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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Full List of blocks that can be disassembled using the wrench to receive special resources that other tools would not!:


-Campfire (will return iteslf to your inventory)

-All Ovens (scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts)

-all lights (electricParts / electronicParts / scrapPlastics) depending on what light you may receive different resources

-Fridge (mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Gas Pump (electricParts, electronicParts, mechanicalParts)

-Pole Top01 (mechanicalParts)

-Air Conditioner (electricParts, electronicParts, mechanicalParts, shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Chemistry Station / Collapsed Chemistry Station (beaker, wood, spring, shortMetalPipe, mechanicalParts)

-Toilet (extra shortMetalPipe, scrapIron)

-Beds (shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron, spring, cottonPlant, cloth)

-Iron Bed Frame (shortMetalPipe)

-All Road Signs this includes Navezgane National Park, Sign Spillway Lake for Nav Map (will return themselves)

-Sign Shop Open (will return itself)

-Sign Shop Cold Beer (will return itself)

-Office Chair (mechanicalParts)

-Jail Door (spring, mechanicalParts)

-End Table Lamp (electricParts)

-TV (electronicParts, electricParts, extra scrapPlastics)

-Forge / Collapsed Forge(clayLump, leather, extra rockSmall)

-Workbench / Collapsed Workbench (wood, nail, glue)

-File Cabinet (mechanicalParts)

-Sinks (shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Cement Mixer / Collapsed Cement Mixer (extra scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts)

-Reinforced Drawbridge (spring, mechanicalParts)

-Washing Machine (shortMetalPipe, mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-Trash Compactor (mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-Large Signs for stores (electricParts, scrapPlastics)

-Beer Cooler (electricParts, electronicParts, shortMetalPipe)

-Empty Cash Register / Cash Register (electricParts, electronicParts, oldCash)

-Empty Shopping Cart / Shopping Cart (mechanicalParts)

-lootable Shopping Basket (will return itself)

-Safes (scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts)

-Metal Garage Door (extra scrapIron)

-Cars (leather, headlight, mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, smallEngine, carBattery, radiator, oil, cloth, spring, ductTape, gasCan, extra scrapIron)

-Control Panels (shortMetalPipe, spring, electricParts, electronicParts)

-Fusebox (electricParts)

-Conduit (electricParts)

-Working Turrets (mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-loudspeaker (electricParts)

-Batterybank / Collapsed Batterybank (electricParts, electronicParts, scrapPlastics, extra scrapIron)

-Generatorbank / Collapsed Generatorbank (mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, extra scrapIron)

-Solarbank (will return itself)

-Electric Relay (electricParts)

-Pressureplate (electricParts, mechanicalParts)

-Electric Fence Post (electricParts)

-Motion Sensor (electronicParts)

-Dew Collector (scrapIron, wood, animalHide, ductTape)

-Chicken Coop (wood, nail, glue)

-Research Table (wood, nail, glue)

-Tailoring Table (wood, nail, glue)

-Smithing Table (extra ScrapIron)

-Ammunition Table (ductTape, extra ScrapIron)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 1 (will return itself)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 2 (mechanicalParts)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 3 (electronicParts)

-Broken Blade Trap Stage 1 (will return itself)

-Broken Blade Trap Stage 1 (mechanicalParts)


Lol this should be added to your OP


*edit you have -Broken Blade Trap Stage 1 on there twice

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Full List of blocks that can be Harvested using the Claw Hammer to receive nails that other tools would not!:


-Wood Frames (Break any wood block down to its frame and harvest it with a claw hammer to get nails)

-Wooden Chair

-Pew Segments


-Wooden Desk

-School Desk

-Sinks (These blocks would make you sacrifice the resources gained by using a wrench to get nails instead)

-Secure Wooden Door

-Secure Storage Chest


-Wooden ladder

-Wood Stairs50 (Since it does not downgrade and is player crafted using nails)



-Wood Hatch

-Generic Storage

-Pill Case

-Wood Railing

-Wood Table


-Research Table

-End Table

-End Table Lamp (This block would make you sacrifice the resources gained by using a wrench to get nails instead)

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Update (8/2/17)


While going through the list of blocks harvestable by the Claw Hammer I came across some harvest events that needed fixing, these are those fixes!



-Added endTable harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added endTableLamp harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added Loose Boards Block 1x1 harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added railingWoodWhiteSheet harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntCabinetOldCNRRoundFiller harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntGraniteSink harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntBookStoreBookcase harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntCabinetFiller harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntCabinetOldSink harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer

-Added cntCabinetOldTop harvest event to include nails when using a claw hammer




-Changed End Table Lamp now requires an End Table to craft

-Changed looseBoardsTrapBlock1x1 now only requires 10 wood instead of 20

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i'm playing with a friend and we're looking for a mod which makes the game harder and more complex. Your mod looks cool but I have some questions:

Usually, I'm the basebuilder while he's the scavenger. Due to the poor experience wield from mining/deforesting compared to the huge experience he gets from slaying zombies, He usually has a much higher level than me. You wrote your mod changes experience from zombies but I dont know how much this would affect our leveling flaw. Could you give me an estimation if me and my friend's level difference might be equalized with your mod?

thanks in advance


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i'm playing with a friend and we're looking for a mod which makes the game harder and more complex. Your mod looks cool but I have some questions:

Usually, I'm the basebuilder while he's the scavenger. Due to the poor experience wield from mining/deforesting compared to the huge experience he gets from slaying zombies, He usually has a much higher level than me. You wrote your mod changes experience from zombies but I dont know how much this would affect our leveling flaw. Could you give me an estimation if me and my friend's level difference might be equalized with your mod?

thanks in advance



It should be actually equalized quite well, it should take the same amount of time for both of you equally to level up depending on how fast one of you is over the other.


If it is not and you see something leveling faster than something else feel free to leave feedback!



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Update (8/3/17)


This update changes a few things in the progression file as well as changes the UI so you can actually view more than 5 skills per perk this has allowed me to consolidate the electric basics perk.


here is a picture describing what I mean:






This opens up the possibility for me to consolidate the other perks like Iron Spear Crafting / Iron Club Crafting / Barbed Club Crafting etc all into one perk as well as Tool Crafting Stage 1 / stage 2 etc could now all be under one perk!


I will not consolidate those perks at this time due to the fact that it may mess with peoples current saves.



-Added Solar Bank Perk to unlock new recipe to craft solar banks

-Consolidated the Electricity Basics to now unlock all recipes at once!

-Added skill requirements to now require Tool Crafting and Construction tools to these perks:

-Electricity Basics

-Switches and Triggers

-Melee Traps

-Ranged Traps

-Generator Bank

-Solar Bank

-Battery Bank

-Do It Yourself



I have fixed the science perks to now show up under the science tab, those perks include the following:


-Chemical Crafting

-Chemistry Station

-Electricity Basics

-Switches and Triggers

-Melee Traps

-Ranged Traps

-Generator Bank

-Solar Bank

-Battery Bank

-Do It Yourself



-Added recipe to craft Solar Banks


Updated all UI Versions to use the new Ui changes shown in the above preview!



-Changed variables to allow for more skill info to be displayed at once

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Some small questions if they might brake the balancing of this mod: always running zeds and 90 minute days?


60 min days is mandatory it will be the only thing that will affect things like the way buffs work, this is a problem in the base game and the way it calculates buffs set to use game time intervals, and I cant change it to real time intervals cause then you cant balance the buffs for each game time setting, always run will murderize you due to increased zombie presence.


Mind you i dont know if TFP fixed the scaling calculations made for using game time buffs but I doubt it.


If you want things harder you can change the difficulty settings above nomad.


EDIT: You can try play on different game times but watch the Hygiene, infection, fatigue system, you should get tired by end of day 1 and very tired by end of day 2 provided you have not slept, is a good test example.

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60 min days is mandatory it will be the only thing that will affect things like the way buffs work, this is a problem in the base game and the way it calculates buffs set to use game time intervals, and I cant change it to real time intervals cause then you cant balance the buffs for each game time setting, always run will murderize you due to increased zombie presence.


Mind you i dont know if TFP fixed the scaling calculations made for using game time buffs but I doubt it.


If you want things harder you can change the difficulty settings above nomad.


EDIT: You can try play on different game times but watch the Hygiene, infection, fatigue system, you should get tired by end of day 1 and very tired by end of day 2 provided you have not slept, is a good test example.


Thank you =) Do i have to play the random generated map or the static one? and a bit offtopic: does the random map has borders or is it endless?

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Thank you =) Do i have to play the random generated map or the static one? and a bit offtopic: does the random map has borders or is it endless?


I have increased the play field for random gen to 3 times larger than vanilla which is actually quite large, you can play on Nav or random gen but I suggest you check out my random gen, it has amazing mountains with pois like traders that spawn up high on them at times, with roads that wind around them to them, huge cities and the compo pack add on will add new buildings to compliment the huge cites as well.


But its entirely up to you! :)

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This pillar poi is randomly on my map in different areas, this one has a very large single poi on top. It also has ore around the outside of it, that would not be available if the pillar was at proper height,





Did you update to the latest rwgmixer and start a new world with it or did you continue an old save with a different rwgmixer then update to a new one after?


Give me seed and coordinates. There should not be any pillars like that.



EDIT: Yeah I just checked a few seeds and I dont see any random pillars occurring outside of mountains so you must have not loaded a fresh world with the new rwgmixer. The do happen in mountains but they dont stick out as bad and are fine.

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So I've added your mod to my server, made sure clients have it, no other mods in there except a replacement UI, now without the .dll your mod has, the server spawns fine, only issue is no zombies have spawned in the world, and the console keeps throwing a nullreferenceexception everytime it tries to spawn sleepers, im 2 days (ingame time) into this mod and no zombies or animals have spawned... so i checked and realised i hadnt replaced the .dll, so i do this and now getting this in the server log https://pastebin.com/jnhx1cVX

the last 2 NREs just keep spamming and filling the log file... do you have any clue wtf?


was quite looking forward to checking this mod out XD


thanks in advance

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So I've added your mod to my server, made sure clients have it, no other mods in there except a replacement UI, now without the .dll your mod has, the server spawns fine, only issue is no zombies have spawned in the world, and the console keeps throwing a nullreferenceexception everytime it tries to spawn sleepers, im 2 days (ingame time) into this mod and no zombies or animals have spawned... so i checked and realised i hadnt replaced the .dll, so i do this and now getting this in the server log https://pastebin.com/jnhx1cVX

the last 2 NREs just keep spamming and filling the log file... do you have any clue wtf?


was quite looking forward to checking this mod out XD


thanks in advance


Did you use my UI or a replacement UI from someone else because you cant use any files from any other mod including UI's, you can use one of my replacement Ui's from my Ui version pack, if you are using one of my UI Versions which one is it.


Are you on 16.1 or 16.2 exp?


Did you turn EAC Off?


Everything has worked fine for me and for everyone else who has installed it.


i know that servers can be a bitch to get them to cooperate when installing files too so idk I have very little experience with server related issues in fact none at all.

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Did you update to the latest rwgmixer and start a new world with it or did you continue an old save with a different rwgmixer then update to a new one after?


Give me seed and coordinates. There should not be any pillars like that.


You are not going to get rid of all the peculiarity's no matter what you do atm. There's something off about the wilderness placements at times. Also at times you're just going to get funky gens with certain seeds and that's something inherent in the program with how the terrain gets calculated with certain seeds, which tweaks the frequencies. It's one of the reasons I don't use "seed additives" as I don't see the reasoning to make the frequencies get any extra tweaks when just the seed name alone does the job.

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Did you use my UI or a replacement UI from someone else because you cant use any files from any other mod including UI's, you can use one of my replacement Ui's from my Ui version pack, if you are using one of my UI Versions which one is it.


Are you on 16.1 or 16.2 exp?


Did you turn EAC Off?


Everything has worked fine for me and for everyone else who has installed it.


i know that servers can be a bitch to get them to cooperate when installing files too so idk I have very little experience with server related issues in fact none at all.


Ok, didnt realise the other UI mods would screw it up, gone from fully vanilla and used your mod files, spawned a fresh setup like that, 16.1 and EAC is off, trying now, will report back shortly...


- - - Updated - - -


Ok, didnt realise the other UI mods would screw it up, gone from fully vanilla and used your mod files, spawned a fresh setup like that, 16.1 and EAC is off, trying now, will report back shortly...


So the 7DaysToDie_Data directory is different to the 7DaysToDieServer_Data directory, does that .dll need to be replaced on the server or just the client(s)?

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Ok, didnt realise the other UI mods would screw it up, gone from fully vanilla and used your mod files, spawned a fresh setup like that, 16.1 and EAC is off, trying now, will report back shortly...


- - - Updated - - -




So the 7DaysToDie_Data directory is different to the 7DaysToDieServer_Data directory, does that .dll need to be replaced on the server or just the client(s)?


I honestly dont know about the directory for servers or if you need to replace it on the server one but for sure the clients do need it.


Look inside the server 7DaysToDieServer_Data directory see if there is a Managed folder and see if there is an Assembly-Csharp in there if it is then replace it on the server directory too.

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You are not going to get rid of all the peculiarity's no matter what you do atm. There's something off about the wilderness placements at times. Also at times you're just going to get funky gens with certain seeds and that's something inherent in the program with how the terrain gets calculated with certain seeds, which tweaks the frequencies. It's one of the reasons I don't use "seed additives" as I don't see the reasoning to make the frequencies get any extra tweaks when just the seed name alone does the job.


Yeah but I have tested many seeds and have never seen a pillar in the middle of flat land before and I have made changes to the rwgmixer and if you load an old world into a new rwgmixer it could easily cause that type of issue I think.


But yeah that is what I am hoping anyway. I do need to make some more tweaks to the mixer though now that I have gone through a few more seeds I see a few issues that need adjustment nothing serious though.


Problem is when people update its going to cause issues again with save games. Sigh.

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Yeah but I have tested many seeds and have never seen a pillar in the middle of flat land before and I have made changes to the rwgmixer and if you load an old world into a new rwgmixer it could easily cause that type of issue I think.


But yeah that is what I am hoping anyway. I do need to make some more tweaks to the mixer though now that I have gone through a few more seeds I see a few issues that need adjustment nothing serious though.


Problem is when people update its going to cause issues again with save games. Sigh.


He..he..he.. yeah I just did a new terrain gen and currently testing it. I found that hubs and module placement have a loose correlation. Kept finding a lot of the hubs were trying to generate near the water area (which has a bit rough landscape) and not out in open areas as much. So with some adjusting of the modules I get them forming more on open areas now. :)


Edit: I only chuckle because I know what you're going through and feel your touch of frustration :)

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Did you update to the latest rwgmixer and start a new world with it or did you continue an old save with a different rwgmixer then update to a new one after?


Give me seed and coordinates. There should not be any pillars like that.



EDIT: Yeah I just checked a few seeds and I dont see any random pillars occurring outside of mountains so you must have not loaded a fresh world with the new rwgmixer. The do happen in mountains but they dont stick out as bad and are fine.


I have not deleted or changed anything. Did not delete regions and try to continue playing. This world has been the same since i started this seed. Ill just keep it as is for now, cause the progression is super, super slow, ive got many hours in for this play through and im only lvl 6. The progression seems super slow, at this rate it probably take me 3 months to reach max level. Which i do like, its just kinda to slow, im starting to find myself getting bored, cause i dont feel like im progressing. :distress::sour::emptiness:

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