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(1.0) IZY-All in One Gun Pack v.2.2 (updated)


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1 minute ago, Tomasz93 said:

Hello, this might be a silly question, but is it possible to craft the Thompson, or can it only be purchased?...because I can't find it among the recipes.

tier 4 weapons cannot be crafted

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5 hours ago, Colin248 said:

man this mod vanished from this page for a while, was terrified something happend. ;-; so glad its still up so me and my buds can rock the new toys. ❤️ thanks so much for the effort you ahve put into these guns. verity is the spice of life, and i hope they just keep coming :D

That happens when the first post with links gets updated.  Have to wait for moderators to approve it.



Izayo, are there any problems updating the mod in a current game that is already using it?

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3 hours ago, Novus25 said:

Reserve Rifle became uncraftable after update (37 of rifle skill of 26 needed, still no crafting).

Also Car-15 still has crosshair upon aim with fix installed.

here another fix.  (forgot to change the name in progression)



if the crosshair still appear, try get another same gun.

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  • Izayo changed the title to (1.0) IZY-All in One Gun Pack v.2.1 (updated )
10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Izayo, are there any problems updating the mod in a current game that is already using it?


There is a chance that it would reset the player because Izayo adds new crafting items, but Izayo has changed the progression update method so it might work (I haven't gotten around to trying out the different method myself).  The game can be a bit picky when you update items regarding the character after you already have unlocked items.


If I were you, I would create a test game first, give yourself a bunch of XP and magazines, then apply them to your character, load the mod, and see what happens.

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Just a question for the advanced users of xml... does anyone know if using say, force= true, type properties will help errors like:

2024-08-20T23:02:37 221.855 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "IZY_RMP_9mmVAL" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHandguns']/display_entry[@item='gunHandgunT0PipePistol']"> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" unlock_tier="1" tags="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" /> </append> (line 6 at pos 2)

When you have multiple things affecting the same skills,  progression, etc, it seems to not want to "append" and apply the changes sometimes.
Is there a way to force it to instead of a "set" command?
I was wondering if you could apply the "force" property or something like that to an "append" line.
Any info would help going forward as I'm still learning and run into these a lot. I tried searching through the xml section and it didn't show me anything on it.

Right now I'm trying to use Izy's stuff with Black Wolf's Better Vanilla Perks and the Zombie Hunter stuff. Both append progression and skills and I would like to either "force" it with the append or may have to patch it in one of the others myself (for personal use of course).

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57 minutes ago, LordSoth01 said:

Just a question for the advanced users of xml... does anyone know if using say, force= true, type properties will help errors like:

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2024-08-20T23:02:37 221.855 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "IZY_RMP_9mmVAL" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHandguns']/display_entry[@item='gunHandgunT0PipePistol']"> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" unlock_tier="1" tags="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" /> </append> (line 6 at pos 2)



When you have multiple things affecting the same skills,  progression, etc, it seems to not want to "append" and apply the changes sometimes.
Is there a way to force it to instead of a "set" command?
I was wondering if you could apply the "force" property or something like that to an "append" line.
Any info would help going forward as I'm still learning and run into these a lot. I tried searching through the xml section and it didn't show me anything on it.

Right now I'm trying to use Izy's stuff with Black Wolf's Better Vanilla Perks and the Zombie Hunter stuff. Both append progression and skills and I would like to either "force" it with the append or may have to patch it in one of the others myself (for personal use of course).

you gotta ask Chonky. he made these progressions with a miracle.

30 minutes ago, Black_Wolf said:

hey Izy, i would like to let you know that the "optional no crosshair" version still has the Pipe smg dealing 0 damage

I'm gonna make a separated optional file instead. but lets it be tomorrow. for the quick fix you just need to add "9mmGun" tag to pipe SMG and UZI to recieve the correct damage. 

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4 hours ago, LordSoth01 said:

Just a question for the advanced users of xml... does anyone know if using say, force= true, type properties will help errors like:

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2024-08-20T23:02:37 221.855 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "IZY_RMP_9mmVAL" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingHandguns']/display_entry[@item='gunHandgunT0PipePistol']"> <unlock_entry item="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" unlock_tier="1" tags="IZYgunT0SMGPIPEsubmachinegun" /> </append> (line 6 at pos 2)



When you have multiple things affecting the same skills,  progression, etc, it seems to not want to "append" and apply the changes sometimes.
Is there a way to force it to instead of a "set" command?
I was wondering if you could apply the "force" property or something like that to an "append" line.
Any info would help going forward as I'm still learning and run into these a lot. I tried searching through the xml section and it didn't show me anything on it.

Right now I'm trying to use Izy's stuff with Black Wolf's Better Vanilla Perks and the Zombie Hunter stuff. Both append progression and skills and I would like to either "force" it with the append or may have to patch it in one of the others myself (for personal use of course).

The 2 most common reasons for that are: 

- Mod incompatibility: One of those mod "removes" parts or all the crafting skill tree. When another mod that loads after it tries to "add" its stuff looking for some "key words", "names" or "tags", those are no longer there, since they have been deleted by that other mod, ergo changes "do not apply". 

- Using wrong syntax to add stuff on progression system. 


There can be other reasons, but that is by far the most common one. 


For the syntax thing, the solution is to fix it 😅.

For the mod incompatibility, the first thing I would do is open those other 2 mods and see if any of them include things like <remove xpath=" bla bla bla bla something something" in the progression.xml. If they do, that is a mod that is calling for trouble and incompatibility with many other mods. In that case best fix would be to kindly ask creator if they could consider improve or rework that part of their code. If that is not possible, and you have some knowledge of xml, you could try to improve the code yourself using things such as "csv" if possible instead of remove + append (which is a very bad way to do stuff most of the time).

You can also try to change mod load orderYou can easy do that by renaming mods folder, since the game loads mods alphabetically. Mods that "remove" stuff usually work best when loading first, since most of the time a "remove" comes together with an "append" to place vanilla code back. Not always though, so this will work or not depending on what the other mod removes, and how your other mods add stuff. 


Ups, quite long post, I hope it is not too off-topic, sorry 😅, I just want to help 🥰.

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24 minutes ago, LittleRedSonja said:

Ups, quite long post, I hope it is not too off-topic, sorry 😅, I just want to help 🥰.


Great post, I was writing up something similar just now when I got the update that you posted something.  Made my reply much shorter now  😏

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SVD Dragunov?
Browning Machine gun, caliber.50, M2




Thanks for the 2.1 release!

One question,
Is it a spec that the UZI magazine has 80 rounds by default?

I am looking forward to the implementation of the M1897!
If possible, I would like a model with a bayonet attached as well. It doesn't have to be usable!
Or you could treat it as a mod and just add the look...I'd be happy if you could.

I can't wait to see what guns will be implemented in the future.
Will my favorite gun be implemented!
SVD Dragunov?
Browning Machine gun, caliber.50, M2

Even if they don't get implemented, this mod is still great.

I have played 7DTD for about 7500 hours and I have never seen a firearms mod as complete as this one.
It has become my most anticipated mod and I am using it in my delivery.
My 7DTD consists of very powerful zombies,
They are difficult to defeat with normal weapons.
A high powered gun would be helpful if possible.

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11 hours ago, 白狼 颯 said:




SVD Dragunov?
Browning Machine gun, caliber.50, M2




Thanks for the 2.1 release!

One question,
Is it a spec that the UZI magazine has 80 rounds by default?

I am looking forward to the implementation of the M1897!
If possible, I would like a model with a bayonet attached as well. It doesn't have to be usable!
Or you could treat it as a mod and just add the look...I'd be happy if you could.

I can't wait to see what guns will be implemented in the future.
Will my favorite gun be implemented!
SVD Dragunov?
Browning Machine gun, caliber.50, M2

Even if they don't get implemented, this mod is still great.

I have played 7DTD for about 7500 hours and I have never seen a firearms mod as complete as this one.
It has become my most anticipated mod and I am using it in my delivery.
My 7DTD consists of very powerful zombies,
They are difficult to defeat with normal weapons.
A high powered gun would be helpful if possible.

I forgot to change to 30 , thanks for the notice.  will fix later


m1897 will come back as a T3 traditional shotgun


for the guns you suggest below ,just wait for the Tarkov gun mod to update. I don't wanna add another caliber. to this game.

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18 hours ago, LittleRedSonja said:

The 2 most common reasons for that are: 

- Mod incompatibility: One of those mod "removes" parts or all the crafting skill tree. When another mod that loads after it tries to "add" its stuff looking for some "key words", "names" or "tags", those are no longer there, since they have been deleted by that other mod, ergo changes "do not apply". 

- Using wrong syntax to add stuff on progression system. 


There can be other reasons, but that is by far the most common one. 


For the syntax thing, the solution is to fix it 😅.

For the mod incompatibility, the first thing I would do is open those other 2 mods and see if any of them include things like <remove xpath=" bla bla bla bla something something" in the progression.xml. If they do, that is a mod that is calling for trouble and incompatibility with many other mods. In that case best fix would be to kindly ask creator if they could consider improve or rework that part of their code. If that is not possible, and you have some knowledge of xml, you could try to improve the code yourself using things such as "csv" if possible instead of remove + append (which is a very bad way to do stuff most of the time).

You can also try to change mod load orderYou can easy do that by renaming mods folder, since the game loads mods alphabetically. Mods that "remove" stuff usually work best when loading first, since most of the time a "remove" comes together with an "append" to place vanilla code back. Not always though, so this will work or not depending on what the other mod removes, and how your other mods add stuff. 


Ups, quite long post, I hope it is not too off-topic, sorry 😅, I just want to help 🥰.

Thanks LittleRedSonja, appreciate the help.

Yeah I was trying to correct some issues with various mods, in this instance, that affect progression tree/skills/perks stuff.
Usually if one appends a section, then the next one that tries to append it is ignored, or something to that effect with multiple calls.
Not necessarily editing the same thing, which would be a "latest/last" used taking priority issue, but more of an "adding on to" the same thing.

Like say, Lucky Looter getting bonuses from 3 or 4 different mods and all adding something slightly different (purely as an example).
I was trying to find a way to edit the code of the "appending" mod to "force" it to apply it's "append" data, without having to use a "<set>" command.
I was wondering if the "force=true" type of command added to a property would do that .... OR... if there was another way of doing it to get the same desired effect without combining all 3-4 mods into one patch.

I honestly haven't seen anything yet that does it and the properties with the "force=true" commands are the closest I've seen and caught my eye.

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7 hours ago, LordSoth01 said:

Thanks LittleRedSonja, appreciate the help.

Yeah I was trying to correct some issues with various mods, in this instance, that affect progression tree/skills/perks stuff.
Usually if one appends a section, then the next one that tries to append it is ignored, or something to that effect with multiple calls.
Not necessarily editing the same thing, which would be a "latest/last" used taking priority issue, but more of an "adding on to" the same thing.


No, that is not what happens.  If the code has multiple appends, they are all applied unless previous code either removes or changes the vanilla code that the next append is looking for.  The game goes through each line of code for the mods and each mod and applies each one in sequence.


Most likely what is happening is that the other mods are making changes to the progression file which affects the path.  For example, if you have one mod that removes T0PipePistol from crafting tags and the next mod in the order is looking for T0PipePistol in the tags, it won't find that location and the append will not execute.


The error message you posted is a common one you get if the xpath is incorrect or has been changed.


In this case, you wouldn't want the game to force applying those changes.  At the very least, it would apply the new code in a weird location and nothing happens.  Worst case is that you will now be getting errors in game because the code you forced to be applied has conflicts.


Best advice I can give you is to make a patch modlet to make all the mods work together.  In addition, if you have one mod that removes code and then reapplies it, have that one loaded first before any of the other mods modify the code.  Log file and the configs Dump folder will help in creating a patch modlet as it tells you what is being applied (and what isn't) along with the game's configs files to show all the modifications.

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So enchanted shotgun shells have 2 variations. one upgrades normal shells, thats fine. the other consumes a box of shotgun shells, 100 of em, and turns them into 1 enchanted shell.... i think there may be a problem here. XD 

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1 hour ago, hobostorm said:

XM-25 and RPG-7 are stuck at tier 1 crafting for me, even with 100/100 explosive magazines and removing other mods.  Just wondering if this is a bug or intentional or just me?

also this. top tier of rockets but can only do tier 1. 

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I was wondering if anyone might know why I'm getting errors with this mod. I used these weapon packs in A21 and they were a blast but for some reason I keep getting red errors when I use this mod.


This is the only mod I have loaded. It's a fresh install. Verified game files. New save.

Oh and I even cleared out the registry. Not sure what else to do.



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20 minutes ago, Rambo311 said:

I was wondering if anyone might know why I'm getting errors with this mod. I used these weapon packs in A21 and they were a blast but for some reason I keep getting red errors when I use this mod.


This is the only mod I have loaded. It's a fresh install. Verified game files. New save.

Oh and I even cleared out the registry. Not sure what else to do.



It's EAC disabled?

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I had some electric fence posts behind railings in my horde base. Using the incendiary rockets with the RPG dealt damage to the posts and destroyed them after several shots. I'm wondering if this is a bug because the description says the incendiary rockets do not damage blocks

I love the mod so far though despite the few bugs :) I really appreciate you taking the time to make this mod! I'm having a blast. The only other bug i've seen so far was the only being able to craft the RPG and the XM at level one just like the others who posted here.

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