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Video Editing Help Please


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Hey all I'm going to try out some video editing and recording when Alpha 17 hits the market. But I'm having some issues with the game and recording. It seems extremely laggy in the recording and I'm not sure why this is. I'm using OBS for my recording sofware and Movavi Video Editor for my editing software. This is just the test but I'm trying to work the bugs out of it before I start running it with Alpha 17.




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My 2 cents/pennies/thoughts


1 you will need at least 16 gig to run the game at best before thinking about recording

2 “capture” to a drive other than your boot/game drive, preferably an SSD

3 experiment with other “capture” software, I use OBS for streaming not for recording, I get better results, (for me anyway), with Fraps,


Your OS is it 32 bit or 64, 32 has issues “seeing” over 4 GB ram, 64 doesn’t


Good C.P.U., good G.P.U. is needed if you’re using an “all in one” setup, in other words 1 comp doing everything


If you want best results, you'll need a decent capture card streaming to a 2nd comp that has a decent spec


I'm not all knowledgeable about all this, but this is what I've seen and read

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I'm running 64 Bit for my OS I have 16 gigs of ram total lol. When I would just regularly live stream it would work perfectly fine. I'm not spending anymore money on computer parts lol. But I play other games that are heavier involved in graphics and memory than 7D2D and it works just fine no issues. Just this game comes out a bit laggy when I record. I don't have much issues live streaming.


- - - Updated - - -


Its not bad it's not the best, but for 8 bucks you can't beat it. It does the same job as any high quality editor would do.

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But I play other games that are heavier involved in graphics and memory than 7D2D and it works just fine no issues. Just this game comes out a bit laggy when I record.

This game cannot be compared to other games as there are no other voxel games out there as complex as this one. Looks are very much deceiving when it comes to visuals. There's no denying that this Alpha based game is a pig on resources.


Anyways, I suspect you just have the bitrate set too high when recording, but I can't be sure till you answer at least some of my questions.

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I think I found the main issue with the recording. My game was running at 50 or so FPS and I couldn't find the FPS count in the recording software. Which after an hour or so of looking for it I found. Come to find out it was only set to 30 FPS. Which in turn was causing the video to be extremely laggy and just well put it simply bad. Now I tried it with another game and edited a video at a higher FPS and it seemed to work ok. I'm going to do about an hour of recording tonight and see if that helps with anything on the FPS count and keep that at around 60 FPS as a cap limiter.

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Well, I'm over it. I don't see the point of this topic if you're not even going to make an attempt at giving us any info to help you with the issue.


We're not mind readers and we're not cheerleaders.


actually you are a mind reader... you knew what the problem is all along :)

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