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Arrow going back in hand after custom weapon


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Are you modding the game? Did you add a custom bow or crossbow? Are you finding that the arrow "sticks" in your hand after you switch from those weapons? Then you're in luck, because this is how you fix it!


First, thanks to Xyth for showing this to me, and TormentedEmu for showing it to me again, and to Xyth ONCE MORE because after I forgot how the first two times, he was kind enough to show me again. =)


The lesson is, when Xyth speaks, write crap down.


All you have to do is add an empty object on the new model called ProjectileJoint, where you want the arrow/bolt to go after you're done. If you leave the name alone as Projectilejoint then you don't need to do /anything/ with the xmls.




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Alternatively, try TormentedEmu's fixes to this issue. She's a coding goddess and is taking the mod section by storm. :)




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So the issue is the game looks for an object called ProjectileJoint to put the arrow or bolt after you fire, but if it doesn't see one, it just says "okay, we'll stick it to the righthandjoint".

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