I run the game at when not recording https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1524579639 and I have a better graphics card than you, so maybe try something similar but less... like, no Anti Aliasing, View Distance at 10, Water Particles at 50%, etc... And, instead of using V-Sync which sucks, try using a frame limiter instead and set it to 60fps or whatever your monitor refresh is.


Basically, start low and work your way up. Also, this is one of those rare games that actually greatly benefits from SSD performance, so if you have one, make sure to have this game installed on it.


OBS is going to be very CPU intensive, and I really don't know how an AMD processor is going to handle that kind of demand. (The reason I switched to Intel so many years ago was because AMD couldn't handle that kind of demand. Sure they were fast, but if given multiple high-load processes, they couldn't keep up.) Fox may have some information in this though.

With the Ryzen line of CPUs, they're actually faster than Intel now with multi-tasking and were advertised to handle recording / streaming much better than Intel. That said, I can't vouch for this game and recording though cuz this game refuses to use the hyper threaded cores which kind of changes things. So, unless you can make OBS use the hyper threaded cores and the game use the real ones... it's basically a minor handicap for AMD with this game while recording right now. Then again... 6 true cores might be enough to handle recording while gaming just fine, mine seems to handle it fine, although, I never made a habit of it... I only ever recorded footage to show someone something... like that stutter issue I was having, etc...


And for the record, yes, Intel still has that per core performance advantage, but that gap is disappearing fast and might be beaten when the 3rd gen 7nm Ryzen comes out in December.


And ya, 8GB of ram is definitely pushing the limits for this game while recording.

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