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Please note:

Mod is a Work-In-Progress, updates will be frequent.


"No matter where I turn there are undead walkers heading toward's me trying to chew my cheeks off! I keep knocking'em down ..but they just keep coming. It's like a never ending sea of nightmares tiding in my direction, If only there was some place safe, away from this madness, a place where I could rest my weary head for a moments peace, ..and single nights rest. Oh well, guess I'll keep dreaming", ..thought the survivor to himself as he cracked another rotten skull with his blood soaked spiked bat, laying another supernatural creature of the damned at his feet to rest, hopefully for good...


Probably not for new players :p


Download Links!


Release Version 1.0.3 (unfinished basically)

(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the game directory where you have this mod installed)



UMATextures Quarter Size (87.47MB)

(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the 7DaysToDie_tWBm/Data.. folder where the UMATextures folder is located, this will overwrite the existing folder and textures, click 'yes' to replace)



UMATextures Half Size (298.97MB)

(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the 7DaysToDie_tWBm/Data.. folder where the UMATextures folder is located, this will overwrite the existing folder and textures, click 'yes' to replace)





Installation Note:

It is best practice to install the base mod, then the patch's/hotfix's in chronological order.

Ordered is most recent at the top.



(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the game directory where you have this mod installed)



Patch 1.0.2

(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the game directory where you have this mod installed)



Patch 1.0.1

(Unzip then drop this folder's contents into the game directory where you have this mod installed)



Release Version 1.0(b) Data

(both; Config & UMATextures folders included)

*All-Inclusive download, see the provided read-me.txt for easy-to-follow install instructions









[table=width: 500, class: outer_border, align: center][tr][td]


There are UMA zombies in this mod, if you download and install the config only you bake the UMA textures on first boot-up (this took me 20-25 mins to do, for you it might not take AS long) ..it is best not to do anything else on the computer while the game bakes them, it may corrupt the process and your UMA's might look weird.


You can however avoid all that and download the textures I provided. [/tr][/td][/TABLE]


[table=width: 500, class: outer_border, align: center]



*This mod is heavily tailored for Default difficulty, lowering or raising the difficulty may ruin the experience.


  • XML mod
  • High number of general zombie population.
  • Challenging and balance fighting.
  • Run at acceptable frame-rate on 4gb system, with low-end 2gb gfx card (my current limitations).




  • High Zombie Population
  • NO locked Recipes
  • Valmars Class System (with tWBm classes)
  • New Guns and Ammo
  • Some new Perks and adjustments to existing Skills and Perks
  • Altered Looting Groups
  • Short Tutorial Quest
  • Traders, Vendors and Currency
  • New Armor Tier
  • Some New Clothing Variations
  • Chicken Coup Station



[table=width: 500, class: outer_border, align: center]


[td]Main Changes

Many of the changes are minor and not necessarily listed here.


Increased Biome Spawns

20 generic zombies per area

(mainly 2 day delay, 0.5 at wasteland day, 1 at wasteland night)


Vulture group biome spawns at Desert, Wasteland and Snow,

(2 day delay)


Scout group biome spawns at Forest, Pine Forest, Wasteland, Burnt Forest and Snow

(14 day delay)


Feral's Spawn in POI's

Looting ain't easy


RWG, Cell size 1200, Map gen size 5k

commented-out sky scrappers (performance preference)


Biomes are Vanilla,


No underground ore-veins, except in the Water biome


Biome decorations are Vanilla,


Grass quartered,

Dead Shrub probability reduced,

Added Human and Animal remains loot-container gore blocks


Interesting Looting

Varied items found in containers.


Trash, Cars, Stumps, Backpacks, Crates and Houses contain more, varied, and common loot in tWBm.


Harvesting Gore

Animals harvest-able as'in vanilla. Zombie gore no as it is time-consuming and gets in the way of bashing zombies, especially at low level and 350hp per block.



Nothing new in model/texture just functionality.

  • Air Rifle
  • Scoped Crosbow
  • Scoped Air Rifle
  • Scoped Hunting Rifle
  • Tazer Pistol
  • The Judge
  • GLock17 Machine Pistol
  • Desert Eagle
  • Assault Shotgun
  • M16 Assault Rifle

Guns, weapons and ammo are more readily available in tWBm.


Head.damage.bonus x2 ..on almost all weapons and tools.

Zombies are generally tougher having more HP than in vanilla!

Aim for the head! ..if you don't already.



Riot armor you can craft but also get it all from ZombieRiot drops.



Most vanilla recipes the same, ..a small amount are different.



Tougher to obtain lockable chests and all are generally smaller than vanilla and or other mods.


Vanilla Zombies,

The zombies in the entityclass.xml have been 'optimized',

nothing that doesn't need to (afaik) clutters extended classes.

Only relevant differing code to class.

Minor alterations to some classes.


No rad zeds except the FeralZombieCop.

FeralWight takes Spider role as vertical climber.


UMA Zombies,

36 Uma Zombie Classes. 35 feral variants



New Perks, some edits to existing.


Max Lv 250

5 points earned per level.

x2.5 Exp-to-Level Requirement.

(for a more lengthly, strategic progression experience)


Valmod Class System

Special thanks to Valmar!


Every class begins with weapon/s, some have more than others (policemen and security guards do not carry hunting-knives, but they do have iron clubs, for example) the only one without a ranged hand held weapon is the Engineer.


Inside of the class case is a survival pack, and inside that is some more gear to help you get started, first-aid kit/bandage, a few repair kits, some but not much raw metal, and very poor minibike. If you don't want the items bin them! but I guarantee you'll be glad you have them soon enough!




[table=width: 500, class: outer_border, align: center]


[td]Known Bugs:


  • The zombie tint material/s sometimes appear with odd colors or textures.
  • ZombieSoldier and ZombieSoldierFeral Texture/s do not appear ass they should.
  • Missing Stainless Steel blocks at some traders.
  • Some starter items, like bike parts wrong quality.




Good Luck on your adventures!

And may your days be more than 7!

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Coming Soon!


Version 1.1


Patch version 1.0.3 has been canceled in favor of mod version 1.1 which includes a number of new features. Due to the recent performance increase after resize of textures underground ores will return to the biomes.

*In a previous unreleased version of tWBm. I found the removal of the veins to be slightly beneficial to the overall fps issue's, that along with decoration removal/decrease and a number of other things, but it seems the biggest hog of memory was infact the original size uma textures. But this is a solved issue now for 4gb systems with the 2/4 and 1/4 size variant textures, performance has been boosted greatly.


Main Features/Changes:

* Class vending machines. (containing the class primary, secondary and top weapons, ammo, stations, food, water and medicines)

* Class quests to obtain the vending machines.

* New Classes (yet to be named)

* Rewarding quests for more much needed Skill Points.

* New Skill: ClothesCraftingSkill

* New food recipes, fertilizer and more..

* Large First aid kit & Bandage + 1/2 hp gain of regular(kit), (Large buff bandage)

* Stainless Steel Pickaxe and Fireaxe + 1/4 entity/block damage and durability of steel variety.

* Iron and Steel Spiked club variants, require iron and steel darts to craft.

* Steel Sledgehammer (Barbarians top weapon).

* oldRusty(starter), Small, Large and ExLarge engines for bikes.

* Large Insecure/Secure Box's

* Fire Arms overhaul. (more accurate representations (stat-wise) and some more new guns.

* TailorsTable (station) for crafting some (limited selection) of white clothing items, using cloth mostly, but some leather and zippers)

* DyeStation (station) for coloring some (limited selection) of white clothing items, using dye crafted by player, and found in loot.

* Reorganizing of some loot-groups and containers. Making looting more rewarding.

* Reorganizing of some trader-groups (stocks more different items).

* More challenging spawning and biome-specific spawn groups returned. Spreads out any good loot dropped by zeds encourages travel/diversity.

* Slight Decrease of screamer population night time (filtered)

* Wight biome spawn group at night time (filtered)

* Feral zombies spawn in biomes at night

* MiniBoss zombies spawn day, feral variants spawn night. (filtered)

* Bedroll recipe return to normal (but no buff), new item; sleeping bag (with buff).

* Ladder Stacks return to normal.

* Increased harvest of cars

* Greater chance of tire from road blocks

* Slight nerf to sliced meat - fullness from 3 to 2

* Increased chance of finding brass in trash

* ZombieMiner drop ironOre fixed to drop ironFragments

* More new custom Icons

* Custom Prefab/s

* And more..


Stay tuned for the release!


Prefabs Thread

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The Walke-Bait Way



(I guess)


Why do I have to pick a class? ..and why do I start with so many items, guns and a bike already!? Isn't this all a bit too easy..?


Yes and No. Here's why..


I have clocked up 1500hrs + in my time in alpha 15-16 (ok thats not much compared to some ppl) but mostly I have always played the early game - why? My time has been split among servers for the most part, pvp servers more than pve servers. I like the added risk/reward and strategy's of surviving in a populated world where others and I have the ability to knock one and other off. I like playing in a group and competing in that group with other groups. The times I have played pve usually I log in a day or two later and my mates are handing me high lvl gear anyway. I have played the hunter and gatherer more times than I care to admit, doing the supply runs for feathers and meat ect, leveling my archery skills - yes a Bow & Arrow is my favorite weapon and most used in 7days, i'm actually a fairly decent shot (if I do say so myself, on a good day.) ..Yeah ok.. but back to the point?? Basically speaking the early game is fun and all, and it can be a challenge for new players, but the early vanilla game is way too easy for me now personally, schematics while not too bad can be a pain online. Not only but the big mods on here often require 8gb+ to run, so I don't run em, I made this instead :)


Classes are a neat way of role-playing beyond simply selecting a character, in my humble opinion. I understand the game is not in beta so I don't complain about the missing story-line, lack of end-game and general alpha things.


Sure In this mod all players can wind up being equally good at all things, but I had single-players in-mind during the design process, as-well-as co-operators. This is why the only common gun shared amongst classes is the Pistol. If the world ended and it became riddled with zombies and I was forced to leave my house to hunt and gather, I certainly wouldn't be stepping out the door naked with nothing but a bandage, a torch a can of chili and a bottle of water. Nope, I'd make sure I had some clothes on, some homemade or otherwise armor on, and enough weapons and tools to get on with. Many people could fashion some kinda motorized minibike provided they had access to the bits and pieces. But being as the given minibike's in the mod rarely go faster than a running player does, I don't see it as being OP necessarily. You still gotta maintain it, feed it, upgrade it ect, else you'll soon be without one and soon sitting on your butt cheeks wondering why you weren't more appreciative of the small things in life, and more carefully handed with them. With maps being as big as they are and I prefer not to have to run around them if I don't need too. I imagine other experienced players have a similar feeling sometimes when they start a new game? Fist thing on my priority list is usually Bike.


Plus if you wanna bin the damn thing you can always go right ahead and do that. But as soon as your 5hr safety bubble pops, your gonna be in a world of hurting, especially when your stamina runs out - believe me.


So what do I do once I've picked my class and hit the road?


One of two things really. You can search for a suitable POI to claim as your own until your ready to go and start a build, OR.. using the poor quality fire-axe you left home with - you could set about gathering Wood Logs from trees, or wood in general from dead shrubs and the like. And build a base right away, your choice, but just remember the zombies will begin spawning anytime after you leave the area you spawned in, so if your on-foot, watch your back, I guarantee they will be coming for it too. You'll quickly learn to watch your back playing this mod if you dont do so already...


Yes there are alot of zombies spawning around you, but they are considerably weaker when it comes to attacking you.. "They might not look much one at a time.. but when there's a few of'em, all riled-up and hungry, you watch your ass!" (Morgan, tWD)


I reduced the wood logs hitpoints from the (300 I think it was or 400) to 150, so they are not over-powered as an early building block, but they provide just enough protection for you too be able to survive a night without spikes if you are careful. Day 2 you WILL want to make some kinda defense (spikes usually) to protect that build.


The tutorial quest asks only for you place your bedroll down, after that its off to the nearest trader! By the time you get there and usually before you can have a full inventory of things to sell to the trader - much of it not very profitable but you might be lucky. You start with 500 bucks, but that ain't nothing, barely enough to buy food and drinks in the trader even stocks any. One thing he will have tho, is ammo - and plenty to suit! But again, that 500 aint gonna stretch far at all, good job some people were carrying wallets and purses containing cash on them as they died and became zombies! Free money! How doesn't like free money!? Well, you gotta earn it but the poor undead folk dont need it now - so take it!


The zombies 'pop' to gore blocks almost instantly (dupe prevention) and their HP has been reduced from 300 (i think it was) to a mere 60.. this is a QoL service among other things, sure your likely too lose a few loot opportunity's here and there due to a cheeky stone on the floor where the zombie entity became dead for good, your likely too lose a few loot opportunity's trash and other gore blocks ..but cant make things too easy for folk now can we :p There is nothing to harvest from the 'popped' zombies beyond loot, just whack'em to clear the surface they grace. You don't want guts and brains on yer boots m8! And you wanna make room for the next unfortunate.. Femur, RottenFlesh and AnimalFat items are droppped as loot from the zombies, the order written is common to least common, but none of them is rare. You'll soon have plenty.


The zombies tend to drop alot of cloth items, most of these can be scrapped for resource, as they don't fetch much bread but there are some valuable ones too which helps a bit. If you'r unlucky you will struggle for food and drink in the early game, it is not terribly common in zombie loot nor is it too high on the list in cupboards and other such places, there are still some bounty-full places tho, like grocery stores ect..


Which bring me to my next point, taking a POI early will require you to fight the Feral Zombies who have been boarded up indoors often for a while and who are more eager to tuck into you (this is how I justify the running zombies to myself - never liked em honestly, too fast cant hit em with lag ect ect BUT zombies (according to TWD) DO become more active after dark - so thats another snippet that helps me accept the runners) The Ferals have x2 HP of their generic counter-parts, which are already souped up from vanilla ones in most if not all occasions, but with the head.damage.bonus x2 aswell, its not too noticeable if your accurate. The slightly higher HP allows the zeds to roam longer (i believe) and if attacked at body only (say on spikes) also live live longer to get at you.. might not mean alot when there is 1 of them, but when there is 30-40.. your gonna wanna shoot carefully or run like Forrest.


Wandering hordes are fairly big, probably too big in some instances but I like a challenge - I figure your the same? must be if you read this far already :D Horde Nights are pretty populated too, I guess players and servers have ultimate control over these things tho, but they do get harder (more zombies and stronger types) as the game-stage increases. I've yet to experience them all myself but the one's I have I can tell you have been many and varied. Holy s**t the dogs! I love em and nailed em all solo with a crossbow mostly and at the same time took a ton of biome zeds AND a zed horde too - It was super fun for day 2 and had I been a little less careful Id have easily died, they come quick those dogs do.


Lots of different items have been added to lots of different loot containers - I like the randomness personally, I've thrown out bags of grass and dirt before so I expect to find that stuff in trash bags on occasion, clothes too. I also expect to find junk books of-which you will.. But you'll also get useful books too. But no schematics - they are ok as a game mechanic in vanilla but fo the time being in this mod they aren't a thing.


Well I hope this has helped explain some of what this mod is all about!


If you do play it and like or dont like it - I'd appreciate if you left some reasons as too why or why not ect - I like it and thats why I released it to you awesome guys n gals here ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...



1.1, In-Development, Dead Is Dead, Series. - Dicey Plays (Yours Truly)

*1.1, en desarrollo, Dead Is Dead, Series.









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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Good to have you on-board Proteus12! (Seen your reply earlier but didnt wanna post here without anything to add)


However there have been some more changes since I last updated this thread, tho I'm yet to update the information - I'll get round to doing that later today.


With a bit of luck I will be releasing this mod today too" ..well version version 1.0 anyway :)


Currently ironing out what I have as best I can before I do release, I want to avoid patching it right away If I can help it, kinda why its taken me so long to release - that and I keep changing things up, I will list the Main Changes in the OP later this evening (its 15:40 here in the UK atm). Cant say exactly what time the mod will be available but I hope no later than 20:00/21:00 tonight.


I have to release this mod before it becomes a different project altogether. I have another one on the go which stems from this one somewhat but which doesn't have my ram limitations in-mind as much as this does, but that mod is a WIP and most likely wont see a release before a17 hits.

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Hey there!


I released this 2 days ago but overlooked some things and took the links down, since then I have amended the oversights and uploaded the revised edition of version1.0 Config folder, (UMAtextures are the same) ..this mod IS ready for testing, I don't run a server so I am relying on any one here who is interested and kind enough to leave the mod some feedback >.>


*The all-inclusive is being uploaded at this time, will be done in 30-40 mins or so..


Me and a friend were playing v1.0 on his dedicated server for a few hours yesterday with no real issues. There is a small hang (for me)when the biome zeds are initially spawning but it isn't a long hang and when they are in theres little difference in frames from usual :)


This is primarily a combat-mod, I'm a HUGE walking dead tv series digester (more so the initial 5 series than the later but they are all great). My favorite episode was the one where they cleared the Prison. Something about that co-operative on-the-edge kill or be killed feeling I like.


It is not uber-crazy, you get a 2 day break compared to vanilla instead of a 4 break once you clear and area, BUT areas DO have x10 the amount of biome spawned entity's vanilla has, thats 20 zombies per area. Head shots are x2 effective than vanilla and it is probably easier to play this mod in a group with friends. (for amaze-balls skull-cracking fun set the biome respawndelay to 0.15 - thats some proper madness right there HAHA)


This mod is developed to date only by me. I will continue to develop it but I'm taking a small break coz I been at it like crazy last few weeks :p


I have another project but no thread about it yet, but I guess I'd like some feedback on this one before I infect this forum any further lol


Cheers 1 n all

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Patch 1.0.1 Available for download

*Link added to OP


Patch Notes:


This changes storage boxes any storage boxes or crates containing your items will need to b placed into Cabinet Tops (wood=10) or poi containers before adding the update (if you want to access them after installing the patch)


It is recommended to start a new game, especially if using the now unavailable version 1.0(a)


Patch 1.0.1


  • Added an intermediate bow tier, the Hunting Bow, recipe, and parts.
  • Added recipe's for Scoped Air Rifle & Scoped Hunting Rifle.
  • Air Rifle degredation rates changed from 10,15 to 9,9, and degredation max from 150,600 to 1200,3500
    (making the gun more usefull)
  • Air Rifle enitity damage changed from 9,18 to 10,24
    (making the gun more powerful)
  • Reset repair items for club spiked, club barbed crossbow and sledgehammer.
    (changes left over from a previously unreleased edition)
  • Replaced the vanilla quest items that were previously commented out and added them to loot.
    (zombies with the skillBooks lootgroup have a chance to drop them)
  • Fixed Heavy Bandit Armor recipes which required a workbench tool.
  • Corrected value errors in gamestages.xml
    (wandering horde num & maxalive)
  • Generic zombie's now run at night.
  • Feral zombies run faster than in v1(b) ..but slightly slower than in vanilla - because there are so many of them.
  • added: property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value=0.5 ..to biome spawns to help with the initial spawn hang's I get (seems to work)
  • added 'Mods' folder, mods.xml, walkerbaiticons (folder) and hunting bow custom icon
    (my art skills are lacking but more will follow)
  • Localization ammends to player crates, purse, dufflebag, and more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A small text just for tell you that your mod is great. Thanks for share. It's a new expérience and it's very appreciate..
Thank you :) ..and you are welcome!



I'll second that this is an interesting mod, and I'm enjoying it so far. The only bug I've discovered is the Null Reference Error when I kill the Zombie Hag, or try to loot her remains.
Thank you too! :) And thanks for the report, I'll add it to the list of things to be fixed - cheers


When try to download got error: Cannot obtain URL, file too large.
Which one are you attempting to download? ..if you grab the config/xmls only, and allow the game to bake the umatextures on 1st boot - the config/xmls only is a small download.
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Patch 1.0.2 Available for download

*Link also added to OP


Patch Notes:


Not a massive update but one that needed doing.

*Thanks again to CrypticGirl for reporting error - You Rock :smile-new:


Patch 1.0.2


  • Fixed Null Reference Error - Zombie Hag.
  • Fixed Ferals run during daytime.
  • Removed vanilla Leather recipe.
  • WoodLogPillar100 and WoodPillar100 recipe ingredient values fixed to reflect wood gains via wood recipe.
  • cntbackpack04 localization amended.
  • Engineer class; clubWood & huntingKnife removed - replaced with clawHammer.
  • Blunderbuss recipe variant added.
  • Some custom icons added.

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Okay, after playing some more, I have some questions/concerns.


1. Skill points – You only get five per level, which, if you add up the points from that to player level 250, equals 1,245 in total. After calculating the cost of all the perks, that's nowhere near enough to purchase them all. Like, now that the Miner 69er perk caps at Lvl 11, that alone costs a whopping 810 points to max out! Run Forest Run costs 555 points to max out. Those two perks alone add up to 1,365, which already exceeds the skill points you earn by player leveling. I did notice that there are "self-help books" which earn you 1, 3, or 5 points, which is a good idea, but I've played up to Day 7, and I haven't found a single one. How rare are they supposed to be? I understand that you were aiming for slower progression in this mod, but this just feels impossible.


2. The random books (i.e. "Fairy Tales for Girls", "Don't Buy This Book", "Awesome Book of Blank Paper", etc.). Is there any point to them, or are they just there to be scrapped or sold? There's a button to read them, but it's grayed out. Is there a special requirement? Additionally, the "Money from Nothing" book description says it increases your bartering skills, but the "Read" button is grayed out on that, too.


3. The old cash stacks to 99999, which is way more than the game can handle. Anything stacking higher than 30k will disappear when you place it in storage, or log out of the game.


4. The 1.0.2 patch seems to have broken something else, because now I'm getting repeated Null Reference Errors when I go near trader settlements, but they stop when I move away from them. Vending machines also give an endless string of errors.

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Hotfix Available for download

*Link also added to OP


Hotfix Notes:


  • Skill Point Book probability's Increased
  • Skill Books and Craft Books Added to more loot containers, with higher probabilitys of discovery.
    *All zombies now have a decent chance to drop the usefull books.
  • Money From Nothing Fixed
  • Null Referance at Trader Fixed
  • OldCash stack size set to 24999
  • Junk Books Read Tab removed


Thanks again CrypticGirl! ..You are most kind and proving very useful - thanks a bunch :)


1. I was aware of the skill point issue, my friend suggested I increase the amount rewarded per level. But I decided instead to add skill point books. I had planned to make some very rewarding custom quests too, but as I was unaware anyone had even tried the mod, I took a break from its development. But thats not the case now, so I will put the quests at the top of my priority list! :D


I did have the idea that players would need to prioritse their skill point spending and not buy stuff on the fly without consideration but with the skill point books priority set as low as they were your right in saying it would be an impossible task. I hope now that we are more lucky in finding them! they should appear at least on occasion now. They have been added to lockers and file cabinets among other places.


2. My initial idea for the junk books was to have them negatively affect player skill points when if read but I had errors when I tried to impliment it. So I scrapped the idea and imagined they would be useful anyway as selling items or towards paper stock.


3. As for the stacksizes I wasn't aware of the limitation regarding them, I rarely have over 10k at my disposal as Im back n forth the traders very often (thanks for bringing that to my attention!, I hope nobody lost any cash due to this :o )


4. The trader is good to go :)



I really appreciate your feedback! and feel free to share any thoughts or ideas you might have regarding the mod :)


Im glad you have enjoyed it to this point.


*PS: When I die ingame I start a new world (uber rage quitter me LOL) Last time I got to day 4, the snow zombie horde got me ..I was outta stamina >< .. On day 2 now hadn't got to the trader as of yet hence my unknowing of the null ref. Gonna see if I can get past day 4 today haha

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Oh, great, I'll give it a try. Thanks for fixing it so quickly. The rewarding custom quests would be an interesting idea as well, so I'll look forward to those. I hadn't died yet, but I think I'm gonna start a new game with a different class.


24999 is an odd stack size for the cash, though. Why not just make it 25000?

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Thought regarding the UMA's, because I tried it and it works great.


Include them with the mod, but manually resize the textures. There's a batch resize plugin for GIMP which really helps. I used that to resize all of mine by 50%, which gets rid of the pause on loading (if you include them in the mod) and REALLY helps with game performance too. :)

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Oh, great, I'll give it a try. Thanks for fixing it so quickly. The rewarding custom quests would be an interesting idea as well, so I'll look forward to those. I hadn't died yet, but I think I'm gonna start a new game with a different class.


24999 is an odd stack size for the cash, though. Why not just make it 25000?


No sweat! If you ain't died yet you'r a tough cookie!! :D


I honestly don't know why I did that. ><


Thought regarding the UMA's, because I tried it and it works great.


Include them with the mod, but manually resize the textures. There's a batch resize plugin for GIMP which really helps. I used that to resize all of mine by 50%, which gets rid of the pause on loading (if you include them in the mod) and REALLY helps with game performance too. :)


Thanks KhaineGB! - I did wonder if that would be a possibility but I hadn't got around to testing it out, good to know it does work :) I'll spend a little time working on some quests and once they are ready I will resize the uma textures and repackage the mod in a new complete unit.


Glad it worked alright for you too :)





RIP Dicey,

Occupation - Soldier,

Day of Death - 2,

Time of Death - 19:00'ish,

Cause of Death - Bleed Out,

Level - 3,

Kills 85.


It my own fault, before I left the house I stashed 3/4 of my ammo, and on my way to get water I whoopsy'd off a hill which took my health to 15 (LOL), then I ran into trouble... GG

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Half Size and Quarter Size UMATextures available for download!

*Links also at the OP


Big thanks to KhaineGB for suggesting this. (works a charm m8 thank you!)


Half Size



Quarter Size



Using either of these reduced size textures will GREATLY decrease initial game loading time, and improve any lag you get due to the population and or their spawning. Have fun using them! ..and stay tuned for a content update and an updated all-inclusive!


*The Quarter Size textures are less than 100 mb in total, I use them and notice no real visible decrease in quality, feel free to try them!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there :)


Been sometime now but recently playing 7days 16.4 again(again) ^^


I stopped making this mod around June this year, because some RL factors (always a pain but cant help). I was intending to do alot mor ewith the mod but did not manage to complete all. Perhaps I will now I have some more free time but more likely a17 will drop first.


Anyway I wanted to release the mod as It is in its current state ..(no errors so far for me but if you have any please feel free to post them I will amend any game breakers, thanks!) Otherwise it will just get lost to my HDD and then oblivion most likely, at least now it is backed up!! lol


Anyway, roll on a17 ..and if you haven't tried this mod yet give it a go! gl&hf




PS: I do not know now how accurate or not the info is on the OP about the mod, I will take a look to updating it.

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