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Wondering if my game mode concept has any chance.


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Okay, this is a long-shot, Hail Mary pass request... so please accept my thanks in advance and my apologies nothing ever comes from any answers you may provide in good faith.


Let me start by stating I love this game. Was a counsel gamer for decades, stumbled on 7d2d purely by accident (watching some guy play PUBG, then take a quick turn to this game for a week). Played a long time on XB1, then found Skippy, Kage and Games4Kickz and decided I needed to get a PC to play this game right. Started playing Aug 2017, play almost nothing else... all the incredibly mods this community has created. I'm forever grateful for all you guys and gals have given me. 1100+ hours of terror and joy.


I want to give back, as I think I have an idea for a game mode (and also a story line--maybe not in the same mod). However, I'm not a programmer or visual artist. I'm just a former writer turned attorney, who fancies himself a storyteller.


So, my questions are the following (some of which I believe I know the answer based on the various mods I've played):

1) Can we manipulate the random world generator to force players to spawn in a particular location on the map (I believe I have seen this in the newest version of GNA Horde Mode)?


2) Can we force the mixer to place a specific POI in that same location? (for example, if I wanted players to spawn inside a hospital, can we do that?).


3) Can we turn off gaining experience from all activities, except killing zeds? (or, at least turn off experience gain from pounding boulders or building structures, etc.)?


4) Is there anyway to trigger increasingly tougher zombies (either in amounts or HP levels) from the day instead of gamestage (or, if not, make gamestage dependent solely on the day)?


5) Is there a way to eliminate the traders entirely in a moderate-sized map?


6) Is there a way to "trigger" an event that would create an "end-type" scenario? For example, accomplishing a goal (such as killing the queen bee, so-to-speak) would allow for a "win" and then a score given (to be calculated by such in-game actions as zeds killed, or game stage reached or something else independently created in-game)?


My hope is that what I want to do is feasible, as there are elements coming in A17 that would really work well with my idea. I'm planning on retiring at the end of the summer, and I'd like to start teaching myself how to mod properly, and then implement the plan. But, until then, I'd like to know if any of this is even remotely possible. If so, I'm going to start writing the backstory and develop quests and other balance/craft recipes.


Sorry for the long post and nooby questions.


All the best,


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In fact, everything is doable.

Just some (about spawn in RWG) can only be implemented with tricks, which can impose some restrictions. And in some cases may not be suitable.

This is about things today, let's see what opportunities will be in A17.

The main thing - to start...:)

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Okay, thanks for the replies. Exciting to know there are a world of possibilities... though daunting is the path ahead for me, with little to no programming experience (outside of creating databases on my Apple IIe while in middle school) and really no graphical artistic abilities. I just have ideas, stories, and hopefully time (once I retire this summer). Guess I have a lotta learning to do between now and then. I look forward to learning and interacting with you all while I try to put this thing together.

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As everyone has mentioned, yeah ... this is all very doable.


When I first started modding I was worried since the only "programming" experience is with HTML. After finding a good tool to work with (Visual Studio Code, in my case) I found it to be pretty easy and it made a lot of sense.


Good luck!

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Start with xml modding, get intimately familiar with those files, then move onto sdx, specifically importing objects, get familiar with THAT, then move onto UABE (swapping game assets) just as an extra curricular, THEN move onto coding scripts, then patch scripts.

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Start with xml modding, get intimately familiar with those files, then move onto sdx, specifically importing objects, get familiar with THAT, then move onto UABE (swapping game assets) just as an extra curricular, THEN move onto coding scripts, then patch scripts.


Guppy, thanks for the advice. However, please speak Inglish :upset: cause I'm not sure I understand any of the terms you used in that sentence. THAT is how much of a noob I am.


I'm afraid I'm just a "thinker" with an idea too far afield, and with not enough talent or time to implement. Every night after the kids go to sleep, I promise myself that I'll watch Youtube videos to learn how to mod, but the lure of Ravenhearst 3.1.3 is too strong. Last month it was Tin's Dying Light.

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Nevermind, I'm gonna do this. Just watched a few videos on messing with xml, and especially the rwgmixer. I'm ready for the challenge of creating a very specific type of location (real world area for my real-world story idea). I might be back tomorrow looking for a bit of help, but I'm so looking forward to tonight to give this a go.

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I'm going to guess that SDX and UABE was what tripped you up... SDX is a modding tool that allows the game to be injected with new objects (weapons, blocks, entities, etc, as well as custom code), and UABE is a software that allows you to open the games assets and swap some of them out directly.


...but what you're looking to do ("especially the rwgmixer") is well... you don't want to waste your time. Between what Madmole has said and Kinyajuu hinted, we're getting a new version in A17.

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Oh no, this is going to be a problem. I've spent the last hour trying to create an island in the mixer. I'm hooked. This is a rabbit hole I may never find the end of, until I start creating my custom POIs. I'm going to say "I love you" to my kids, and tell them I'll see them next at their graduations (mind you, they are 10 and 8).


This is awesome. I suck, and I can't wait to figure this thing out.


But, because I'm old, have a family, and need help, I'm going to beg for a little help (and promise I won't be so needy in the future--promises that will likely be broken soon). Please, where do I look to get things to not spawn outside a desired area? I think I've figure out how to make the land a relatively flat circle (with only the biomes I want), and then have it surrounded by water, and then radiated zone. However, the towns still get created partly on the coast, and then into the "ocean", and then plenty of wilderness spawns in the radiated zone beyond the water.


Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

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