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I built a base but has a major flaw, Help needed


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So I started to build this base in my main world (picture is a replica done in creative)


But my main issue is zombies don't seem to go around it. they like to go through it, I know I can put turrets and traps but since I am still early in my game (only done 3 hordes) I don't have the resources to do all that yet.


Does anyone have a solution to stop zombies from breaking my walls down?

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So I started to build this base in my main world (picture is a replica done in creative)


But my main issue is zombies don't seem to go around it. they like to go through it, I know I can put turrets and traps but since I am still early in my game (only done 3 hordes) I don't have the resources to do all that yet.


Does anyone have a solution to stop zombies from breaking my walls down?


Remove the walls.

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Another common solution for walls you can shoot through is to use horizontal poles. One along the outside or the 4 poles at ground level, and the rotate one inside so it on the same level, but at the top corner instead of the bottom, should keep out crawlers.


I saw a Youtube vid where a guy made a wall out of Minibike Chassis. When things start to pile up(corpses, dogs, etc) they will eventually get over, but before that they didn't jump over or hit the wall.

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My personal suggestion to you is use triangles that are placed sideways as walls, as zombies usually rand up going around the base instead of smacking into a wall. I tried this experiment and it somewhat works for the most part. Instead of squares just use the triangles placed sideways in a rhombus/square position. I hope this helps you friend, good luck,


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As soon as you start with smelting lots of stuff, screamers with friends will be regular visitors. Not as serious as bloodmoon, but you still need to make them ex-zombies. Apart from exploits this means your base should be getting the same stuff as your horde base, just to a lesser extent.


In the beginning wood spikes, later iron spikes or barbed wire. Cheap to make and if you remove the walls you don't need so many to surround your base 3 deep or more. Access to the base should be over a bridge with at least one gap you can jump over


And don't worry, zombies only materialize around the player so your base is safe when you are away and with spikes easily defendable when you are at home.

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You can do 2 other things as well. To solve your problem.


1) make a new base and elevate up 3 to 4 squares high. This will allow them to pass under. Make sure the pillars are concert or steel.


2) since you have a base, the other thing you can do is dig under your base. Make a ramp all around and flat under. Again this will allow them to passby with destroying anything. You will have to put down some support pillars and make sure you are in stone and not dirt. Use a drawbridge to get in and out.


Now the huge maybe in this is them attacking the pilliars. But that's slim they would, if they do it's going to be 1 maybe 2. But the main this us not to stop them and let them thru. Something stops them they attack it.

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