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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (8/23/17)


Updated all Assembly-Csharp Files for both mod versions and Dedicated server versions!



-Fixed wearing armor quests are now working properly



-Updated Armored To The Core quest line names, subtitles, and descriptions

-Changed quest rewards for Armored To The Core quest line



-Added Admin quest giving item that allows you to unlock the Armored To The Core quest line! (if you previously had achieved the Armored to the Core Quest Line and updated with my last update which removed those quests you can use the new Admin Quest item to re-activate those quests!)

-Simply open dev console and type qt_Armored and you will see a quest note simply read that quest note to unlock the quests

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The reason why I never tried to play the armory-quest is, you have to wear the helmet. So you have no light in the night. May it would help to have receipts for every type of helmet to add a flashlight or to change the quest without headgear.


Well the idea is that it is a quest to do with the full set of armor and if I cant make a light an attachment for the hood then it will be an entirely different item that would make the quest not work properly since the hood exists or the helmet or whatever then that should be allowed to be used to complete the quest.


Since it is a quest that gives decent rewards I am thinking it is worth your time to simply use the required items.


The bigger challenge is not the fact that the headgear does not have a light but the fact that armor causes temperature change and can be a pain in the ass to have to swap it out all the time due to overheating or over cooling depending on the armor.


I have a plan to fix the armor and temperature issues though soon but im not entirely sure if it will work so dont want to get your hopes up on that one.

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Clockwork, is it possible that my minibike "dies" from fatigue? I think I just connected the dots - it spontaneously disassembles itself every few days (the parts just lay strewn on the ground, later disappear), and it actually could coincide with fatigue reaching fatal status. I saw you edited the entityclass to include the line <property name="Immunity" value="sickness;disease;bleeding;wellness"/>

Could I just add ;fatigue to that and see if it still occurs?

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Clockwork, is it possible that my minibike "dies" from fatigue? I think I just connected the dots - it spontaneously disassembles itself every few days (the parts just lay strewn on the ground, later disappear), and it actually could coincide with fatigue reaching fatal status. I saw you edited the entityclass to include the line <property name="Immunity" value="sickness;disease;bleeding;wellness"/>

Could I just add ;fatigue to that and see if it still occurs?


Hmm I might have to add a tag to teh fatigue system so it is classed as a disease.

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So "fatigue" is not a proper parameter and adding that would do nothing? Do you happen to know, would taking 1 part out of the bike help as a workaround in the meantime, or does it still count as an "entity" even with 1 part missing?

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Update (8/24/17)



-Added type sickness to last stage of infection

-Added type staminadown to fatigue system



-Added immunity to staminadown to minibike


- - - Updated - - -


So "fatigue" is not a proper parameter and adding that would do nothing? Do you happen to know, would taking 1 part out of the bike help as a workaround in the meantime, or does it still count as an "entity" even with 1 part missing?


No it counts as a block I think if you take a part out. I hope my update fixes it though.

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No sorry this is what I got and sorry but I dont want to be making more files for me to have to keep track of for separate updates.


I understand. I'm sure it's a lot. Is it possible for me to only download the rwgmixer and prefabs associated with it or would that be an equal amount of trouble. Love what you've done with the landscape.

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I understand. I'm sure it's a lot. Is it possible for me to only download the rwgmixer and prefabs associated with it or would that be an equal amount of trouble. Love what you've done with the landscape.


Yeah if you just want the mixer you can use that by itself from my main mod or if you want my mixer plus the compo pack you can just use my compo pack add on.

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Update (8/25/17)



-Fixed bifecta and single peak and half peak buffs will now properly get reapplied when dropping from a higher stage (Since buffs do not dynamically update I suggest that you reset your buffs, you can simply take one redPill dev item)



-Fixed pistols will no longer give 1 pistol and 1 silenced pistol when looting (You will now get one or the other)

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I am still working on the Nutrition System, I will be changing the Trifecta buffs and Bifecta buffs to move nutrition faster and I have to do a full recalculation on tick rates for the metabolic rates to make the system more responsive due to how buffs get rebuffed from going from a higher stage to a lower one.


Everything is working as intended as it is now with my last update however it is not a fast response time for buffs to get rebuffed going from a higher state to a lower one. Hopefully I will have everything finished tomorrow.

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If I'm just using your rwmixer + combo pack, What are the chances that a world created with this today will have to wipe with 16.3 release? Have you tested this with the experimental yet?


It works fine so far on all builds of the game from A 16+ that I have tested I still have yet to test the new EXP B7 yet but it should be fine


- - - Updated - - -


When you get time, i would love to see you get creative with different types and combos of zombies lol


I am not too big on modding new zombies at least not yet I really dont want to have to modify gamestages too much to tell you the truth. But maybe some day.


I am currently updating to the new EXP B7

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Update (8/25/17)


Updated Both Mod Versions and Both Experimental Assembly-CSharp files for main mod and dedicated servers!



-Updated Experimental A 16.3 B7 Dedicated Servers and Main Mod

-Fixed harvesting

-Fixed Quest requirement for wearing armor



-Changed Trifecta Half Peak now increases nutrition by 1 stage every 2 days from 3 days

-Changed Trifecta Full Peak now increases nutrition by 1 stage every day from 2 days

-Changed Bifecta Half Peak now increases nutrition by 1 stage every 7 days from 10

-Changed Bifecta Full peak now increases nutrition by 1 stage every 5 days form 7

-Changed tick rate of metabolizing buffs to tick at the same rate for all food groups and will not with every 2t (This will allow for fast responsive rebuffing of positive bifecta and single buffs when digressing from a higher tier)



-Updated to A 16.7 B7 (Mostly Unofficial XMl Fixes that were compressed to use less code)



-Updated to A 16.7 B7 (Small changes to Chicken death ragdoll/anim, added hardcoded burning crawler zombie hand item)



-Updated to A 16.7 B7 (Added new hardcoded burning crawler zombie hand)



-Updated to A 16.7 B7 (Small changes to zombie cheerleader loot)



-Updated to A 16.7 (Small changes to challenge quest rewards)

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I am still updating the Rwgmixer for A 16.3 B7 Exp, but I did test my current Mixer and it is working fine for A 16.3 B7!


I dont know how I am going to handle the changes to the new mixer for A 16.7 B7 since TFP added a custom hub and changed city/town generation sizes.


After I update the Rwgmixer it is best to either:


A: Not update the mixer if you are not going to start a new world!


B: Start a new world if you decide to update to the new mixer after I release it!


And Finally if you choose to start a new world I suggest you wipe everything!

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Update (8/25/17)



-Changed plain wood window plug now upgrades only once directly to stage 3 plain wood window plug to match upgrade path and HP of all wood blocks

-Changed plain wood window plug stage 3 now directly downgrades into a plain wood window plug to match downgrade paths of all wood blocks

-Changed HP of thin wood windows to 100 from 250

-Changed window 04 is now a duplicate of window 03 due to its hit box being extremely hard to hit (they were close enough to the same window anyways and I did not want to remove them in case they are used in prefabs)



-Added opaqueBusinessGlass

-Added window02

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