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strange bugs


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Hi, firts, Im sorry for my bad english, Im tryng my best here. So recently I got an GTX 1070TI, and when playing 7 days to die with it, suddenly the pc turns off and the graphic card fans turns on in such a high speed that its not normal. I sent the graphic card to the store that I bought, but they could not find a thing or a problem on the graphic card, and this just happens playing 7 days to die. When Im play I try to check the graphic card touching on it, and it gets soooo hot, but only when IM 7DTD. I have an evga 500w, a water cooler, and 5 fans, so energy power and ambient temperature its not the probem. Its a evga gtx 1070 ti ultra silent ...

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I would suspect a power draw/heat problem. while that power supply would seem to be enough, the pc turning off suggests a power problem or overheating. Try some heat monitoring software, maybe the cards fans arent cooling as they should. Also try disconnecting non essential powered items or try a different psu. 7dtd wont stretch your card at all and it has more than enough memory to cope. Hopefully one of these two is the problem, i have the 1060ti 6gb and rarely even hear the fans spin while playing. Only other thing i can suggest is drivers, sometimes new drivers can cause unforseen problems too, maybe look around and see if anyone else is having similar problems.

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if you did not have this issue before.. (regardless what store said), then i suggest taking the gtx1070 out and try a different card... that one might be bricked for some reason. cant hurt to try process of illumination. game has changed recently to cause that. good luck :)

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A quick look around suggests psu problem. Either bad psu or too much power being drawn from one rail, seems quite common with that card. Suggestions are new psu or trying splitting power between two rails. Hope this helps, evga forums have a lot of posts.

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