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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Ok so it seems that TFP have removed certain blocks like the rug and carpet blocks but the painting tool can in fact be used for aesthetic purposes, I could add missing blocks for eg, brick paver and the carpet and rug blocks but that is going to eat up available block id's and increase the recipe list which are two things I would like to avoid since I would actually like to trim down the recipe list, and save block ID's for both whatever TFP add and for more important functional blocks.


And at some point in the future I was going to make it so that all blocks had to be upgraded from wood frames removing a ton of recipes for blocks like brick blocks and flagstone etc, and make it so that the painting tool actually becomes a more dominant feature. Not only that but this also makes it so that resource cost for getting to certain stages are not skipped over.


Some may not like this idea but after you realize you can literally build whatever base you want and use whatever shapes you want then simply apply whatever texture you want to those blocks later it will probably catch on and be less of an against the grain issue.


So for now the painting tool is going to be the way you will get your carpets and rugs in game sorry if that is not the answer you were looking for, but I am also in the process of making all road signs and even the open sign be able to be collected with a wrench.

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Update (7/28/17)



-Changed all road signs material to metal_thin (250 HP)

-Changed all road signs can now be picked up by harvesting them with a wrench

-Changed Cold bear sign can be picked up by harvesting it with a wrench

-Changed Open sign can be picked up by harvesting it with a wrench



-Changed toilet recipes now only requires a bucket (not filled with water since you cant get water from a toilet)

-Added recipe to craft small trash bin

-Added recipe to craft trash can

-Added recipe for cntCabinetOldBottom

-Added recipe for cntCabinetOldCNRRoundFiller

-Added recipe for streetLight01

-Added recipe for 3 different gravestones

-Changed recipe for wallLight01_player to be the same as the other small lights



-Reduced paint cost for all textures to 1

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Ok so it seems that TFP have removed certain blocks like the rug and carpet blocks but the painting tool can in fact be used for aesthetic purposes, I could add missing blocks for eg, brick paver and the carpet and rug blocks but that is going to eat up available block id's and increase the recipe list which are two things I would like to avoid since I would actually like to trim down the recipe list, and save block ID's for both whatever TFP add and for more important functional blocks.


And at some point in the future I was going to make it so that all blocks had to be upgraded from wood frames removing a ton of recipes for blocks like brick blocks and flagstone etc, and make it so that the painting tool actually becomes a more dominant feature. Not only that but this also makes it so that resource cost for getting to certain stages are not skipped over.


Some may not like this idea but after you realize you can literally build whatever base you want and use whatever shapes you want then simply apply whatever texture you want to those blocks later it will probably catch on and be less of an against the grain issue.


So for now the painting tool is going to be the way you will get your carpets and rugs in game sorry if that is not the answer you were looking for, but I am also in the process of making all road signs and even the open sign be able to be collected with a wrench.


Thanks for the time to look into it and the Dude RULES. im a bit far from doing any real decoration still trying to live. got me a nice little water plant to live in, but its in the snow biome. I keep freezing and lumberjacks EAT ME. finding the resources to build a workbench is a tough one. i need some frames to block open door ways. But the random gen world is so much nicer and the buildings are awesome. Much better then the TFP Vanilla. do i need to download the files again to use the new items you updated?

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Thanks for the time to look into it and the Dude RULES. im a bit far from doing any real decoration still trying to live. got me a nice little water plant to live in, but its in the snow biome. I keep freezing and lumberjacks EAT ME. finding the resources to build a workbench is a tough one. i need some frames to block open door ways. But the random gen world is so much nicer and the buildings are awesome. Much better then the TFP Vanilla. do i need to download the files again to use the new items you updated?


Lol, yeah you will need to re-download the mod and install the files again, I added the Painting file and made changes to other files, if you are using the mod launcher it will update automatically for you.


Dont forget the campfire will progressively heat you up the longer you stay by it, and yes the resources for a workbench are difficult to find, some tips for getting what you need consist of, finding a claw hammer and using it on a wood frame, so break a wood block down to its frame and use a claw hammer to collect nails from it, you can also use a claw hammer on the old wood chairs, pew segments, night stands, wood desks and wood tables to get nails as well, glue can be crafted from duct tape, duct tape can be gathered from the second stage of cars with a wrench.


That made me check on the harvest events for cars and I had to make an adjustment with them as well.


Good Luck! :)


- - - Updated - - -


Update (7/28/17)



-Changed some harvest events for cars (Decreased amount of gas collected from them, increased amount of duct tape gathered from them, changed duct tape to be gathered from second stage instead of first)

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Update (7/28/17)



-Fixed description of blood loss from using blood draw kits



-Changed description of blood bags to be more clear that they do restore blood loss equivalent to one half of a use of a blood draw kit


I will give a full description of how my modified blood loss works when using a blood draw kit and will also post it in the full mod details.


When using a blood draw kit it will both have a chance of giving you an infection based off of you dirty you are and will also give you blood loss after using it.


You can safely use a blood draw kit 2 times in a row and will get minor blood loss which only makes you lose a bit of stamina, upon the third use you will have lost enough blood to start losing wellness, upon the fourth use you will become slower and lose wellness at a faster rate, upon a fifth use you will die.


You naturally slowly recover from blood loss, it takes 6 in game hours to recover from one use of the blood draw kit, so you can safely use it twice in a row every 12 in game hours, the blood loss buffs will indicate this when they are no longer present.


You will have 0 chance of infection so long as you are clean when using the blood draw kit chances of infection go up as you get dirtier.


Consuming a blood bag will restore half of one use of a blood draw kit and will take half the time to recover from one use if you accidentally used it too much.

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Couple of things: Maybe turn down wilderness spawn of zombies, boost in cites? And Boars are so easy to kill, they dont run from you, i crouch headshot dead, easy raw meat. Also i know theres a way to turn off all lights that spawn in POI's, that would add to the desolate apocalypse feel.

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If anyone has the chance. Can they go to 0,0 in their worlds and tell me if you're getting a wilderness poi dead center? I've just loaded 3 different maps and I get a poi dead center on every map. Everything else is different just a poi dead center of the map. I know your terrain is slightly different than what I am running but I am just curious if your getting similar results? Just for pure curiosity and only if you remember to think of it is all. pls and TY

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Couple of things: Maybe turn down wilderness spawn of zombies, boost in cites? And Boars are so easy to kill, they dont run from you, i crouch headshot dead, easy raw meat


Yeah I not sure about the wilderness spawn for zombies its keeping me on my toes and I am actually finding it difficult to survive for once, and the Boars are literally my saving grace since I find food so hard to obtain early on but yes they are a bit too weak.


Also the wilderness zombies are spawning because of the fact that I replaced the invisible animal hack, I could add the invisible animals back that would decrease the zombies in the wilderness but idk they are actually a threat now out there.


I will boost in cites though a bit I think the wilderness spawns are what is making the cites more lively though I have an update coming soon.

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Update (7/28/17)


-Increased Boar HP to 120 from 90



-Increased spawning of zombies in cities (Edit: untested but hoping, worst case scenario is this change will do nothing)



-Decreased burn time of wood to 10 seconds (back to Alpha 15 fuel values)



-Removed compost recipe that was crafted only with plant fibers (it does make sense but from a game balance stand point it was too easy to obtain fertilizer this way)

-Added plant fibers as a required ingredient for all other compost recipes that were crafted with food

-Added Cordage as a required ingredient for crafting all clothing at the Tailoring Table

-Added Cordage as a required ingredient for crafting a bed roll at the Tailoring Table

-Fixed Swat helmet recipe is now crafted at the smithing table



-Added requirement to collect cordage before crafting a bed roll

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If anyone has the chance. Can they go to 0,0 in their worlds and tell me if you're getting a wilderness poi dead center? I've just loaded 3 different maps and I get a poi dead center on every map. Everything else is different just a poi dead center of the map. I know your terrain is slightly different than what I am running but I am just curious if your getting similar results? Just for pure curiosity and only if you remember to think of it is all. pls and TY


Confirmed city spawns at 0, 0 with my mixer as well, I think the generation starts with a cell at 0, 0 or something.

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Also i know theres a way to turn off all lights that spawn in POI's, that would add to the desolate apocalypse feel.


- - - Updated - - -


Confirmed city spawns at 0, 0 with my mixer as well, I think the generation starts with a cell at 0, 0 or something.


Far as i remember there has always been a hub at 0,0 but in a16 the hubs are way different than previous alphas

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Also i know theres a way to turn off all lights that spawn in POI's, that would add to the desolate apocalypse feel.


- - - Updated - - -




Far as i remember there has always been a hub at 0,0 but in a16 the hubs are way different than previous alphas


I already was trying to make all the lights in POI's be off by default but found out you have to actually edit the prefabs to do it so I am not going to bother with it, was going to make them all require power but oh well we will just pretend that some power is still being generated by the power plants in the cities. :)


and yeah the hubs are generated differently in A16 but I think that they are still guaranteed a cell at 0,0 despite that and that is what causes the cities to still be always appearing at 0,0.

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I still feel a unbalance of poi, hubs to biomes. Im standing in the middle of the street, no zed in sight. I cant do that outside the city


Yeah currently there is no way to increase city spawns directly without editing prefabs sleeper spawners, the best I can do is jack up the biomes and animal spawns cause they will increase spawns in the city due to the fact that the cities reside in a biome and animals will spawn in the city. And they are already jacked up enough imo.

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Update (7/28/17)



-Changed athletics to now require the same amount of experience as the rest of the major skills (2000 XP, I made this change after leveling athletics to lvl 4 by the end of day 1)

-Changed experience required per player level according to changes made to athletics



-Changed experience gained from reading athletics book to 1000 (Takes 2 books to level a skill by one full level)

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I feel like the enemies to much bullet sponges maybe increase headshot damage?


Chances are you still need to get your skills up to do any significant damage. Everything has to be balanced with full skills and perks in mind.


For eg. I currently have pistols set to 2x head damage


Pistol base damage at max quality is 15 with skills and perks that brings the pistol to 60 base damage and 120 damage to the head that is one shot head shot for most weaker zombies so I have done my calculations. Otherwise if you can just 2 or 3 shot a zombie early game that makes the skills and perks not nearly as worth it.


And this does not even take into consideration the dismemberment chance perk.


EDIT: I can do a full break down like this of all the weapons if you want so you have an idea of how I have balanced each weapon.

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Chances are you still need to get your skills up to do any significant damage. Everything has to be balanced with full skills and perks in mind.


For eg. I currently have pistols set to 2x head damage


Pistol base damage at max quality is 15 with skills and perks that brings the pistol to 60 base damage and 120 damage to the head that is one shot head shot for most weaker zombies so I have done my calculations. Otherwise if you can just 2 or 3 shot a zombie early game that makes the skills and perks not nearly as worth it.


And this does not even take into consideration the dismemberment chance perk.


EDIT: I can do a full break down like this of all the weapons if you want so you have an idea of how I have balanced each weapon.


oh i see, i was just messing with your mod for a little bit didnt study the skills and perks... i just like enemies with less hp and more damage in general, but i get what u trying to make

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Chances are you still need to get your skills up to do any significant damage. Everything has to be balanced with full skills and perks in mind.


For eg. I currently have pistols set to 2x head damage


Pistol base damage at max quality is 15 with skills and perks that brings the pistol to 60 base damage and 120 damage to the head that is one shot head shot for most weaker zombies so I have done my calculations. Otherwise if you can just 2 or 3 shot a zombie early game that makes the skills and perks not nearly as worth it.


And this does not even take into consideration the dismemberment chance perk.


EDIT: I can do a full break down like this of all the weapons if you want so you have an idea of how I have balanced each weapon.


I was going to comment on this mechanic, but sounds like you got it covered. Nice

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