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Am I Missing a Setting Somewhere


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I have been playing a lot of Alpha 16 recently and very much enjoying it except for one thing. Horde night is always a let down. I have played through on SP to day 49 twice and never seen a feral zombie, bloated cop or screamer on horde night. I just get the usual crew and a couple of dogs. I upped the zombie spawn to max from the default and get plenty of zombies now but it doesn't seem to have had any effect on the tougher zombies showing up. I remember in games before bases being shredded on horde night. These days I lay out a few spikes and have a cup of tea. In the morning loot the dead. Am I doing something wrong? I want to be overwhelmed but it's always just meh.

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Guest Rust Buddy

yeah you are. its called the “git gud” setting. (No quotation marks)


Stop dying and up the difficulty level fer cryin out loud!

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Yeah your going to see some pretty difficult stuff in time.


I'm currently at GameStage 2048 with 16 spawning at a time and I've got plenty to do.

Try going for day 100 or, like someone else already suggested, turn up the difficulty level.


If you're really looking for a challenge try the Iron-Man.


Turn up everything to it's hardest level, no loot respawn, short days, zombies always run...


.... and of course.... dead is dead. [Meaning, you die, you delete the save.]


If that doesn't get your heart pumping I don't know what will. :cocksure:







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I am posting for future readers:


The best solution is to make a very quick edit to the gamestages.xml file. Find the Feralhorde section:



<spawner name="BloodMoonHorde">

<gamestage stage="1"><spawn group="feralHordeStageGS1" num="1" maxAlive="2" duration="1"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="1" maxAlive="1"/></gamestage>


This means that if your gamestage is equal to 1 at the 7th night, you will get 1 zombie generated from the group feralHordeStageGS1, and one zombie from the group ZombiesNight.


<gamestage stage="188"><spawn group="feralHordeStageGS174" num="31" maxAlive="22" duration="3"/><spawn group="feralHordeStageGS181" num="31" maxAlive="22" duration="3"/><spawn group="feralHordeStageGS188" num="31" maxAlive="22" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="189" maxAlive="1"/></gamestage>


At gamestage equal (or great) to 188, you can expect 31 zombies from group feralHordeStageGS174 (only 22 alive at a time), 31 from group feralStageGS181 (another 22 alive at a time), 31 from the third group and so on.


In you want your early game to be more exciting (or even insane), all you have to do is delete/comment out the earlier entries for gamestages and change the left-over first entry to say gamestage stage = "1". That will force the hordes to start with that group and spawn rate until your GS goes beyond into the later groups.


I personally remove the stages after 1500 and make the last group the hardest setting (5000+). By the time I reach 1500, I dont want to wait any longer for the worst to come. Bring it on!

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