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Industrial Forge, Ammo Press, & Stove Workbenches

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Currently, we have the options of the standard forge and the campfire, plus mods for them, and the basic workbench. You want more supply, you build more of these structures, but that also generates a lot of heat to attract screamers. In addition, if you leave extra materials in the fuel slot, it will burn through it even when nothing is crafting.


Electricity exists within the game! This suggestion couples the power of electricity with the crafting benches.


The chem bench already exists as an upgraded version of the campfire to make meds and chemicals, so how about an upgraded version of the others?


Note: this would also help to cut down on the number of workbenches going simultaneously in an area, reducing lag there too, as I’ve noticed it can get fairly bad when industrializing.


Industrial Forge:

Crafted with a lot of steel, mechanical parts, electrical parts, a couple forges, and a couple crucibles.


It still requires a fuel source to operate (would be 2x as effective as a normal forge), but when also hooked up to electricity would become even more efficient (3x a normal forge), as well as automatically turn off if there was no more material left to smelt or items crafting, conserving fuel materials.


Potential mod upgrades could be made for it too, like a “hopper” to increase slots available for smelting, and a “vat” to make it hold more smelter materials (going beyond 30k).


Ammo Press:

Crafted using Steel, Mechanical Parts, Electrical Parts, Springs, and a couple of workbenches. 

It would require electricity to operate. The player simply selects what type of ammo they wish crafted (must still have it learned) and by adding the supplies to the work station it automatically crafts the selected ammo type when it has enough to do so. 
Works with BULK crafts as well. 
Cuts down the time to craft ammo by a bit.


Stove Workbench:

Crafted using Steel, Mechanical Parts, Electrical Parts, multiple cooking pots, multiple grills. 

Can use fuel, electricity, or BOTH to cook food with. If only one resource is used the efficiency is only +50% more effective than a campfire. However, if BOTH are used, it’s twice as effective as a campfire, and will automatically turn off when there is no more food to cook (or output is full). 

I’m sure there will be those that say this is not needed, but I personally think it would be a fantastic addition to help cut down on space needed, active workstations, add to aesthetics for players that like a tidy base/ home feel, and makes sense in progression of advancing technology. After all, electricity should be for more than just lights and defenses IMO.

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On 8/30/2024 at 5:49 PM, GuardianReaper0 said:

Industrial Forge:


And what's the point? It's not that easy to dig up resources for regular forges. They don't work all the time for me. What's the point of creating even faster ones?

On 8/30/2024 at 5:49 PM, GuardianReaper0 said:

Ammo Press:


A regular workbench allows you to create more ammo than you can use.

On 8/30/2024 at 5:49 PM, GuardianReaper0 said:

Stove Workbench:


The campfire is off 90% of the time. What's the point of speeding it up even more? I've already accumulated enough food for a week of play, I can leave it off for a week.

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6 hours ago, Suxar said:

And what's the point? It's not that easy to dig up resources for regular forges. They don't work all the time for me. What's the point of creating even faster ones?

A regular workbench allows you to create more ammo than you can use.

The campfire is off 90% of the time. What's the point of speeding it up even more? I've already accumulated enough food for a week of play, I can leave it off for a week.

Regular forges are easy to build, but even with the upgrades can be slow to process materials, which is why often times you will see 2-4 or more in a base. The more active workbenches in a base, the higher the heat and the lag. The higher the heat, the more screamers.


Id like to see an upgrade that makes sense  and actually helps the game.


A regular workbench you can craft ammo on for sure, but having an ammo bench setup like I’m suggesting would be a great way to make it more efficient. 
While YOU may have enough of the ammo you like, that doesn’t mean everyone else does. Crafting AP ammo takes forever, unless you have multiple workbenches producing it. (AP slugs and 9mm for turrets as they burn through them very rapidly.) 

Again, less benches helps reduce lag and heat.


The stove, serves multiple purposes. Aesthetically it would be nice to not be stuck with a campfire in your kitchen.

Setting food to cook or water to purify and walking away because it takes a while to cook, but running into issues of running out of output space, or it stayed on longer and burned extra fuel, or even the fact that every active workbench produces heat which attracts screamers. 

Ultimately, the common theme here is they all make the processes more efficient so there is less active workbenches causing lag and attracting screamers, with the added bonus of not wasting fuel and giving you another worthwhile thing to use electricity for.

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I keep many forges to produce different things at the same time. In one for cartridges, in another for bullets, in the third for cement, in the fourth for pipes, in the fifth for ingots. At one time I kept another for cans.

27 minutes ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

or even the fact that every active workbench produces heat which attracts screamers. 

Experience with home delivery.
Now, although they come in pairs, there is a pause between their appearances. Previously, I would only enter the house when the next screamer would come running.

They are dangerous at the beginning of the game, but in the middle they are just a bit of an annoyance.

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12 hours ago, Suxar said:

I keep many forges to produce different things at the same time. In one for cartridges, in another for bullets, in the third for cement, in the fourth for pipes, in the fifth for ingots. At one time I kept another for cans.

Experience with home delivery.
Now, although they come in pairs, there is a pause between their appearances. Previously, I would only enter the house when the next screamer would come running.

They are dangerous at the beginning of the game, but in the middle they are just a bit of an annoyance.

It depends on what they call in and how many that determines if they are a threat or an annoyance IMO. 
Like if someone is sitting at base afk for a bit and the threat isn’t dealt with, you might come back to no base.

Still, reducing the number of active workbenches needed would be much appreciated.


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3 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

Like if someone is sitting at base afk for a bit and the threat isn’t dealt with, you might come back to no base.


If they don't notice, nothing will happen. I recently sat down in a hide at the base and went to smoke, came back 2 screamers walking around. Until I started moving, they just walked.

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5 hours ago, Suxar said:

If they don't notice, nothing will happen. I recently sat down in a hide at the base and went to smoke, came back 2 screamers walking around. Until I started moving, they just walked.

They have always noticed at ours, given enough time (usually 3 minutes tops).

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23 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

The ammo press would be a good mod for the workbench 

There's been talk of implementing tools for the workbench (similar to the Forge and Dew Collector) before, but I haven't heard anything in a while. I would love it if they did and the ammo press would be great if it allowed you to disassemble ammo as well to get more ingredients back (maybe a slight loss of gunpowder).

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7 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

There's been talk of implementing tools for the workbench (similar to the Forge and Dew Collector) before, but I haven't heard anything in a while. I would love it if they did and the ammo press would be great if it allowed you to disassemble ammo as well to get more ingredients back (maybe a slight loss of gunpowder).

I really, really don't want to go back to the days of calipers.  If it improves efficiency or something, fine.  If it's required to make ammo, not a chance in hell.

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13 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

There's been talk of implementing tools for the workbench (similar to the Forge and Dew Collector) before, but I haven't heard anything in a while. I would love it if they did and the ammo press would be great if it allowed you to disassemble ammo as well to get more ingredients back (maybe a slight loss of gunpowder).

The logic of disassembly is now such that you get only 1 type of material. To get several, you will have to seriously rework the game.

11 hours ago, Javabean867 said:

I wouldn't mind different tools to help with the build times of different stuff.  bins for quicker scrapping, light for quicker build, and maybe a 3rd option to unlock making weapon parts.

Why? Parallelization of the process is, in essence, acceleration.

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3 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

I really, really don't want to go back to the days of calipers.  If it improves efficiency or something, fine.  If it's required to make ammo, not a chance in hell.

Personally, I’d still prefer some new workstations, as stated in the suggestion, but if they were to go the route of mods for the existing workstations, I do think that you could equip more than 1 of the ones that increase efficiency and speed, but are still restricted to 3 total.

- you could have multiple anvils on a forge to further increase the speed of crafting items


- you could have multiple tarps to increase yield beyond 2 per slot in dew collectors, 1 tarp = 2, 2 tarps = 4, 3 tarps = 8.

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6 hours ago, Suxar said:

Why? Parallelization of the process is, in essence, acceleration.

???  I was thinking along the same lines as the the forge tools.  1 puts resources into the forge faster. 1 makes forging items faster.  1 unlocks recipes.  I'm not sure what your arguing against.

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22 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

There's been talk of implementing tools for the workbench (similar to the Forge and Dew Collector) before, but I haven't heard anything in a while. I would love it if they did and the ammo press would be great if it allowed you to disassemble ammo as well to get more ingredients back (maybe a slight loss of gunpowder).

That would be cool but a ammo press would insta craft bullets and has a chance to craft a extra bullet

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11 hours ago, Suxar said:

The logic of disassembly is now such that you get only 1 type of material. To get several, you will have to seriously rework the game.

Well, with scrapping, yes. But "harvesting" already allows for multiple ingredients to be returned. "Serious rework" seems like a stretch. That being said, I highly doubt it would be implemented anytime soon or even for this game. Pimp Dreams are essentially wish lists. These ideas can be used for this or future projects.

17 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

I really, really don't want to go back to the days of calipers.  If it improves efficiency or something, fine.  If it's required to make ammo, not a chance in hell.

I'm unfamiliar with calipers. Must have been pre-A19. I also agree that an ammo press, if even implemented, should not be required to make ammo. It just makes it more efficient and gives the player other benefits like disassembly.

Edited by Syphon583 (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

That would be cool but a ammo press would insta craft bullets and has a chance to craft a extra bullet

I wouldn’t say “instant”. Quicker than a workbench perhaps. Shaving a second or two, sure.

The only issue on the extra bullet part is how would that work with bulk ammo? You already use a reduced amount, so giving an increased amount past that seems like it would be difficult to balance.

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17 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

I'm unfamiliar with calipers. Must have been pre-A19. I also agree that an ammo press, if even implemented, should not be required to make ammo. It just makes it more efficient and gives the player other benefits like disassembly.

Calipers were a workstation tool (the workstation used to have 3 tools, just like the forge) that were required to craft ammo back in A16.  They had a tendency to be extremely rare, such that you could often be 5 or 6 weeks into a game before you ever found any (if you ever did.) 

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You can add recipes to the game to disassemble items to get more than one base resource.  Not a difficult task to do (you just need to append the new ones to the recipe file).  It would though start to bloat the amount of recipes you have in-game which might be one reason that TFP have not gone that route.  So this would not require any serious work to rework the game.

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