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Unused 'filler' prefabs?

Crater Creator

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Has anyone ever seen a mailbox, street light, or street sign that wasn't part of a larger point of interest in a random world?


This group of prefabs is theoretically included in every city-, town-, and rural-sized hub in 16.4 Vanilla's rwgmixer.xml:

<prefab_rule name="detailFillerGroup">
<prefab name="mailbox1" prob="0.25"/>
<prefab name="street_light_01" prob="0.25"/>
<prefab name="street_light_02" prob="0.25"/>
<prefab name="sign_slow"/>
<prefab name="sign_speed_25"/>
<prefab name="sign_speed_35"/>
<prefab name="sign_speed_45"/>
<prefab name="sign_73_north"/>
<prefab name="sign_73_south"/>
<prefab name="sign_albuquerque"/>
<prefab name="sign_phoenix"/>
<prefab name="tree_burntpine_01"/>
<prefab name="tree_burntpine_02"/>
<prefab name="tree_burntpine_03"/>
<prefab name="water_tower_03" />


But looking at some seeds in the previewer, it's pretty apparent these tiny prefabs never appear (except when they're already referenced elsewhere). Why not?

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That's actually fine for my purposes. The problem is I can't get them to spawn in hubs, even if I comment out all other prefabs. Then I looked at vanilla, and discovered they're already set to spawn, but they never seem to do so.


In your prefab folder look for the .xml files of the prefab


search for this line:

<property name="Zoning" value="any" /> <- change that "any"



<property name="Zoning" value="ResidentialOld,ResidentialNew,Commercial,downtown,industrial" />

(just pick what zones you want them in)


The "any" only works periodically for whatever reason. So you need to designate the zones by their actual names.


Basically what n2n1 was getting at.

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Okay, so what zones are valid? Is "Commercial" hard coded, or does specifying a "commercialGroup" prefab rule in rwgmixer in effect create a zone called "Commercial"?


Everything in my example line are the valid zone names that need to be added to a poi in the prefab folder.

The prefabs .xml in the prefab folder are what dictate what prefabs can spawn, in what zones.


The rwgmixer poi list/groups are just names for convenience. ResidentialOld, ResidentialNew, Commercial, Industrial, Downtown could be named anything you want.


You could just put all the pois in one giant group like: CCPOIs and they would automatically get placed in the correct zones as dictated by the prefab.xml.


The "Zones" themselves are hard coded and Random in size, we have no control on how big or small they get per hub (atm) No idea if we will later on though.

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