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Killed by my cat (almost)


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And you thought the ninja dogs were bad....


So there I was, just enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day, making a little progress on a project around the new base, when my cat decides to jump up on the desk and curl up. Partially occupying the same space as my coffee cup. Which resulted in much of my coffee occupying the same space as my keyboard. Killed it dead (the keyboard.)


Just as I get back to my desk with some paper towels, I realize, one, that hitting ESC didn't pause the game, and two, there's a wandering horde headed straight for my immobile survivor. Fortunately, it's an easy horde, just a few hungrys and bloateds, nothing too hard. I manage to club them all while rooted to one spot, but I'm bleeding out.


I frantically try unplugging and replugging the keyboard, but it's dead as a doornail. Then I remember I've got a gaming keypad and plug it in. It's got a key mapped to "E", so with a skinny red bar showing, I'm able to open my inventory and use a couple of first aid kits.


I survive, but I don't have an "ESC" key mapped, so I have to do a soft power off and hope the game saves. By this time I've got to finish cleaning up the mess and get to work, so I go all day before I can get a replacement keyboard and find out if I've got a good save file or not.


I must be living right, because the game picked up exactly where I left it.


I now employ an active defense against the cat :smile-new:.


UPDATE: I found an odd error in the game after this episode, and wound up starting fresh. While I had wandering hordes, a Blood Moon horde, and a few zombies wandering around the countryside, there were none in POIs. I looted a couple of houses, and not a one. Also, my land claim block seemed to stop working; I wasn't getting the green placement outline, nor was I able to pick up a forge. Not calling this a bug, since the PC had crashed, but it reinforces my belief that you should be able to make multiple saves in games.

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