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What does MD 5 mean?


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It happens to some xbox 1 users and the very occasional ps4 player. Essentially, your build is deleted and replaced with whatever was originally there when you first started the game. If you build a massive base in an open field, then you might start up one day to find nothing but the field you started with and all of your hard work gone.


The best way to avoid it is to completely shut down the game every hour or so and restart to clear the cache. You should also always make back up saves in case the unthinkable happens.

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Maybe they should cut the world down to a 4km radius...


Aren't random Gens already about that size? I seem to remember hitting the rad zone at less than 4 km on maps that I explored that far. Besides, MD5's happen on Navezgane map as well which is only about 2 km radius.


I wonder why they don't consider a different hash algorithm, perhaps sha 1 which is a 160 bit algorithm versus MD5 which is a 128 bit, thus reducing the chance of collisions while not significantly increasing the processing time. Of course, with the little bit of info we have on this problem, my question may well be nothing but nonsense as I am only guessing that the continued reference to MD5 as the problem means MD5 collisions which may not be the problem at all.


There has also been mentioned that this problem may well be a memory leak issue, where RAM gets tied up. Again, smoke and mirrors, guesses and speculation.


The only thing I know for certain is that since I have begun shutting my game down every 90 min and restarting, I have had very few crashes, all of which have happened while playing private games with 3-4 players. Then again, at the same time as I instituted this procedure, my ISP upgraded speeds to actual 80+/6+.


Those who are familiar with the game save mechanics and how it works have remained steadfastly silent about the subject, so our continued discussion serves little more than a method by which we can vent our frustrations as we patiently wait for a real fix.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Aren't random Gens already about that size? I seem to remember hitting the rad zone at less than 4 km on maps that I explored that far. Besides, MD5's happen on Navezgane map as well which is only about 2 km radius.


I wonder why they don't consider a different hash algorithm, perhaps sha 1 which is a 160 bit algorithm versus MD5 which is a 128 bit, thus reducing the chance of collisions while not significantly increasing the processing time. Of course, with the little bit of info we have on this problem, my question may well be nothing but nonsense as I am only guessing that the continued reference to MD5 as the problem means MD5 collisions which may not be the problem at all.


There has also been mentioned that this problem may well be a memory leak issue, where RAM gets tied up. Again, smoke and mirrors, guesses and speculation.


The only thing I know for certain is that since I have begun shutting my game down every 90 min and restarting, I have had very few crashes, all of which have happened while playing private games with 3-4 players. Then again, at the same time as I instituted this procedure, my ISP upgraded speeds to actual 80+/6+.


Those who are familiar with the game save mechanics and how it works have remained steadfastly silent about the subject, so our continued discussion serves little more than a method by which we can vent our frustrations as we patiently wait for a real fix.


I'm guessing its a memory leak. Also the frequent every 2 hours dash boarded. I just got my second MD5 bug on same Navezgane server on XBOX1. Day 240 it happened at work bench and the graphics in the menu started flickering. If you get a flicker its time to back out of game and close it out and fire it back up Flickering is a confirmed MD5 is about to happen.

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