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New to PC (from XB) - Animal Population Question


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Recently started playing 7DTD on PC, and just built a rig for the wife to join me. We both have played XB version since release.


On the console version, there are far more animals to hunt. In the config for my dedicated server we rent, I have upped animals to 80 I think, but still almost no animals ever to hunt.


Looking for some config advice to find a balance, or understand the difference because this is really an entirely different game on PC hahaha, omg! So many things to see and do!

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A16 has invisible animals that spawn because really, meat was way too common. You want to go into the entity groups xml and reduce the spawn of invisible animals from 6 to 3. I find that's a nice balance. You can comment the line out entirely, but then there are animals all over the place and it gets annoying.

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Well - one common thing is that apparently players go through the same area's all the time. This doesn't allow them to spawn. So - once you start exploring a new area you definitely should see some with the setting at 80. To me it seems like it takes an in game month for them to 'come back' to area's where you constantly tread... And then its very few that 'come back.' At first I wondered this too till I started hunting in unexplored areas. BINGO!


IE: You have a base and go from there to a town for instance. If you take the same route every time then animals will flee the area you've trampled and/or you've made them dinner already. So you won't be seeing any for sometime.


In an older xml of Valmod I see some are linked to biomes... But some are controlled by "GameObjectAnimalAnimation" - AI... So I'm now wondering if in fact it is linked to the 'loot respawn' setting as it seems to be.

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Its a hosted server!


If you were a server admin you might be able to change those values, but as a player on that server nothing you change in your own .XML's will change anything on that server. They would work in your own Single Player worlds or a game you host, but only for you unless you added the changes to serverconfig

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