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Please Add Clothing Back to 1.0

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Really a shame, i hate being forced to change armour for every little task. Wanna salvage? Change armiur. Wanna mine? Change armour. Wanna loot? Change armourz or feel like your missing iut or wasting time bg not doing so

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2 hours ago, AfroZombie said:

Really a shame, i hate being forced to change armour for every little task. Wanna salvage? Change armiur. Wanna mine? Change armour. Wanna loot? Change armourz or feel like your missing iut or wasting time bg not doing so

No one forces you to do that except you.  I see no reason to swap armor for different tasks and so I don't.  Easy.  😁

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3 hours ago, AfroZombie said:

Really a shame, i hate being forced to change armour for every little task. Wanna salvage? Change armiur. Wanna mine? Change armour. Wanna loot? Change armourz or feel like your missing iut or wasting time bg not doing so

Yeah, if you find it fun to change your armor, then go for it!  I don't bother with that, but those extra bonuses are tempting.

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1 minute ago, theFlu said:

Heh. You're taking his "forcing" seriously, so I'm taking your "seeing" seriously ;)

Ahh.  Went over my head.  😁


But I think he feels it is a real problem.  There have been a number of people posting here who have said they can't play any way but the most optimal or efficient way and they hate doing so.  They have the choice to play differently, but not the will.

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4 minutes ago, Riamus said:

But I think he feels it is a real problem. 

I do too; personally I won't bother with swapping for most of it, but it's a weird design. Temporary consumables (candies etc) to boost whatever are great, they're equal to everyone and don't effect your "other stuff", like carrying capacity. Temporary gear sets to boost things are.. a nightmare. For design. You'll have to design the game for people who actually utilize them, or you'll have the swappers being OP for your design. Or you can go "sod balance", ofc.


And if you design for swapping you have to optimize the UI/UX for swapping your stuff around.. make it easy enough and you might've just given the bonuses as default, make it hard enough and you just cause massive inventory hassle for everyone.

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14 hours ago, Riamus said:

There have been a number of people posting here who have said they can't play any way but the most optimal or efficient way and they hate doing so.

As old man Einstein said: “Everything is relative.”
What is optimal at one stage of the game may not be optimal at another. The same lumberjack armor helped a lot in the initial stages of the game, but now I don’t want to waste time putting it on. There’s already enough stamina, but there’s already quite a lot of wood and the fact that I’m chopping is enough for me. Candies, I don’t use them at all, space in my inventory is more important to me.

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Some tasks are easy to plan for, so it's very worthwhile.

For instance farmers outfit and boots since you are going to do all your harvesting at once, in your base at least.

Enforcer glasses for bartering is another.

Setting out on a trip for a specific task, like mining or woodcutting, maybe even salvage. Sure.

Swapping back and forth in quests is madness. I mean don't get me wrong, I used to do it a lot before 1.0, looter goggles, open stuff, swap nerd back on otherwise...it got to be a real pain in the ass. Some of us really can't help ourselves. I am probably borderline OCD.


I have really tried not to do it now, but I've already caught myself carrying around a t6 nerd outfit for book reading. I'm really trying to stop. I also just put my cigar in and left it, trying to forget the other headpiece exists.


It is hard, min/maxing is a disease. We need a support group!


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41 minutes ago, Krougal said:

It is hard, min/maxing is a disease. We need a support group!

Yeap... send help!

41 minutes ago, Krougal said:

but I've already caught myself carrying around a t6 nerd outfit for book reading.

I've played for a couple days, and I've ... carried all my books home this far, don't think I've read a single one yet. Just waiting for that armor... really. Send help! :D

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1 hour ago, Krougal said:

Swapping back and forth in quests is madness.

I always carry a nerd outfit with me for quests. The nerd outfit gives me a chance up to 50% to get a second skill point when reading a magazine. That's worth the inventory slot.

But I don't change my armor in the middle of a fight. That would be too much.

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4 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

But I don't change my armor in the middle of a fight. That would be too much.

Would you do it if.. you could place a piece of armor on your toolbar and click it to swap between that and whatever you're wearing? Let's assume you have +60% melee and +60% ranged damage as the alternatives. I think I would. (I usually have about 3 freeish slots on the 10-slot belt, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. And I use an MMO mouse with all the toolbar numbers under my mouse-thumb)

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13 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Would you do it if.. you could place a piece of armor on your toolbar and click it to swap between that and whatever you're wearing? Let's assume you have +60% melee and +60% ranged damage as the alternatives.

Not necessarily. I'm too much of a melee player and therefore pay more attention to protection than damage. In my last playthrough, I wore raider armor. I only changed to preacher gloves during horde night but never changed armor during quests.

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