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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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I am retired and since i have found your mods. i must have started 10 or 11 new games trying to get the feel for it. I wish i could get off scavenger level. but i got a hard enough time playing jackrabbit. I love the work you have put into this and kudos on adding the prefabs its the distance when i die that really does me in. Once again great job.

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According to your XML's, theres no difference in the amount of crafting XP gain from making stone tools versus iron, even steel. All set to 40. Stone tools mats are far much easier to get than iron and especially steel.


Experience is based off of crafting speed not resources, the speed at which you level matters far more especially since you can easily get the resources you need for metal tools once you get mining.


Also I do not really want to force people to stay in there work stations in order to level up and get experience from crafting so the way I have it set up currently there is no real incentive to do that and you can craft at your leisure the tings that are available from your backpack, and since leveling speed is based off of crafting speed not resources it really does not matter if you are using only cordage and small rocks to level up verses metal and wood.


- - - Updated - - -


Scythe Has no description.


Maybe more recipe options for plants like the goldenrod and red one. I remember in another mod, goldenrod was used in a herbal cream like aloe


Wet Cloth no description


I can craft a wrench lvl 125, but if i repair it, the quality drops to 25


I will fix the descriptions here soon and will check into the quality loss for repairing as well. But at max level of smithing for whatever skill shoudl result in 0 quality loss and you work your way up from there.


Ill think about some recipes too today.


- - - Updated - - -


I am retired and since i have found your mods. i must have started 10 or 11 new games trying to get the feel for it. I wish i could get off scavenger level. but i got a hard enough time playing jackrabbit. I love the work you have put into this and kudos on adding the prefabs its the distance when i die that really does me in. Once again great job.


Yeah this mod is not easy, it is focused on balance for not only experienced players but also experienced with this mod itself. Knowing all the ins and outs is hard to give tips for but If I can think of any I will PM you. I have some updates I need to make today and some I have already made that I need to post first.


And as for prefab I do have the compo pack as an add on with my rwgmixer you can check out if you have not already.


Thanks for the feedback, and I am glad you are still enjoying the mod despite the frustration due to difficulty.

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Update (8/2/17)



-Removed wood from junk loot

-Removed femur from junk loot

-Removed scrap lead from junk loot (these are already easily acquired and I did not want them taking away from other valuable loot drop chances)



-Changed the rolling hills to be less steep and more gradual and this in turn has seemed to create a compound effect with the mountains making them a tiny little bit less frequent and I am a lot happier with it now.


-Slightly increased stamina loss when first stage of tired from 0.5 / second to 0.75 / sec

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Scythe Has no description.


Maybe more recipe options for plants like the goldenrod and red one. I remember in another mod, goldenrod was used in a herbal cream like aloe


Wet Cloth no description


I can craft a wrench lvl 125, but if i repair it, the quality drops to 25


My descriptions are working fine for all modded items including scythe and wet cloth, make sure you reinstall all files to make sure you dont have any other issues with any other files as well. The descriptions are located in the Localization file and to view them in game simply click on the item while it is in your inventory.


I have also adjusted quality loss when repairing.

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My descriptions are working fine for all modded items including scythe and wet cloth, make sure you reinstall all files to make sure you dont have any other issues with any other files as well. The descriptions are located in the Localization file and to view them in game simply click on the item while it is in your inventory.


I have also adjusted quality loss when repairing.


Is description pushed from server or read from client?


Thanks for explaining, fixing, updating :)


- - - Updated - - -


This block looks like a trussing block, but i think it is from the old combopack prefabs, you can use a wrench on the block.



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Is description pushed from server or read from client?


Thanks for explaining, fixing, updating :)


- - - Updated - - -


This block looks like a trussing block, but i think it is from the old combopack prefabs, you can use a wrench on the block.




Descriptions do not get pushed from servers I am not sure what other files are also an issue with getting pushed that is why it is highly recommended to have each person on the server manually install the mod client side first, especially if you are not getting the fixed Assembly.


As for the block what resources do you get from it because if it is just scrap iron then it is probably because I have the wrench also assigned to tool category harvest along with tool category disassemble so you can get all resources from all blocks that have been defined to use both those categories.


All tools and weapons use the category harvest so you get all resources when hitting blocks. As long as you are only receiving scrap iron it is fine.


I should probably make a full list of all blocks that can be disassembled with the wrench to receive special resources that other tools would not get.

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Descriptions do not get pushed from servers I am not sure what other files are also an issue with getting pushed that is why it is highly recommended to have each person on the server manually install the mod client side first, especially if you are not getting the fixed Assembly.


As for the block what resources do you get from it because if it is just scrap iron then it is probably because I have the wrench also assigned to tool category harvest along with tool category disassemble so you can get all resources from all blocks that have been defined to use both those categories.


All tools use the category harvest so that weapons do not return resources when hitting blocks. As long as you are only receiving scrap iron it is fine.


I should probably make a full list of all blocks that can be disassembled with the wrench to receive special resources that other tools would not get.


The return was slow at giving back resources, so im not sure. Was making a note of it, didnt fully harvest the block cause it was going to take forever lol

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The return was slow at giving back resources, so im not sure. Was making a note of it, didnt fully harvest the block cause it was going to take forever lol


Yeah because the harvest event for the wrench is the same for all tools and weapons unless its specifically a block that is to be disassembled, in which case the wrench will do 10X damage to the block when disassembling.


I wasnt using the launcher, cause after last few updates the install was having issues, and didnt have time to test why


I already talked to sphereii yesterday and the launcher should be working now.

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Full List of blocks that can be disassembled using the wrench to receive special resources that other tools would not!:


-Campfire (will return iteslf to your inventory)

-All Ovens (scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts)

-all lights (electricParts / electronicParts / scrapPlastics) depending on what light you may receive different resources

-Fridge (mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Gas Pump (electricParts, electronicParts, mechanicalParts)

-Pole Top01 (mechanicalParts)

-Air Conditioner (electricParts, electronicParts, mechanicalParts, shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Chemistry Station / Collapsed Chemistry Station (beaker, wood, spring, shortMetalPipe, mechanicalParts)

-Toilet (extra shortMetalPipe, scrapIron)

-Beds (shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron, spring, cottonPlant, cloth)

-Iron Bed Frame (shortMetalPipe)

-All Road Signs this includes Navezgane National Park, Sign Spillway Lake for Nav Map (will return themselves)

-Sign Shop Open (will return itself)

-Sign Shop Cold Beer (will return itself)

-Office Chair (mechanicalParts)

-Jail Door (spring, mechanicalParts)

-End Table Lamp (electricParts)

-TV (electronicParts, electricParts, extra scrapPlastics)

-Forge / Collapsed Forge(clayLump, leather, extra rockSmall)

-Workbench / Collapsed Workbench (wood, nail, glue)

-File Cabinet (mechanicalParts)

-Sinks (shortMetalPipe, extra scrapIron)

-Cement Mixer / Collapsed Cement Mixer (extra scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts)

-Reinforced Drawbridge (spring, mechanicalParts)

-Washing Machine (shortMetalPipe, mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-Trash Compactor (mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-Large Signs for stores (electricParts, scrapPlastics)

-Beer Cooler (electricParts, electronicParts, shortMetalPipe)

-Empty Cash Register / Cash Register (electricParts, electronicParts, oldCash)

-Empty Shopping Cart / Shopping Cart (mechanicalParts)

-lootable Shopping Basket (will return itself)

-Safes (scrapIron, spring, mechanicalParts)

-Metal Garage Door (extra scrapIron)

-Cars (leather, headlight, mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, smallEngine, carBattery, radiator, oil, cloth, spring, ductTape, gasCan, extra scrapIron)

-Control Panels (shortMetalPipe, spring, electricParts, electronicParts)

-Fusebox (electricParts)

-Conduit (electricParts)

-Working Turrets (mechanicalParts, electricParts)

-loudspeaker (electricParts)

-Batterybank / Collapsed Batterybank (electricParts, electronicParts, scrapPlastics, extra scrapIron)

-Generatorbank / Collapsed Generatorbank (mechanicalParts, electricParts, electronicParts, extra scrapIron)

-Solarbank (will return itself)

-Electric Relay (electricParts)

-Pressureplate (electricParts, mechanicalParts)

-Electric Fence Post (electricParts)

-Motion Sensor (electronicParts)

-Dew Collector (scrapIron, wood, animalHide, ductTape)

-Chicken Coop (wood, nail, glue)

-Research Table (wood, nail, glue)

-Tailoring Table (wood, nail, glue)

-Smithing Table (extra ScrapIron)

-Ammunition Table (ductTape, extra ScrapIron)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 1 (will return itself)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 2 (mechanicalParts)

-Broken Auto / Shotgun Turret Stage 3 (electronicParts)

-Broken Blade Trap Stage 1 (will return itself)

-Broken Blade Trap Stage 2 (mechanicalParts)

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Black screen when launching with your custom assembly


Hey, sorry to bother you.


The assembly included in this mod prevents my game from launching (as well as those of my friends). I know it's the assembly, because switching 32/64 bit versions allow the game to launch again (since the assembly files get replaced).

Did I make a mistake in installation, or is there incompatibilities/issues I should be aware of?


EDIT: I should clarify, perhaps, that the only thing that happens when launching the game, is that it gets stuck on a black screen with a cursor. It never displays the Fun Pimps splash. I have no other mods.

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Update (8/2/17)


While going through the list of blocks harvestable by the wrench I came across some harvest events that needed fixing, these are those fixes!



-Fixed cntOven (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cntBirdnest (no longer requires a wrench to obtain feathers and removed cloth)

-Changed cntMunitionsBox (no longer will return forgedIron or forgedSteel)

-Fixed cntCollapsedCementMixer (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cntWallOven (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cashRegisterEmpty (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cntCashRegister (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Changed cntDeskSafeInsecure (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Changed cntWallSafeInsecure (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Changed cntGunSafeInsecure (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Fixed spotlightNailedDownPOI (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Changed cntCar03SedanDamage1 (Cloth can now only be obtained when disassembling with a wrench)

-Fixed cementMixer (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cntCollapsedBatterybank (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed cntCollapsedGeneratorbank (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed generatorbank (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed batterybank (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Fixed pressureplateLong (will now return more scrapIron balanced according to recipe cost)

-Fixed spotlightPlayer (Wrench will now properly deal 10x damage while harvesting)

-Changed dewCollector (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Changed Old_Oven (Player crafted working version) (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Changed New_Oven (Player crafted working version) (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron)

-Changed Smithing_Table (will now return scrapIron instead of forgedIron and will now return some scrap iron from other tools)

-Changed Ammunition_Table (will now return some scrap iron from other tools)


- - - Updated - - -


Hey, sorry to bother you.


The assembly included in this mod prevents my game from launching (as well as those of my friends). I know it's the assembly, because switching 32/64 bit versions allow the game to launch again (since the assembly files get replaced).

Did I make a mistake in installation, or is there incompatibilities/issues I should be aware of?


EDIT: I should clarify, perhaps, that the only thing that happens when launching the game, is that it gets stuck on a black screen with a cursor. It never displays the Fun Pimps splash. I have no other mods.


Make sure to reisntall the mod with the fresh update that I just made and before you launch the game make sure to launch it with EAC off! Also make sure to use the proper version of the mod in regards to whatever game version you are running as well.


I can personally guarantee you that the Assembly is working for both versions 32 and 64 bit because I test everything before I release it (only on a 64 bit system). Just make sure that you update the Assembly with my fixed version if you use the launcher to switch from 32 to 64 bit or vice versa. Once the launcher is saved to run the game in whatever bit version you want then my fixed Assembly can be installed after and it will not get replaced. Only during the switching phase the launcher affects the assembly.


EAC is what causes the black screen with cursor due to a modified assembly, so make sure to turn it off and it will be fine.


And no worries no bother at all! :)

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Update (8/2/17)

Make sure to reisntall the mod with the fresh update that I just made and before you launch the game make sure to launch it with VAC off! Also make sure to use the proper version of the mod in regards to whatever game version you are running as well.


I can personally guarantee you that the Assembly is working for both versions because I test everything before I release it.


And no worries no bother at all! :)


Thanks, man! Disabling EAC did the trick. Can't wait to get started with this mod now, I have really fond memories of the older versions.

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Hey clockwork are you going to update your UIs when a16.2 goes stable?


Yup and they are already updated for A 16.2 they work for both stable and exp.


The only thing so far that was changed was in windows they added


<togglebutton name="toggleStabilityGlue" caption_key="xuiDebugMenuShowStabilityGlue" width="290" height="32" depth="3" />


might only affect the debug menu for 16.1 but it works so I updated it for 16.1 anyways did not test the debug menu though for 16.1 so it might throw an error but I hope not.

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Yup and they are already updated for A 16.2 they work for both stable and exp.


The only thing so far that was changed was in windows they added


<togglebutton name="toggleStabilityGlue" caption_key="xuiDebugMenuShowStabilityGlue" width="290" height="32" depth="3" />


might only affect the debug menu for 16.1 but it works so I updated it for 16.1 anyways did not test the debug menu though for 16.1 so it might throw an error but I hope not.


Gotcha cool! the old one didn't survive the change over to 16.2ex and it's slowly becoming a must have addition :)

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Update (8/2/17)



-Removed wood from junk loot

-Removed femur from junk loot

-Removed scrap lead from junk loot (these are already easily acquired and I did not want them taking away from other valuable loot drop chances)



-Changed the rolling hills to be less steep and more gradual and this in turn has seemed to create a compound effect with the mountains making them a tiny little bit less frequent and I am a lot happier with it now.


-Slightly increased stamina loss when first stage of tired from 0.5 / second to 0.75 / sec


Is there a way to get the Rwgmixer.xml from the previous version as this mixer is causing graphic errors on my save? Thanks for the work on the mod btw, it's certainly much more challenging than any other mod I've tried.


edit - Also, not sure if you've tried it but I always set the ScaleBiasOutput to 150 from 255. Seems to make a nice landscape with much less mountains everywhere.

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Is there a way to get the Rwgmixer.xml from the previous version as this mixer is causing graphic errors on my save? Thanks for the work on the mod btw, it's certainly much more challenging than any other mod I've tried.


Sorry about that, the new rwgmixer is much nicer it has softer rolling hills and the cities develop more consistently and since you already tried to use the new one I dont think going back to the old one will fix the graphical issues due to the fact that you generated terrain from two different mixers on the same world already.


But here is the previous version! Download! hope it works fingers crossed!

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edit - Also, not sure if you've tried it but I always set the ScaleBiasOutput to 150 from 255. Seems to make a nice landscape with much less mountains everywhere.


That will cause roads not to develop in areas and cause other issues as well, I have already gone through all this with others. It should remain at 255.


There is a proper way to reduce the height of mountains and that requires adjusting other variables and testing till you get it right.


But currently the mountains are perfect they reach as high as possible and do not breach the breaking point and cratering into volcano tops.


This allows POI's to spawn on them even traders high up on mountain tops and roads to wind up the mountains to them.

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