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My game experience so far.


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Don't know if this belongs in the darwin awards thread, as darwinian or just learning experiences, but after almost every instance I said aloud to myself geez tec that was stupid. I play all of my games in private lobbies, so if a friend wants to join I can send an invite.


My first game three friends, who had the game and told me I should try it, help get me started. Two of us start close together, one to our north, and the last unfortunate fellow to the WNW. I call him unfortunate because he spawned in a wasteland, us other 3 spawned in the pine forest biome. While the three of us make our way westward to meet up with our friend dogs find him, he re-spawns and no dogs but still to our west. We continue as before trying to all get together to help get me started, as this is my first grass punching, stone collecting and snowberry chomping experience. The man to our north is now just 400m away and the man in the wasteland is just 800m now, we have found a cabin. At that point boom, my unfortunate friend has found a mine, and he says screw this guys I'm calling it a night, another player also leaves. So my friend remaining and I board up the windows in the cabin, and go look for a water source. A town just 300m south of the cabin has a large house with a pool, we are in luck. We scoop up empty cans and empty jars full of murky water, then hop the fence to head back as it's 20:00. My friend notices clay nearby and tells me to dig, I have no idea why but I do as suggested, then we head to the cabin again.


First day in the books, we were once four but our number was cut in half, I learn to do the crafting stuffs over night. We have no cooking pot however, so cans of boiled water it is. Also no food was gathered so I am hungry and losing max health. Second day 06:00 arrives and we head to the town for food, a cooking pot and anything else I can get my grubby hands on. We find food, we find a cooking pot, I have no Idea what it means but my friend says there is one of each kind of store in this town. That must be good I guess, I am 3 hours in to my first 7D2D experience, at the end of this day my friend logs out for the night.


Now on my own I continue to explore, loot, craft and build defenses, well I die a lot too. I died 12 times in the first 15 days, mostly because falling off the roof at night is bad. I build pillars with catwalks leading from the roof to the pillar where I have a stand to shoot at zombies on each side of the house. I have placed wood spikes 2 rows deep all around the house, horde nights are a cakewalk. At this point I decide, when I die again I will start over playing "Survival", if you don't live you don't continue. A death means deletion of the game, back to grass punching and rock plucking. Day 29 found the last bit of chainsaw parts, and a third nearby city I have had the minibike since day 22, that extra storage sure is nice. Day 32 I think to myself, I remember two airdrops early in the game dropped west of the nearest town in the wasteland. Lets head that way on the bike, will zoom past any dogs, and blunderbuss any that get near while I'm grabbing the crates. Between the first and second crate the screen goes bloody at the same moment there is a crash/boom. Oh yea there are mines in the wasteland, that was stupid. The game name was "tecd" haven't fully explored it, but found the hub and two smaller towns within 1.5km of each other and the hub to the south and east-southeast.


Second game begins, I find a house with a forge on the edge of a pine forest and burned forest. third day I decide it's time to find a city for looting purposes I walk 12 km heading NE then south from there then back to the house as I found no city before 1600. Head to the nw through the burned forest, avoided that previously because I wasn't sure if dogs spawned there, and find a city 500m away. Back to the house end of day 3, still 4 days til the horde will build pillar towers for defense tomorrow and all will be well. 2300 on day 3, two screamers are at the door, and no way for me to shoot them. Double doors are breaking, throw down cobblestone frames in front of the door and the block breaking beside the door, fill those with cobble stone and shoot arrow after arrow slaughtering every zombie I can see. Screamers are down but still 12 zombies alive and hungry. Having no way to clear out the front door and two screamers visiting made this a short game.


Third game, map seed "tec" find a prison in a city 1km ne of the hub. City is half forest half plains, plenty of buildings for loot, using the roof of the prison as home, have 2 pillars in the street with catwalks, day 7 blood moon arrives. Raining down bolts from above, clobbering the horde as they whack at the chain link outside my building. Walk back to the roof, there are 2 legless guys down on the street wriggling but they can suffer whilst I grab a quick bite and some more bolts. Head to the chest grab bacon and eggs and another 250 iron bolts. On the way back to the catwalk the screen goes bloody as I hear a loud grunt, I turn and its one of those big tough bloated bastages. Switch to the blunderbuss, fire it into his head and neck area, he giggles then kills me. Lesson learned, using ladders is great as long as you break the bottom rung.


Fourth game, game named "omg". Lots of plains, desert and water, find a crossroads with a days end, a passngas and a house. Fortify the house and working on the days end, learned how great adobe is if you have more access to sand than rocks. Started using wood log spikes instead of wood spikes, because plains/desert have less wood. Everything going according to plan, day 7 horde no problem at all, things are looking up. Day 8 i find some gravel, get a trace of Iron, start to dig out at an angle because, well, I dug the shaft too deep, and lets move on to game five.


During game four I found these forums, learned about seeds and wanted to try "AnthonyWright ". Found a nice city, half pine forest, half burned forest. I take up residence on Buzz bar, connect catwalk to the passngas across the street, looting the days end, the brother theatre, bobs diner and popnpills. Morning of day 7 head out for a hunt I head west then south, 1 stag down, then 1 pig down. Found another trader nearby, and a pig running southwest from his place. Pig runs into the wasteland and falls over after 2 shots from the crossbow. Welp the greenish wasteland wasn't just some sort of fog. Learned this game you can make it 4 steps into radiation if you have 45hp, and also radiated areas look like a greenish wasteland without I-beam scrap iron on the ground.


Now for game six went with the same game name, nearby city had many large houses and a police station. City is half pine forest, half snow. Long story short, morning of day two walked out of the police station where I had holed up, went around to the side where I was going to place my ladder to the second story window and the rock in front of me turned around and growled. Met my first bear, and now we move to my current game.


Hopefully game seven will last a good long while, I chose the seed "JimiHendrix". Wake up and I am on a road, look around and I am on the western edge of the central hub city, everything is ruins and yellow fog to the east. As I sprint westward up a steep hill hoping like hell no dog sees me, I wonder if these "Fun Pimp" guys just don't care for Jimi. On the top of the hill I am greeted by green lots of trees and grass. I do my missions, while completing these I see to the west, desert and more forest biomes and what looks like roads crossing at a city. Get my settlement waypoint for the trader, and it's 4.2km away. Wow now it's been verified there is no love for Jimi here. Get into the city I spotted, and man does it look to be a great place, police station, theatre, ostrich hotel, shotgun messiah, passngas, crackabook, water treatment plant, large bunker, medium bunker, one of those food mart forts. Found a mining helmet, wrench, couple pistols, plenty of leather and 56 jars to fill on day one. The trader waypoint also updated to 2.2km nw of the town also, so at least two traders on this map. Maybe I was wrong about love for Jimi. So far only on night one, on top of the shotgun messiah, but hoping I am done making dumb mistakes and this game can last.


Really enjoying this game, never have been a zombie fan, but this game surviving, crafting, and building while slaying zombies has my interest. Bought the pc version through steam as well on Friday. If you made it this far thanks for reading, just wanted to share my experiences.

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It's always interesting to see how "real" players experience the game.


The guys 'round here with some 500-1000 hours played? Not such a great measuring stick for certain aspects of the game. ;)



An alternative to always restarting is to restart if your wellness drops below x.

So you may die but you can "recover from it"... potentially.

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I'm sure I will tire of punching grass eventually and stick with a build, but I've been playing since February 2nd, and for me any game that lets me do whatever I want will keep me interested for a long while. So while I don't think I mentioned it, I want to thank the devs for the amount of entertainment this game provides.

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After 137 days, my group found the mine in Nav. Holy crap we had fun with that. The wasteland is virtually unexplored as none of us are big fans of randomly exploding. ;) That might be our next project.


Glad you are enjoying the game. You must be on PS4? (No mention of crashing.)

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To keep things interesting... ABC, always be crafting... Get your skills up and if you run out of things to craft, build... I'm always building things, improving on the last. Read and tinker... People will always give you new things to try or a new way to do something... I understand after a certain point, it's probably mundane, and I've started over a cple times just because I wanted to go in a different direction completely... Enjoy and kill em all...

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Qoute: "Now for game six went with the same game name" this is a good opportunity to ask a question. I am playing on the same seed too. For anyone who is interested the seed name is AnthonyWright with 3 spaces at the end. I heard that It have 9 towns and 2 hubs so in total 11 towns (I don't know what a hub is so explanation would be appreciated) all pois except the booby trap and the oil factory I think. That is what I have heard. I am playing the seed for 60 hours and only came across 1 lake that is near the wasteland. But now to my actual question. I have heard that a seed can make small changes if I generate a world with it a few times is that true? I really don't know where I heard this.

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Qoute: "But now to my actual question. I have heard that a seed can make small changes if I generate a world with it a few times is that true? I really don't know where I heard this.


NO. The same seed will always result in the same world, except if the landscape generation programming is changed.

You can generate the world as many times you want to (I tried), and you'll get the same world again and again.


A hub in this game is a major town, like the central one. It has many multi-level buildings, and no individual houses, contrary to ordinary towns, which are in fact ... hamlets !

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Ya you have to stay busy doing stuff to keep your interests going.


Trying out the different buildings and building materials, and strategy depending on the local biome adds flavor.


After 137 days, my group found the mine in Nav. Holy crap we had fun with that. The wasteland is virtually unexplored as none of us are big fans of randomly exploding. ;) That might be our next project.


Glad you are enjoying the game. You must be on PS4? (No mention of crashing.)


Yes on PS4, and now dabbling some on PC.


Qoute: "Now for game six went with the same game name" this is a good opportunity to ask a question. I am playing on the same seed too. For anyone who is interested the seed name is AnthonyWright with 3 spaces at the end. I heard that It have 9 towns and 2 hubs so in total 11 towns (I don't know what a hub is so explanation would be appreciated) all pois except the booby trap and the oil factory I think. That is what I have heard. I am playing the seed for 60 hours and only came across 1 lake that is near the wasteland. But now to my actual question. I have heard that a seed can make small changes if I generate a world with it a few times is that true? I really don't know where I heard this.


When I refer to the Hub or hub city, on nearly every map I have played if you head to 0,0 coordinates there is a large city there lots of semi destroyed multistory buildings. No matter what the ground color on the map is, or the color of the vegetation it is wasteland. Dog's, puking police, and those big damned bees. For me not somewhere i want to be in the first couple of weeks of a game.

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I'm French, so please excuse me for my bad English.


Now as for my personal experience of this game :

First I must introduce myself.

I'm French, disabled due to a severe hearth disease. So I have plenty of time and I like video games.

I'm a former developer in accounting, rose from selling computer parts to network and security administrator.

I'm 50 year old.

I like playing video games and assembling papercrafts.

I'm currently playing on Playstation consoles family (and a few Nintendo games too).

I currently have 42 platinum PSN trophies (7DTD included), but I'm not a player nor a gamer, as I don't play for a living. I play for myself, I'm not a streamer.


I liked Minecraft and its ability to turn off monster so I could build anything I wanted to anywhere I saw fit to.

I wanted another game having both the ability to turn off monster, placing blocks to build and strong craft capacities.

7DTD was perfect for me, I bought it on Day One.


My first map (Navezgane with default settings) was full of zombies, as well as bugs. Bugs killed my toon more often than zombies, but I enjoyed the game, and I sticked to it.

I supported the devs on those forums as far as I could, as I understood they took a risk by releasing a non-completly debugged game on consoles (it's an heresy !). on the other hand, should have they waited in order to hunt all bugs, I would not be able to play it now.

My first bloodmoon was exactly the replica of the intro movie. I was ready, waiting for the horde ... and was killed less than 2 minutes later, the building in the snow biome I had hardened was wrecked. As I put my bedroll on 2nd floor, I respawned inside the building with an angry horde just below my feets. Hopefully, they had destroyed the stairs long before, so they could not go up.

But I was trapped, and it was clear they would destroy the entire house, so I escaped into the snow, and was unable to fight the dogs. I was chain-killed, respawned many times in the snow naked, at night and in the middle of a good raining weather ! So I got a trophy (try to guess which one ...) just for that.

I gave up the idea to have a fortified base, and gave up forever the idea to settle into an existing building. So I wen into nomad mode.

My belongings were into wooden chests on open ground, near my campfire, and for several weeks (real time), I ran and ran around the map, escaping zombies hordes rather than fighting them. I finally settled into a barn, but at night I was always on open ground running far from my camp.

So zombies chased me and ignored my belongings and I could dig without problems during the day.

I noticed I could drive bloodmoon hordes so far away (the other side of the map) they were scattered as they found me again, so I was able to fight bloodmoon hordes with stone axes and clubs.

Sometimes, I just died willingly in order to refill my food/water bars.

I was a poor looter, but a strong miner, and I managed to reach bottom level.

A chunk rewrite erased 9/10th of my mineshaft, so I started a new game.


My second map was also Navezgane, with default options. This time, I went directly to the bunker north of the map.

I noticed that once in stealth mode in the bunker, zombies did not notice me (even bloodmoon zombies).

This did not last long, as I dug, dug, dug and dug, and a major cave-in almost killed me and rendered the bunker useless for any defensive means.

So I went to Internet in order to learn the basics of structural integrity.


So I started a new map, for the first time a random generated map, and immediately turned zombies off.

I played more than 290 hours in those settings, preparing myself for the future zombies hordes. Looting, base building, mining, melting steel ingots, building concrete walls (reinforced with steel) for two fighting fortresses, looting guns parts, crafting ammo (mainly sniper and shotgun), stacking firsts aids kits from airdrops, upping my wellness, training wearing full-plate armour and fighting with sledgehammer.

Next, There were the PvP trophies (Alexander the Great) to earn for the platinum. As I was alone, and played only solo games (no PS Plus subscription too), I decided to use the explosive crossbow bolt/rocket launcher trick on splitscreen.

Rocket launcher ammo needed too many gunpowder, so I farmed and created during countless hours enough gunpowder to make 2500 explosive crossbow bolts.

Honestly, it was a nightmare, but eventually I was able to connect my 2nd controller and kill my 2nd toon 2500 times, earning the trophies.

Finally, I felt ready and enabled zombies. So I made my 2500 zombies kills for the trophy, more than half with the sledgehammer.

(Ironically, the trophy popped at the hospital of a Navezgane map I created for testing screamers behavior).

I could not stand bloodmon hordes, but I ran a little, scattered them as they do not move all at the same speed, and was able to kill them one by one.

So I got the platinum trophy, and left the game for a few weeks.


Patch 10 went out, so I started a new save, with zombies turned off. This time I owned the platinum trophy, so I didn't care of zombies anymore, I could play my block-placing and mining game as I saw fit. I'm still playing on this map, 227 hours later, as landmines have discouraged me from trying new features such as traders (92 hours of testing).

Sometimes, I turn on zombies if I want a shooting mini-game, but my playstyle is : mining, farming, razing destroyed buildings to the ground and reconstructing them.


Eventually, I play the game I was looking for, I still enjoy it, and in its promotional emails, Sony was eager to remind me 7DTD was the game I played the most (Diablo III in 2nd position).

I'm thankful to the devs to have made such a game I could customise for my pleasure to play it.

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Trying out the different buildings and building materials, and strategy depending on the local biome adds flavor.




Yes on PS4, and now dabbling some on PC.




When I refer to the Hub or hub city, on nearly every map I have played if you head to 0,0 coordinates there is a large city there lots of semi destroyed multistory buildings. No matter what the ground color on the map is, or the color of the vegetation it is wasteland. Dog's, puking police, and those big damned bees. For me not somewhere i want to be in the first couple of weeks of a game.

You should have seen me when I lootet the crack a book store in that area.

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Man, I love hearing about new experiences from people who are just coming to the game. I've been playing since console release, so I really take a lot of my knowledge for granted. This game is really unforgiving to new players. The Fun Pimps give you a couple little quests and then say good luck essentially. It sounds like you are already getting the hang of things, but what I did to learn more about the game was read the forums, watch youtube videos, and watch twitch streams. But, I didn't do that until I had beat my face into the wall a few times first. It definitely is more enjoyable to learn some of the nuances of the game on your own.

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This game is really unforgiving to new players. The Fun Pimps give you a couple little quests and then say good luck essentially


I would not say unforgiving, as death penalty is light as you begin the game (wellness drops from 100 to a bottom 70).

The game is meant you WILL die a lot, just take a look at the game name "7 days to DIE" !

So don't consider dying as a failure, but as an opportunity to learn new game mechanics and to avoid this type of death next time.

It's a game based on the pleasure of discovery, take your time and die a lot doing so !

P.S. : on consoles, you have a trophy for dying ... A LOT of times, the trophy exists for a reason ...


BTW, you're right, don't farm youtube videos nor forums if you begin, try to guess by yourself, it's more fun !

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Survived day two, only posting because i feel I got extremely lucky. Went to the Working Stiffs in town checking through the crates and one of them held a caliper and tool and die set. Any remarks made about TFP not having love for Jimi is now out the window, and I am very sorry for doubting you.


I do know it's RNG but just trying to have a little fun here.

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Survived day two, only posting because i feel I got extremely lucky. Went to the Working Stiffs in town checking through the crates and one of them held a caliper and tool and die set. Any remarks made about TFP not having love for Jimi is now out the window, and I am very sorry for doubting you.


I do know it's RNG but just trying to have a little fun here.


I was lucky to fine caliper and tool die cast set in same box at stiff working tool place. I ended up making a base on the roof top. Besides a tunnel connecting to the bathroom as well. But after that MD5 bug I haven't played it in over two weeks now.

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So a stroke of luck or a bug. I died the evening of day 3(Wednesday the 21st), rage quit before I got the spawn on the bed option and closed the application. Log back in yesterday(Thursday the 22nd) choose to spawn on my bed and the game loads me into the spot I died instead of my bedroll. The zombie that killed me drops to the floor, beside my dropped belt from my death. I loot them both and take what I've gathered back to the temporary base I have. A little later while crafting after 2200 i look at my score and it shows no deaths. I figure by rage-quitting and not waiting for the game to save properly I caused this so it likely isn't a bug, but it does seem exploitable if it can be replicated.


I do have a question about airdrops. Do they disappear randomly for everyone, is them disappearing a bug or a feature? I have had 3 games where I mark an x for the location of the drop on the map. I go to collect it later and nothing is there. It isn't every drop but it has happened in multiple games now, do certain biome types consume the box, like the burned forest burns it up if you don't pick it up in x amount of time?

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So a stroke of luck or a bug. I died the evening of day 3(Wednesday the 21st), rage quit before I got the spawn on the bed option and closed the application. Log back in yesterday(Thursday the 22nd) choose to spawn on my bed and the game loads me into the spot I died instead of my bedroll. The zombie that killed me drops to the floor, beside my dropped belt from my death. I loot them both and take what I've gathered back to the temporary base I have. A little later while crafting after 2200 i look at my score and it shows no deaths. I figure by rage-quitting and not waiting for the game to save properly I caused this so it likely isn't a bug, but it does seem exploitable if it can be replicated.


I do have a question about airdrops. Do they disappear randomly for everyone, is them disappearing a bug or a feature? I have had 3 games where I mark an x for the location of the drop on the map. I go to collect it later and nothing is there. It isn't every drop but it has happened in multiple games now, do certain biome types consume the box, like the burned forest burns it up if you don't pick it up in x amount of time?


Yeah, so the game autosaves every so often (i'm not sure on what the actual timing on it is). It also autosaves when you go through the quit option in the menu. So by force closing the app you are going to end up at the last autosaved moment. What I do find strange is that your stuff did drop though from a death.


As for the airdrops, they should still be at their location even after you leave. I tend to mark them if I don't plan on getting to them that play time and they are always there. The box should never be consumed by anything, but maybe some zombies hit it and destroyed it if you were close enough for them to spawn near it? Seems strange. That shouldn't be happening though. I have went back to an old area like 50 something days later and found an air drop that I hadn't marked. So time has nothing to do with it as far as I know.

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I have had 3 games where I mark an x for the location of the drop on the map. I go to collect it later and nothing is there.


I experienced (PS4) a few airdrops bugs in previous patches, there was an airdrop, but I was so low (bottom level aka bedrock) the crate felt ... not on the ground but buried - below ground level. (and FAR below from ground level).

For info, ground level was +80ish meters elevation on this map (mountains north of main town, +47 meters high, on map WnJ)

With the markers on my map, I managed to recover one of them, but I gave up to recover the two other ones.

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I know on PS4, if you miss an airdrop and go back close enough to the general direction, it'll show up again on your map... I miss them all the time depending on where I am and what I'm doing when it drops... I usually go on a drive with the bike and go collecting


When they drop I use the map and put a marker on the map where they are every time. I have gone to collect a few and they are gone, I've made a 50 meter circle around them walking, just in case I marked them incorrectly, they just aren't there. I also am on PS4.

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I got this game well over a year ago. I had no idea what I was doing, and there was no journal to explain anything. I didn't know I needed a lot to boil water, and I found out about dysentery quickly. The temperature mechanic didn't help much. To top things off, my very firdt build collapsed as I was expecting a building mechanic more in line with Minecraft.


I almost put the game down, but I liked the idea. Instead I hit You Tube. I learned a lot from Skippy, and Games4Kickz, and ZNation. And while the building isn't exactly the same from PC to console, the basics are.

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I know on PS4, if you miss an airdrop and go back close enough to the general direction, it'll show up again on your map... I miss them all the time depending on where I am and what I'm doing when it drops... I usually go on a drive with the bike and go collecting

If you set it to 168 hours the package will drop on the day after horde night. That is pretty comfortable.

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