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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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tks ill try


Np some things to note though since I myself just loaded his mixer his land is super flat almost everywhere to maximize city spawns and it will take a fair bit longer to load, also he has it so that certain biomes only spawn at certain heights like the snow biome so you actually will not get any full snow biomes with his mixer and thus you will have a tough time getting the loot from the zombies that I have set to spawn in the snow biome which is fairly important in my mod The snow biome is the main go to place to find tools and compound bow parts fom killing the zombies that spawn there, and he will have a lot less mountains in his, they will be spaced further apart and the land between them will have less rolling hills. And it will have less water as well so finding a spot to bathe could prove rather difficult.


Not saying his mixer is bad or worse or anything he has just tailored it an entirely different way and feels a lot different and everyone has different tastes.

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Np some things to note though since I myself just loaded his mixer his land is super flat almost everywhere to maximize city spawns and it will take a fair bit longer to load, also he has it so that certain biomes only spawn at certain heights like the snow biome so you actually will not get any full snow biomes with his mixer and thus you will have a tough time getting the loot from the zombies that I have set to spawn in the snow biome which is fairly important in my mod The snow biome is the main go to place to find tools and compound bow parts fom killing the zombies that spawn there, and he will have a lot less mountains in his, they will be spaced further apart and the land between them will have less rolling hills. And it will have less water as well so finding a spot to bathe could prove rather difficult.


Not saying his mixer is bad or worse or anything he has just tailored it an entirely different way and feels a lot different and everyone has different tastes.


:o ... well I never! ... JK JK :playful: Yeah he probably won't like my new coming out soon then. I didn't have water generate naturally in it and I am using more poi water sources to make up for it in the short term. I am currently handcrafting large water poi's for it but it'll be a bit yet. :)

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:o ... well I never! ... JK JK :playful: Yeah he probably won't like my new coming out soon then. I didn't have water generate naturally in it and I am using more poi water sources to make up for it in the short term. I am currently handcrafting large water poi's for it but it'll be a bit yet. :)


Lol yeah I kind of wish that water was like the way it used to be with large lakes with lake shores with sand and that was done with pois so I am looking forward to checking that out once you get it done! That sounds awesome!


EDIT: You should make real campgrounds too with dirt paths with campsites and trees with bike trails! not just the lone little campsites we have now!

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:o ... well I never! ... JK JK :playful: Yeah he probably won't like my new coming out soon then. I didn't have water generate naturally in it and I am using more poi water sources to make up for it in the short term. I am currently handcrafting large water poi's for it but it'll be a bit yet. :)


Post some water poi's on the combopack thread maybe they can be added to the pack :)

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Ok i have to comment on the zombie presence. The zombies have no meaning where they are, they are just randomly all over the place. Not condensed to any poi or area. I was in a forest biome and there was zombies all around. I couldn't even stop to make arrows. I know you want the mod to be difficult, but i highly suggest taking a look at zombie spawning.


Its funny im not afraid to go into a city, im more afraid of the randomness in biomes

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Ok i have to comment on the zombie presence. The zombies have no meaning where they are, they are just randomly all over the place. Not condensed to any poi or area. I was in a forest biome and there was zombies all around. I couldn't even stop to make arrows. I know you want the mod to be difficult, but i highly suggest taking a look at zombie spawning.


Lol that is the only way for me to increase them currently because of the way sleeper spawners work. Back in previous alphas I could increase them in the cities now I am limited to only the biomes, just think of it as they are pouring out fo the cities to occupy the forests.


I have played a decent amount and have seen first hand the amount of zombies that are in the forests and tbh that is the way I like it I dont want safe areas anyways. Leaving the cities to go hang out in the forest because there is no zombie presence there or very little is not the direction I want to go.


EDIT: Also most of the zombies that are spawning in the forest are in the animals spawn group so they only respawn once every 7 days.

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What do you mean by this?


I removed the invisible animals from the animals spawn group and replaced them with zombies so that you get two things happening no more invisible animals that die immediately after spawning that are only going to take up pc resources for no reason and increase the threat in the wilderness so there is less safe areas.


The animal spawn group respawns every 7 days so those zombies that are spawning from those groups will not respawn for another 7 days once you clear the area.


EDIT three things happening there is no longer a safe time period during the beginning of starting a fresh world since animals spawn immediately so will the zombies this increases difficulty as well. :)


EDIT2: Ever zombie you see in the very beginning when you are supposed to have a safe time period would have been an animal weather it be invisible or not so just think of all the invisible animals taking up resources for nothing.

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Some tips I can give. Stealth is your friend. When you're stealthed and not seen the border of your screen turns darker. Once you're seen the darkness vanishes. So you can harvest in stealthmode and keep looking at the borders. Once they get lit, a Zed found you. After harvesting, I run to the next spot.

Getting rid of Zeds: Line of Sight is your friend. Run away a bit, stealth behind a tree and wait for the indicator to tell you you're not seen anymore. Then stealth away. Keep in mind: when not hunted anymore, the zeds seem to run a bit further into the last direction they saw you.

Fighting: Circle around a Zed instead of running backwards all the time. That way, you see other Zeds early.

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Some tips I can give. Stealth is your friend. When you're stealthed and not seen the border of your screen turns darker. Once you're seen the darkness vanishes. So you can harvest in stealthmode and keep looking at the borders. Once they get lit, a Zed found you.

Getting rid of Zeds: Line of Sight is your friend. Run away a bit, stealth behind a tree and wait for the indicator to tell you you're not seen anymore. Then stealth away. Keep in mind: when not hunted anymore, the zeds seem to run a bit further into the last direction they saw you.

Fighting: Circle around a Zed instead of running backwards all the time. That way, you see other Zeds early.


Good tips, one of my strats is that I will circle a tree while harvesting it and the zombies just walk in circles with me :)


Stick spikes are pretty good early game to make them lose their legs so they cant follow you as easily if you just want to get away.


But killing them and clearing the area is the best way to do it since once you clear an area you will then be safe.


Also finding a lake for night time and treading water will allow you to keep clean and make it so that zombies cant get you either even when they start running.


I have had no real issues with number of zombies in the beginning it is barely adding a challenge but I am not going to increase them further.


I have actually not increased the number of zombies set to spawn either all these extra zombies you see are purely from the animal group and they are set to 1 which is as low as possible.

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Stick spikes are pretty good early game to make them lose their legs so they cant follow you as easily if you just want to get away.

too expensive for my taste

But killing them and clearing the area is the best way to do it since once you clear an area you will then be safe.

Yeah, once being able to build the iron spear, clearing 2-3 zeds off a harvest side is not so hard anymore. Talking about it: the range of the spear seems a little bit too far. I mean, i like it beeing far, but this seems just a tip too far. Making the sledge or machete to weak in comparison (although i dont have em yet).


Another advice:

Once you can build some cheap walls (Hay, Wood Logs). Build a area with 2 block high wall, then do your gardening, foresting stuff in there. When the Zeds dont have Line of Sight, they only can smell you, which has a much shorter range. It isnt even a big problem when some break through the wall, as the main reason for the wall is to reduce the chance of beeing attacked while harvesting - and every block helps =)

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ok here is a couple pics with just the rwgmixer from Tin replacing yours.


Yeah it has too few mountains and too much flat land for my taste and it does not have the biomes set to spawn equally so you will not get the snow biome. Nor will you get plenty of pois in the mountains with roads traveling up them and around them to the pois.


I love Tin and he has done a great job and my mixer would never have been possible without his work, I have nothing but respect for him and his hard work.


Remember I started with that mixer and transformed it into what I wanted. Luckily my mod does not require any specific mixer so anyone can use any mixer they think is what they like the most. :)

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I like the tool balancing so far. Although I switched from my iron mine to wrenching cars, which give ~100raw iron per car. Thinking about them being a limited ressource and having already processed iron, it seem reasonable that they carry so much.

The shovels seem to be a bit weak. But when thinking of them without having the vanilla way in mind, it's ok.




Expensive Perks behind a high-lvl-wall. Not overpowered, but something to invest once outskilled. For example increase runspeed by 2% for 10 points; 10levels; min level (high). Endurance Reg, Hunger/Thirst, Insulation Resistance and what else you can think of.

I dont know how to obstain skillpoints later on. Heard you talking about repeatable quest. Maybe them. Or increase the maxlevel to unlimited, as once outskilled only killing gives xp anyway, I think.

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I like the tool balancing so far. Although I switched from my iron mine to wrenching cars, which give ~100raw iron per car. Thinking about them being a limited ressource and having already processed iron, it seem reasonable that they carry so much.

The shovels seem to be a bit weak. But when thinking of them without having the vanilla way in mind, it's ok.




Expensive Perks behind a high-lvl-wall. Not overpowered, but something to invest once outskilled. For example increase runspeed by 2% for 10 points; 10levels; min level (high). Endurance Reg, Hunger/Thirst, Insulation Resistance and what else you can think of.

I dont know how to obstain skillpoints later on. Heard you talking about repeatable quest. Maybe them. Or increase the maxlevel to unlimited, as once outskilled only killing gives xp anyway.


Hunger is already a non issue once you reach max wellness so that in itself is what I am considering as the max perk level for hunger reduction that is why I removed the vanilla one.


Run speed might be a something I can do I will look into it, and yes currently there is a repeatable quest once you finish the zombie slayer quest line. It will give you a schematic to read that will unlock a recipe at the Research table which allows you to craft a quest to kill zombies for skill points.

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Yeah unfortunately run speed has to be controlled through buffs so a perk of that nature is not possible at least not yet. But I will keep thinking of good additions.


Ok =)

My only hope is for some kind of additional stamina besides beer in lategame. An endgame-perk for that or a craftable stimpack (consumeable even when hunger&thirst are full) could fit there =) Would love to be lesser dependent of beer in the very endgame.

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I have a conceptual problem with fertilizer. I think planting should be more expensive or fertilizer less expensive. Right now fertilizer is pointsless to us, as one fertilizer needs lots of fruits to double the yield of one plant (due to half growthtime). To do the same withouth fertilizer, we just need to spend one of the lots of fruits for the fertilzer in another garden block instead. Which means, we'll only start crafting fertilizer once we have more fruits than we need. But whats the point in fertilizing then when we already have more fruits than we need? ;-) The only downside is to have a double as big garden field, which isnt really a problem.



Changing the cost of a gardenfield to be as big as one fertilizer. Then one can choose between building a bigger garden or do some fertilizer-work to get the same amount of fruits in a smaller place - but overall the fruit investment cost for both ways stays the same.

This could be accomplished by increasing the cost of planting one field to be as expansive as one fertilizer (if technically possible). If not technically possible (as one field might always only need 1 item to be planted), you could disable the possibility to plant fruits directly and have to craft seeds instead which cost as much fruits as one fertilizer does. Only problems i cant solve yet is that harvesting plants in nature gives seeds right now and scything the garden gives as much fruits as seeds right now (although the latter one could easily be disabled).

Does this make sense somehow? hope my english is good enough to understand my thoughts =)

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Ok =)

My only hope is for some kind of additional stamina besides beer in lategame. An endgame-perk for that or a craftable stimpack (consumeable even when hunger&thirst are full) could fit there =) Would love to be lesser dependent of beer in the very endgame.


Stamina is increased through athletics, once you reack lvl 100 athletics you stamina is essentially doubled i can not add another perk that affects stamina further because it is already at a peak where it is almost overpowered as it already stands.


You are correct after I changed farming mechanics I did not rebalance the compost process so I am doing that now :)

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Stamina is increased through athletics, once you reack lvl 100 athletics you stamina is essentially doubled i can not add another perk that affects stamina further because it is already at a peak where it is almost overpowered as it already stands.

Ah good to know =)

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Update (8/6/17)


-Reduced cost to upgrade composter to 5 Compost from 20

-Changed POI sleeping bags are no longer respawn points (They still reduce fatigue and speed up recovery time for infection when taking antibiotics)

-Added bedroll_Player (This bedroll is craftable at the Tailoring table and will act as a respawn point)

-Added original bedroll description to bedroll_Player



-Reduced cost of compost to now only require 5 plant fibers instead of 10

-Added recipe to craft bedroll_Player at the tailoring table



-Changed POI bedroll name to Old Dirty Bedroll

-Changed POI bedroll description to state that it is not good enough for a respawn point)

-Added bedroll_Player name to now show as Bedrolll


-Changed output of Composter to now yield 15 Fertilizer instead of 20


It takes 1/3 of your crop yield to keep it fertilized, before 25% bonus yield.

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