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The new trader system should be toggleable

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I'm honestly not a fan of the new trader system. Having traders locked off to certain biomes doesn't make sense and I feel it adds artificial difficulty where there doesn't need to be.


I think we should be able to toggle the traders being locked to specific biomes, because me and my family/friends playing this game don't really want to have to set up a base in a more difficult biome just to be near a trader we like. We stick to the pine forest most of the time and only venture out when we need stuff. I believe a toggle should be added in the world generation/server settings to make it the previous way. 


So please add a toggle or setting for that, because it just makes things more difficult for those of us who like the game to be a more chill experience.

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I haven't looked at the config yet, but it's probably easily moddable.

Yeah, I know that isn't ideal for a lot of people, but it is an option at least.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, I mean especially since I hate @%$#in Rekt (I mean who doesn't) and you're gonna see an awful lot of him every new game.



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Agreed, though for other reasons I've stated before.  RWG is for random maps.  As such, things should be random.  Shocking, I know.  😁


Note that for now, you can generate a map and then use world editor to change a trader from one to another if you want a specific trader near you.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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That also brings up my problem with RWG. I hate how you can only have one world gen for each size. I kind of wish the world generation worked like other games where I could make a random world for every save file.

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3 minutes ago, ButterFox said:

That also brings up my problem with RWG. I hate how you can only have one world gen for each size. I kind of wish the world generation worked like other games where I could make a random world for every save file.

You can have multiple worlds per size.  But they need unique names.  At least with PC.  Console might have limitations due to space.

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1 hour ago, ButterFox said:

I know about the world names, but there's no easy way to change the world name as far as I could find. It never allowed me to change the name in game at least.

You just change the seed.  Name is based on seed.

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3 hours ago, Krougal said:

I haven't looked at the config yet, but it's probably easily moddable.

Yeah, I know that isn't ideal for a lot of people, but it is an option at least.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, I mean especially since I hate @%$#in Rekt (I mean who doesn't) and you're gonna see an awful lot of him every new game.



Rekt is an ass. I feel like they put him in the starting area (along with no big cities) as an attempt to make players want to leave the forest sooner. I just changed the xml to allow big cities in the forest in my random gen world, and just ignore the traders.

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1 hour ago, Fenris said:

Rekt is an ass. I feel like they put him in the starting area (along with no big cities) as an attempt to make players want to leave the forest sooner. I just changed the xml to allow big cities in the forest in my random gen world, and just ignore the traders.

You just might be right.


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Does it matter which merchant is next to the base? Their quests are still of the same level, the goods are updated every 3 days. If you need to buy something, you can go to the right merchant once every 3 days. In the middle of the game, the motorcycle is no longer a problem.

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1 hour ago, Suxar said:

Does it matter which merchant is next to the base? Their quests are still of the same level, the goods are updated every 3 days. If you need to buy something, you can go to the right merchant once every 3 days. In the middle of the game, the motorcycle is no longer a problem.

Well, there's a handful of reasons why I make this complaint.


I like to generate large worlds, so sometimes you end up with long stretches of pine forest. I don't want to have to travel 2 kilometers just for one specific merchant who may or may not even have what I need. Also, it would make more sense to have multiple different merchants per biome instead of 5 trader Rekts all in the pine forest. 


Also, and I can't verify this yet, but I assume the rewards you receive for missions may be different based on the merchant. If this can be confirmed as the case, that would be another reason.


And it really does matter to me and my family who play. We like having quick access to do quests and not have to travel far to find out preferred quest merchant.


This all is made worse on console where you don't even have the option to go into a world Editor. I play on both, so the issue is easier resolved for me on PC, but my parents and I play on console and it's more difficult to find a way around the issue.


I hope my reasonings listed paint a better picture of why I dislike this change in 1.0

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25 minutes ago, ButterFox said:

Also, and I can't verify this yet, but I assume the rewards you receive for missions may be different based on the merchant. If this can be confirmed as the case, that would be another reason.


The reward depends on the level and type of task. It does not depend on the merchant. However, the loot you find on the quest itself will depend on your level and binomial type.


Merchants have a slightly different range of goods. But I buy something from them extremely rarely, now only modifications for the water collector. And all merchants have these modifications. I want to buy solar cells, but I haven’t seen anyone on sale yet.

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30 minutes ago, ButterFox said:

Also, and I can't verify this yet, but I assume the rewards you receive for missions may be different based on the merchant. If this can be confirmed as the case, that would be another reason.

The rewards are the same as far as I can tell.  They all use the same loot groups for each level of rewards unless I'm mistaken.


But I also don't like listening to Rekt every game.  Drop the language and I wouldn't care, but it just gets old really quickly.  I avoid him as much as possible.  As for the others, I really don't care who I deal with.  Sure, there are different items for sale, but I rarely buy anything anyhow.  Give me any trader other than Rekt and I can live with that.  And now that there isn't incentive to go to other traders because all traders have the same quest tiers, I can pretty much stay at one town the entire game and just explore when I feel like seeing the world or if I want to buy something like solar cells that are extremely rare (far too rare, TFP!!!) and need to go to every trader on the map every few days in hopes that I can get one per inventory reset period (2 if I'm lucky, which isn't often).  They did these changes to get people a reason to go to other traders, but for me, it's done the exact opposite.  I wanted go through and do the tiers at each trader.  That was an incentive for me.  Without that, there just isn't any real incentive beyond just finding some POI you don't have where you are.  But if I'm at a very large city, I've got plenty to choose from, so that's not a big incentive usually.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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