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Suggestions: Add some creepy/scary zombie types


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Obviously, this is going to make the game harder, emphasizing the horror elements even more. 1. The first one is Fake Corpse zombie. Looks like a dead body, but when the player approaches to loot, it gets up and tries to eat his brains. I'm sure the Pimps have thought of this one on their own, as it is exceedingly obvious, but I'm mentioning it anyway. I think between 5% and 15% of corpses should be this, with the rest being genuine. It could be determined at the time of map generation, so that most maps are 10%, but a few are 5% and a few others are 15%. For the sake of realism (or immersion, if you prefer), it must be possible to kill these Fake Corpse Zombies before they start moving, similar to how you can kill "resting" Draugr in Skyrim. Dogs can also be Fake Corpse Zombies, of course. 2. Earth/Grave Zombie. This one hides underground, then comes up through the dirt (only dirt or sand or snow, not rock or anything else that's hard and thus implausible) to attack, when the player gets close. They should be rare in most places (although not as rare as Patient Lurkers), but be distincty more common in grave yards, e.g. at the place I think of as the "Apache Church". 3. Patient Lurker Zombie. This one should be [I]very[/I] rare, and every building should have one or a few designated spots, dimly lit (e.g. under the stairs) where a Lurker [I]may[/I] appear, but with the probability of a Lurker being in any given spot being very low, perhaps 0.5%. Unlike the other zombies, this one just stands still, waiting for the player to come real close, not making any noises or otherwise indicating that it is present. Then at the opportune moment it attacks! This one may require a modification of the minimap "radar" system to not show up, at least before the player character is very close to it.
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Not some bad ideas there. Even I thought about how the dead bodies could end up actually being zombie and jumping on you when you go to search. The ground zombies could be exclusive to the church. The last one is the only one I'm on the fence for, but.... If we could get a building with flashing hallways like in the days of doom I could see how that could be terrifying. One second you see nothing, next second he's right on top of you. Unfortunately we'd probably get a lot of complaints from our epileptic community over the light flashing. I miss making some of those old Doom maps with tons of those lights. Added so much more scare into the game.
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Nice ideas. I had a similar idea to point 2, where zombies can be in the earth and released by mining, or when near, adding some hazard to otherwise entirely safe underground bases. Also if some zombies could tunnel underground, but replacing blocks behind themselves so as not to turn the map into Swiss cheese.
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[QUOTE=Peter34;57244] 2. Earth/Grave Zombie. This one hides underground, then comes up through the dirt (only dirt or sand or snow, not rock or anything else that's hard and thus implausible) to attack, when the player gets close. They should be rare in most places (although not as rare as Patient Lurkers), but be distincty more common in grave yards, e.g. at the place I think of as the "Apache Church". [/QUOTE] Impossible. A dead body is buried 6 feet underground when they are buried in a graveyard. No living human can escape from a coffin buried in 6 ft of dirt so how could a zombie achieve this. Sure they can be dead underground but they would not be able to dig their way to the surface. It would be more realsitic if when a player goes to dig up a grave to loot a coffin they would be attacked becuase they also dug up the zombie living within the coffin
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[QUOTE=The_Governor;57498]The guy who wanted super fast jumping zombie babies is complaining about buried zombies being unrealistic......[/QUOTE] There is nothing unrealistic with zombie toddlers who can run faster than the rest of the zombies and can jump at double the height of a normal zombie.
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Well i think the earth/grave zombies could be plausible.... We know a nuclear war happened,then the zombie's soon after. I think there would be multiple shallow graves/plots around. As the people who lived during the initial strike would start getting radiation sickness and slowly die and the survivors of their families would bury them in shallow plots. I just don't see the survivors calling up the local funeral home after all the damage had been done. Also i can see the churches holding mass burials, and without mechanical means to dig all those graves I can see them shirking on the depth of the graves. When this game gets weather effects it would be a nice tie in that they start to pop up when it rains since the ground would get saturated and easier for them to dig out.
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[QUOTE=s_west_1;57508]There is nothing unrealistic with zombie toddlers who can run faster than the rest of the zombies and can jump at double the height of a normal zombie.[/QUOTE] Oh my god.... [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Tin;57509]Well i think the earth/grave zombies could be plausible.... We know a nuclear war happened,then the zombie's soon after. I think there would be multiple shallow graves/plots around. As the people who lived during the initial strike would start getting radiation sickness and slowly die and the survivors of their families would bury them in shallow plots. I just don't see the survivors calling up the local funeral home after all the damage had been done. Also i can see the churches holding mass burials, and without mechanical means to dig all those graves I can see them shirking on the depth of the graves. When this game gets weather effects it would be a nice tie in that they start to pop up when it rains since the ground would get saturated and easier for them to dig out.[/QUOTE] +1 to that. Very creative thinking.
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[QUOTE=s_west_1;57508]There is nothing unrealistic with zombie toddlers who can run faster than the rest of the zombies and can jump at double the height of a normal zombie.[/QUOTE] Since both ideas dont exist in real life you really cant say one is more realistic than the other. Hehe.
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[QUOTE=rentechd;57511]Thinking that before we start inventing newer and harder zombies we see what that zombie wake system is going to bring us first[/QUOTE]The very point of this thread is to give ideas, not to tell others not to. Regarding tunnelling zombies: many of the original zombie films and some modern ones include them. It is very much part of zombie lore. It also adds to an atmosphere of fear to see these creatures clawing their way out of the ground around you. Much better actually than just popping into existence on the surface.
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Zombie idea: Grabber When up close this zombie grabs you and you are stuck for a couple seconds. Look out, it ties you up and could be dangerous within a group of zombies. This zombie would encourage you to deal with it from range instead of melee.
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This was gonna be a new post about zombie skin suggestions...but decided to put it here instead as it was fairly close to this. 1)I think that there should be 2 crawler zombie models there should be a baby/toddler zombie model that crawls on hands and knees .. and the current crawler zombie should be missing there legs and hips and guts hanging out... sort of like the dead corpses by car wrecks ( zombie crash victim ), these 2 zombie types should never run as the animation would probably look weird and they possibly would bug out.. plus it just seems more realistic...crawlers cannot run IMO... [QUOTE=s_west_1;57508]There is nothing unrealistic with zombie toddlers who can run faster than the rest of the zombies and can jump at double the height of a normal zombie.[/QUOTE] this comment is totally false and the main reason zombie baby in minecraft are crap.. also think there should be "zombie teens" and zombie cheerleaders should be decreased could add ,zombie nerd ,zombie punks, zombie jocks, zombie girl, zombie goths , maybe even zombie band members (some still attached to there tuba or drums lol) remember not everyone had someone to bury them :P ... as for grown up zombie models i can think of a few that would be interesting zombie bikers, zombie gangster, zombie camper/hiker, maybe even a "pregnant women" zombie ( I know its gross but could be done...could even throw a fetus and reel it in for a limited range missile weapon :P), etc the types of zombies you can have are almost limitless...
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[QUOTE=Adarcer;57877]This was gonna be a new post about zombie skin suggestions...but decided to put it here instead as it was fairly close to this.[/QUOTE] I don't agree. This thread is about suggestions for zombies that differ game-mechanically. Differ in terms of abilities, or behaviours. Not merely differ in terms of the superficial - how they [I]look[/I].
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I really think it's a bad idea to add pregnant zombies, or baby zombies. At the very least, if the Pimps add them, there should be an option to disable them at game setup. I'm not sure it would bother me all that much, but it would bother a lot of other people. Two more zombie types: 4. Car Lurker zombie. Similar to the 3rd type, except there is a 5% or 3% or so chance of one spawning every time a player character "opens" a previously unopened car. This time around, you can't kill the zombie pre-emptively except by blowing up the car, which of course also means you miss out on the car's loot. 5. Light Seeker zombie. Most zombies appear to be completely indifferent to light. That's fine. It slows them down, making them weaker, so that makes "evolutionary sense", but there is also an evolutonary niche for a somewhat rare zombie type that has "learned" that light tends to mean yummy brain to eat. So behaviour-wise, this one will tend to move towards light. Other than that, it behaves like a normal zombie. Might even look like a normal zombie (it can have the same name and skin as several of the existing zombies) so that the player can't tell the difference except by observing behaviour. Should be somewhat rare, but not necessarily excesively rare.
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[QUOTE=Snipa299;58100]Pregnant zombies shooting out fetus grappling...things, is probably get the game banned in one or two countries, and it seems a bit too repulsive. Just sayin'.[/QUOTE] actually was never thinking they would shoot them out but would throw them...and i did say i thought the idea was gross :p [QUOTE=Peter34;58106]I don't agree. This thread is about suggestions for zombies that differ game-mechanically. Differ in terms of abilities, or behaviours. Not merely differ in terms of the superficial - how they [I]look[/I].[/QUOTE] to be fair from your original post you only have zombies with "special behaviors" from my post i have 1 with a special ability. and it is not up to me whether these zombies would have or should have any "special abilities" (in fact i don't think they should have any)...true my post was about window dressing and having some more "variety" of zombies... to simulate the variety of people you would see in real life to make the game even more creepy... use your imagination what would be more creepy for instance around the church the current zombies or a zombie priest and zombie men and women in ragged suits , or being chased around the high school with the members of the "zombie school band" ? :P
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Creepy Zombie Ideas (old, borrowed and new): 1. Fake Corpse Zombie: I think they're already onto this with the wake up system teased on the in-game splash screen. Obvious nicities of this are that you could make them share an initial model with lootable corpses, and have them sit motionless/noiseless until a player gets near to them. 2. Earth/Grave Zombies: Rather than have them totally invisible, in biomes with softer topsoil (dirt, sand, snow) have an arm sticking out of the ground, wiggling. If I player gets close enough, there is a noise and the zombie is first half-removed form the ground, then a moment later fully removed to chase after the player. The ground is not damaged as a part of this to avoid excessive pock-marking of the ground. These do not spawn indoors or on hard surfaces (concrete, wood, etc.). 3. Patient/Lurker Zombies: Not a big fan of these, as it implies some amount of cunning on the part of the zombies. The Fake Corpse Zombies above come closest to this, which I'd explain away as a sense limitation more than feigning 'real' death. Zombies shouldn't think. 4. Blind/Deaf Zombies: Perhaps as a variant to any/all zombies would be a chance to spawn without one or more of their senses. A blind zombie might be skined to have their eyes clawed out, decayed or missing. A deaf zombie may have their ears chewed off visually. Perhaps a zombie that can't smell has no nose. The in-game effect, aside from being horrific and disgusting, would be that they would ignore certain stimulations (Ex: blind zombie reacts strongly to smell and hearing, but not at all to visuals). 5. Water-logged Zombies: Perhaps a reskin of the Police/Hawaiian-shirt zombies, but dressed only in ragged pants with a sickening water-logged look and lake weeds hanging off them. They spawn in lakes and tend not to stray far from them. They're faster and/or silent in water and don't moan like other zombies. Rather, their water-logged lungs produce a bubbling, gurgling noise equally as unsettling. 6. Partial Zombies: Perhaps in conjunction with the Fake Corpse Zombies above and the zombie wake-up system, those lootable half-corpses occasionally wake up and crawl toward you all 'Crawler' like... leaving a clotted blood trail temporarily behind them as they do. 7. Armless Zombie: I personally find the biting sound of the Spider zombie to be the most unsettling of sounds among the current zombies. In that spirit, an armless zombie that bashes against objects with it's bloodied head and bites at players (similar damage to players as other zombies, but lower entity damage) would fit the sound nicely. Whether that means replacing the sound of the spider zombies with something more 'spidery', remove their sound 'making them silent save walking noises', or simply sharing it with these new 'biters' I dunno. 8. Smoking Man: Similar to the Left4Dead2 Smoker zombie, less the tongue/pull mechanic. It's a zombie with a hacking cough and large, cancerous tumors on its throat. It operates like other zombies in game, but on death, in addition to keeling over it releases a smoke cloud in the immediate area that causes players in it to immediately suffer from a fit of coughs. Over some short time the coughs become less frequent and then go away. The coughs, of course, are noise made that attract other zombies. 9. Riot Gear Zombie: Spawning only in large urban areas, it's a zombie with a helmet and riot gear. It doesn't neccessarily drop the riot gear (though it might have a chance of dropping a random piece), it is particualrly resistant to head shots, and generally more resistant than other zombies. 10. Glowing Zombie: Spawning on the edge of the playable area, they would have a base form indentical to one of the other zombies appropriate for the area, though they have a slight glow surrounding them that becomes more apparent at night. Serving as a weak light source, as they wander in from the irradiated areas they attract other zombies to them and thus quickly form slow-moving, less-random packs. Optionally, they could have an area effect of some sort, or simply drop slightly modified items (irradiated food, for instance). 11. Siren Zombie: Think fire-truck. At night, and only at night, when this zombie is started it not only runs at it's target, but yells loudly as it does so, attracting all the zombies it run past. Zombies would go from green to red (passing yellow) in terms of aggro, and follow the screamer, but be otherwise unaffected. Aside form the night time screaming, these siren zombies are the same as other zombies. Indeed, they may share models with other zombies to make them non-obvious during the day. 12. Zombie Cat (three-quarters in jest): Much like the zombie dogs, but these zombified domesticated cats spawn only inside houses. They're distinctive hissing sound attracts other zombies. They're particualrly capable of climibing wooden walls/structures. Finally, any time cat food is opened/consumed within an urban biome, there is a small chance of one spawning a short distance behind you.
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As a modification to the existing crawler zombie, at night have it get up on all fours and crawl somewhat sideways to you in a running-hopping fashion. (Think Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz, or some scenes from Planet of the Apes). During the day they still crawl on their bellies... but at night, they become as terrifyingly fast as the others.
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[QUOTE=s_west_1;57508]There is nothing unrealistic with zombie toddlers who can run faster than the rest of the zombies and can jump at double the height of a normal zombie.[/QUOTE] He just wants the child zombies from minecraft that do the exact same thing.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Peter34;57244]Obviously, this is going to make the game harder, emphasizing the horror elements even more. 1. The first one is Fake Corpse zombie. Looks like a dead body, but when the player approaches to loot, it gets up and tries to eat his brains. I'm sure the Pimps have thought of this one on their own, as it is exceedingly obvious, but I'm mentioning it anyway. I think between 5% and 15% of corpses should be this, with the rest being genuine. It could be determined at the time of map generation, so that most maps are 10%, but a few are 5% and a few others are 15%. For the sake of realism (or immersion, if you prefer), it must be possible to kill these Fake Corpse Zombies before they start moving, similar to how you can kill "resting" Draugr in Skyrim. Dogs can also be Fake Corpse Zombies, of course. 2. Earth/Grave Zombie. This one hides underground, then comes up through the dirt (only dirt or sand or snow, not rock or anything else that's hard and thus implausible) to attack, when the player gets close. They should be rare in most places (although not as rare as Patient Lurkers), but be distincty more common in grave yards, e.g. at the place I think of as the "Apache Church". 3. Patient Lurker Zombie. This one should be [I]very[/I] rare, and every building should have one or a few designated spots, dimly lit (e.g. under the stairs) where a Lurker [I]may[/I] appear, but with the probability of a Lurker being in any given spot being very low, perhaps 0.5%. Unlike the other zombies, this one just stands still, waiting for the player to come real close, not making any noises or otherwise indicating that it is present. Then at the opportune moment it attacks! This one may require a modification of the minimap "radar" system to not show up, at least before the player character is very close to it.[/QUOTE] I really like all three of these ideas, and they would certainly fit in to the flavor of the game as it is now. Corpses getting up when you loot them is both obvious and brilliant, silent lurker zombies in buildings would make looting a much more hair-raising enterprise (I rely heavily on the sounds to make sure an area is clear), and I think seeing a zombie-version of Madmole suddenly rising out of the 'Apache Church' grave would pretty much do me in for the night. Cheers to the OP
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