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Current high demand Pimp Dreams (Constant W.I.P)


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if this is added is should be expected to also have wild animals with added behavior.   Such as rabbits and deer eating your crops or wolves, bears, and zombies eating your livestock.   Might also be able to carry your livestock and toss them into a horde for distraction purposes. 😈

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/4/2016 at 1:22 AM, ltbrunt said:

Feature List


2125 hrs playing your stellar game. addicted to the game...... well it's either this or quit using a computer, 2125 hrs isn't probably that high for hour count for 7DTD.


I know what your thinking "oh no PIMP's here is that guy that only shows up right before a major alpha release to put in his two cents" Run for the hills team. I spent the last two years playing your game you will spend 2 seconds reading this killer list of features.


Beware this feature list is so awesome that Nintendo is probably going to read this post and develop an entire game just going off the features listed below. Also they will probably also go out of business. So Drum Roll please Ltbrunt's 2014 no 2015 no 2016 features for 7 days to die.............


1. Hey mad mole any chance of getting the double jump back into the game maybe as a skill.


2. Also would love to have the ability to duck under one block again.


3. Being able to crawl would be a killer feature.

- Make it so that if you do crawl damage from zombies would be ten times higher. Since your body would be completely undefended.


4. The ability to build on trees would be nice.


5. Mad Scientist skill tree,

- At the higher Mad Scientist skill tree you could craft a vaccine that would turn you into a half zombie allowing you to tame/control a couple other zombies. You would have to keep crafting and taking the vaccine. If the vaccine wears off your zombie pets will tear you a new one.

- Mad scientist would have unique weapons for the Mad Scientist craft tree.

- Mad scientist would not be bothered by the zombies but would be constantly attacked by the roaming bandit hordes.


6. Give me bandits like the

- Gatling gun totting bandit name Tom Wilson slow but deadly.

- Sniper bandit who runs from close combat, named Thadeous Dean, beware he runs to get a good sniping advantage on your location.

- Shotgun Eddie, ex cop wears a sweet suits and likes kicking doors in. Usually the first guy in your face usually the first guy that dies.

- Retired cop turned bandit Johnson Smitty, Just wants to live the quiet life but on the day he retired the world ended. Terrible shot with a hand gun but moves very fast.

- Wet Water Willy the Water bandit, likes to hide in water for a nice afternoon ambush with a Bowie Knife Mate.

- and last but not least Shelly Slash you up. She wields not only a Katana for close combat but pulls a Uzi to light you up from a distance. She is the boss.

- And if you kill the bandits without getting head shots then they will turn into regular zombies that are stronger since they are new zombies.



I really don't like any of these ideas and hope none of them are put in sorry but when you go to far from a path you change the fundamentals of a game and the game is literally perfect without any of this

Edited by keith82
forgot to write why i was copy pasting (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

option to use the old ai to make fun bases viable, rn we are forced to use cheese bases or have our heavily fortified base get one section swarmed with the rest untouched, instead of anti cheese ai have anti cheese zombies like gas clout/explosive spitters or chargers that charge towards players potentially hitting a post and heavily damaging/destroying it, or at least if they want anti cheese ai make them take another path if lots of zombies die on a specific path

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  • 2 months later...

I really want more endgame crafting, big stuff too.  


-Placeable propane tanks.  Just like the big ones already in game that explode.  Uses a ton of gas, so people still need to work for them.  Large tank maybe 10,000 gas but so fun for a 7day night.  Figured this one may be easy since the items are in game already, just need to make craftable and placeable.


-Large statues or decorations, think giant Bruce Campbell Army of Darkness statue.  Uses a mass amount of iron, stone, concrete, or whatev its made of.  Could be super expensive to build but provide some bonus too.


-Golden statues and other gold stuff.  Make it so you smelt casino tokens to get the gold.  Currently have like 400,000$ sitting in a box.


-Way more usable placeable items.  Like different fridges with diff storage amounts depending on crafting difficulty, 


-Power.  Lots more items to power, like an oven you can actually use!!!


-Compost for biodiesel gas.  basically a a large pile/bin you feed unneeded food items and clay into to get gas


-Chicken coop, put chickens in and get eggs.


-Some new guns and mods for them.  Really dont like the tactical assault rifle, so would love a couple choices


-A way to upgrade a trader (more endgame to do).  Have a fave house and a trader by it?  Have huge supply turn in's (mined, smelter, mech/elec, tape, etc to upgrade a trader.  Makes the outpost fancier and adds to what they carry


-A bench for bullet making.  Add components to it to make different and better ammo's.  Wire it with power later on for the fancy ammos



Edited by rah2644
added to (see edit history)
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Some more end game quests maybe too, for unique things.  Like a hit level 25 and get a quest (basically a difficult clear/fetch like a daily but a cool location and setup).  Could add in multiple for the higher levels too.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've always hope that they would add sleeping or some kind of thing kind of like how in Minecraft all players have to go to bed at the same time they could do the same thing with 7 Days to die. But I personally hope that they add like a restroom function because your character eats and eats and eat and yeah you get dysentery but there should be another bar like you have your food your water sleep meter and cleanliness meter some s*** like that now that would make this game interesting and super challenging to have to manage two other things. 


It would also be cool if they would add new traps because with this new ragdoll system I would love it if they added springboards or some kind of trap where it fling zombies .


And of course new weapons mainly in some kind of other gun that uses Magnum ammo. Because at the moment there's only two things in the entire game that use Magnum ammo while every other ammo type has at least three maybe four. 


And finally more achievements

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely want to see Farm Animals added in, and this is something that the developers can certainly include into the game sooner than others, as Pigs and Chickens are already in the game with their own models. A Chicken Coop block is easy enough: a small box with a nest inside, the equivalent of one block. Just throw in Corn Seed and a Chicken spawns over time which accumulates Eggs and Feathers in the nest box. If you kill the Chicken for meat, add in more Corn Seed.


As for what I want: I think we need something like a Combine Harvester Mod for the 4X4 that will collect Plant Fiber in bulk, kill anything in its path and collect the harvestable resources like Rotting Flesh from Zombies, or Meat and Animal Fat from fauna and add it into the vehicle's inventory.

Definitely want to see Farm Animals added in, and this is something that the developers can certainly include into the game sooner than others, as Pigs and Chickens are already in the game with their own models. A Chicken Coop block is easy enough: a small box with a nest inside, the equivalent of one block. Just throw in Corn Seed and a Chicken spawns over time which accumulates Eggs and Feathers in the nest box. If you kill the Chicken for meat, add in more Corn Seed.


As for what I want: I think we need something like a Combine Harvester Mod for the 4X4 that will collect Plant Fiber in bulk, kill anything in its path and collect the harvestable resources like Rotting Flesh from Zombies, or Meat and Animal Fat from fauna and add it into the vehicle's inventory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

QoL suggestion
Add another trigger for Motion Sensor - in addition to self, allies, unknowns and zombies add a trigger for self-in-a-vehicle. Or split up "self" into "on foot" and "in vehicle". That way we can set garage doors to open only when the Motion Sensor detects us in the vehicle, and when we're just passing by on foot it won't trigger the sensor. It would allow to safely exit the compound (yard, fort, base...) in the vehicle, without being annoyed by large doors opening while the horde is outside of the compound fence and you're running around near the fence and garage doors while trying to defend your compound. It's hard to avoid Motion Sensor triggering even if it's aimed directly to the ground as it has a wide cone of sensing, so adding a trigger for vehicle would solve that problem and it would make Motion Sensor more useful for garage doors (like 5x3 steel g.d.).

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I'd love for Axes to be treated as weapons opposed to their tool treatment. They could be used as an effective weapon if they are changed to match this idea. however they are lacking in damage due to this classification as a tool. perhaps we could have sub-categories for axes? Divide them between axes for harvesting wood and axes that are used to kill the reanimated. it would be a much needed change as weapons types are lacking when it comes to melee. 

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