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War of the Walkers mod


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Lovin this Mod.


But one question, I am not sure if it is a bug, for example class quests are active, you get 2 of 5 things done, than active another class quest, return after that to the class quest you done 2 out of 5 things, and wondering you fullfill 0 out of 5. Hope you understand what I mean, and I am not sure if it is a bug or it works as designed.

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Hello, I am semi new to using mods. We have used our own dedicated server for the past month without issues with the mod or by using the mod launcher to play.


However, we did a reset of the server and are now getting this error. when the game starts loading. Exception: Block with name 'tungstenOre' not found!


I have contacted the server hosting company, they completely reset the files back to vanilla, I downloaded the new updated mod and uploaded the files just like last time using FileZilla, deleted the client side mod using the launcher and reinstalled them using the launcher on client side. I am still getting this error Exception: Block with name 'tungstenore' not found!


I can load the game in steam without the error, I have deleted old saves from the server prior reset. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is a server with 20+ people on it and they are growing impatient with me.


THANK YOU ahead of time.


If you're trying the BBM mod: Please note that some server companies won't allow "system files" such as modified DLL's onto their system. So the company has to say that they support this type of feature. Albeit you should get an error when uploading noting something to the effect that there was an error with uploading the AssemblyCSharp.dll file which a lot of mods modify for various reasons and one of them is Backpack changes. If they don't then that's the biggest problem and 'unfixable'/'un-installable' with their system.


Please insure you're trying to install the right files onto the right system.


Actual log files would help, but it would seem that either a file got corrupted or worse. Generally you can try reinstalling to take care of that issue. I do know that working with a rented dedicated server that sometimes the server will not update the files properly and this seems to be the cause of some of these errors. Not sure how or why but after uploading the files, making sure all of the settings are correct - then rebooting the server usually helps.

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im not sure if this has been answered but im digging a mine shaft and starting at +36 metres but when i hit bedrock im only at -24 metres, question is has bedrock depth been changed in this mod as from memory isnt bedrock in vanilla at -54 metres approx +/- 2 metres (not 100% sure)


Yes, in this mod its been changed to accommodate 'issues' with tall mountainous areas. Vanilla is about -58 or so :)

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Lovin this Mod.


But one question, I am not sure if it is a bug, for example class quests are active, you get 2 of 5 things done, than active another class quest, return after that to the class quest you done 2 out of 5 things, and wondering you fullfill 0 out of 5. Hope you understand what I mean, and I am not sure if it is a bug or it works as designed.


Well - not totally sure... But one thing I've seen is that - for example you need to make wood frames. You have to make them yourself in your backpack and they will count - then the 'sub quest' turns green, that tells you that part is done! If you make the wood frames in a workbench - they will not count and the sub quest will not turn green!


As for switching between class quests I've noticed that in one quest - I needed to have so many wood frames - then I switched class quests... Then I switched back and saw that it went from x wood frames down to 0 but I didn't have any wood frames, and then that part of the quest 'reset.' So I had to make more (50?) in my backpack before it turned green.


After you've completed 2 of 5 it should automatically switch to 3 of 5.


For example:

In upper right of window:

Class x quest 1 of 5:

get 10000 wood

get 10000 small rocks

get 10000 plant fibers


Once you get 10000 wood then in the upper right the "get 10000 wood" would turn green: "get 10000 wood" if I remember correctly you can now do anything you want with the wood!

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Hi. I am playing the latest version of this mod. Started with a fresh installed game. I used the mod launcher to install it. Everything was fine til I got to the snow biome, then I had your custom zombies with invisible legs and messed up head and torso textures. I deleted the mod and tried again several times to install. I have looked back through others posts here and seen several people with the same issue. Was a fix ever figured out? I'm so excited to play this but everytime I see those zombies, i'm like blegh. lol.

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Disappearing POI (Pirate and NEFP? Fort)


I love the War of the Walkers mod - been playing it for a couple of months as we wait for A17. In our initial load (V5.2.5) we had no issues with 2 pirate ships and the NEFP fort (sorry not sure the initials there).


We took the exact same server and decided to start a new game because our seed wasn't ideal (too much water and desert). On our new seed (Gremlins) we ran across 2 pirate ships that were visible in the distance but when approached they disappeared. On a 3rd pirate ship, 80% disappeared but the ladders and 2 more tiles stayed and we could climb it. Regardless, when we came across the a fort it disappeared. We upgraded the server to 5.2.7 and noticed the fort reappeared in the distance view but again disappeared when approached. We also noticed the fort did not appear with a block or outline on the map before disappearing.


We again decided to install another fresh copy and try another seed and just fly around and see what happens. In this case we did have a pirate ship that didn't vanish and we ran in to 2 forts and this time only 1 of the vanished upon approach.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can trouble shoot this problem?

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This is an amazing mod. I think most things have already been said about its contents, but after tryin most of the big mods, I can say I'm a big fan of WoW after only a few days of playing on it. I'm on 'Mama's Secret' server, where the admins and moderators are an incredible bunch of people, who go out of their way to help new visitors. Thanks so much for all of your hard work, and expect a donation from me soon. Cheers from Mansfield. UK.:smile-new:

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I also had an inventory nightmare. Logging in again I was without my purple spiked club, Mortar & Pestle and God knows how many raw iron. Basically I'd spent my entire day off gathering resources, only to come back to less than half what I'd collected. I have only JUST found out that I'm gonna need the bigger backpack add on (I know...DOH!) so I'm also looking for that. So, if anyone else has inventory missing whilst in this mod, I'm guessing that's your problem.


- - - Updated - - -


My 72 slot should work for you since his UI is based on my files, unless he changes a lot. What was the issue you ran into?


Try opening his windows.xml with notepad++ then search for wbackp. That will take you to the correct section, then follow the instructions within to disable the standard backpack UI and enable the 72 slot UI.


Then copy the assembly-csharp.dll from my mod and disable EAC and you should have a bigger bag.


If you hate the new bob and sway you need to download the assembly from the sgbb marked file instead where I turn the sway down significantly.


Hope that helps.


Please be aware that sometimes it looks like the mod ain't working when using it on an existing save. It fills to 32 and stops. If that happens remove an item and then it should work.


Thanks very much Sirillion.

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re NEPA prefab disappearing...


...it had too many air blocks above the prefab, allowing it to generate distant terrain but not actually spawn the prefab. I removed the extra layers.


Use this copy, unzip into your prefab folder, should fix it (except for the chunks that already generated, doubt that will be fixable).



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I was playing (and LOVING) WoTW, but when I logged off and returned, half my gear was missing. I understand this is an assembly c sharp thing and I need a bigger backpack patch. (or do I?) If I do can someone point me in the right direction. Tried a few, but game just hangs on load. Pulling out my hair now as I have a couple of free hours before work and I love this mod, and the server I'm on (Mama's Secret) so any help - or a link to relevant thread - would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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re NEPA prefab disappearing...


...it had too many air blocks above the prefab, allowing it to generate distant terrain but not actually spawn the prefab. I removed the extra layers.


Use this copy, unzip into your prefab folder, should fix it (except for the chunks that already generated, doubt that will be fixable).



Much Thanks! I can confirm it worked and even after we updated the file and just reset the chunk. The only remaining issue is the pirate ships still disappearing and since we are trying to play "straight up" we would love to be able to loot them.



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Hi. I am playing the latest version of this mod. Started with a fresh installed game. I used the mod launcher to install it. Everything was fine til I got to the snow biome, then I had your custom zombies with invisible legs and messed up head and torso textures. I deleted the mod and tried again several times to install. I have looked back through others posts here and seen several people with the same issue. Was a fix ever figured out? I'm so excited to play this but everytime I see those zombies, i'm like blegh. lol.


I too saw many people mentioning this. And I don't know if that's intended or not at the moment. I have it in my head that about 4 weeks ago someone 'made a fix' but I don't have anymore info than that at the moment.

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Great Mod.


The ranged bandits in the wastelands are to accurate since they can one shot me with a shotgun at 100m, how can I adjust or remove them?


I am having no luck finding coffee beans or plants to get the quest done any hints?


Its a long drawn out process to remove them since there are soo many 'bandits' - One way to do that I would guess is to change their probability down towards zero.


Please note that I don't know the 'limits' as far as these numbers can go so putting 0.0 or even 0.0000 might mess things up at calculation time and 'could' crash the game!


Another way is to reduce the damage their weapons can do, Damage Bonus to the head is probably whats getting you. I personally don't go into their territory since I've experienced how tough they are.


Best off to wait till someone else responds to this.


As for the coffee... There is a 'indoor garden' area that has some. The Traitor with the 'log cabin on stilts' also has some. There are at least one POI (house) that has some around it. There's a 'truck stop'?!? The one with semi's parked out in front of it - has some near those semi's (only 0ne or two coffee plants at most). Then theres the POI with the fenced in gardens that has some. Then the POI - the one with 3 cars out in front and a pool in the back with 'beach chairs' with bright colors can have some out in front... I have it in my head that there's at least one more POI with possibility of coffee... But you can also find them in kitchens...


dwallorde? The numbers right on the shotguns?!?

Edited by Cadamier
UPDATE! dwallorde?!? (see edit history)
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I was playing (and LOVING) WoTW, but when I logged off and returned, half my gear was missing. I understand this is an assembly c sharp thing and I need a bigger backpack patch. (or do I?) If I do can someone point me in the right direction. Tried a few, but game just hangs on load. Pulling out my hair now as I have a couple of free hours before work and I love this mod, and the server I'm on (Mama's Secret) so any help - or a link to relevant thread - would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Hello Steve,


I would guess you have the 'basic' version of War of the Walkers. That issue happens when the client doesn't have the BBM or Bigger Backpack installed on their system. That server has the BBM mod included with War of the Walkers. You'll need that version. Get to the first page of this thread and get this one: "A16 BBM Mod Github (Client/SP Local) Download"


I take it you've installed it manually? Thing is that installing the BBM over what you have now "SHOULD" be okay with the save/game you're already playing, but may mess up you're 'saved game.'


You might consider getting the Mod Launcher. Its a user interface that lets you pick the mod you want and play... Please be forewarned that you may go crazy with it and 7D2D as many of us are! lol You just specify a few things and it takes care of the rest - EXCEPT for saved games, backing up your games... More info here. That is to say that after you've set a few things (location of where you want all mods to go) - it will put all mods in that location in separate folders! In the interface on the left side is a list of all compatible mods and to play any of them is only a few clicks and maybe a couple of minutes away! What I see now is 21 mods with some UI's.

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I am having no luck finding coffee beans or plants to get the quest done any hints?


Try to find one (or more) of the Class Traders. The Scholar Class vending machine has a reasonable chance of having coffee seeds (and mushroom, and other seeds you can't ,make yourself without mastering Scholar first). Buy the seeds, plant them, harvest coffee....


Remember to check BOTH Scholar Vending machines, and if you are lucky, other nearby Class Traders. Plus all the other options mentioned by other folks.


The class traders, by the way, are the best early source for concrete too (Builder).

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Try to find one (or more) of the Class Traders. The Scholar Class vending machine has a reasonable chance of having coffee seeds (and mushroom, and other seeds you can't ,make yourself without mastering Scholar first). Buy the seeds, plant them, harvest coffee....


Remember to check BOTH Scholar Vending machines, and if you are lucky, other nearby Class Traders. Plus all the other options mentioned by other folks.


The class traders, by the way, are the best early source for concrete too (Builder).


I have lots of hours on this mod and have yet to find a Class trader :) Is there a method to finding them or is it just RNG?


I am on day 12 and finally found 1 coffee seed so now the process begins.

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I have lots of hours on this mod and have yet to find a Class trader :) Is there a method to finding them or is it just RNG?


I am on day 12 and finally found 1 coffee seed so now the process begins.


Well there you have me... but I tend to find them with about the same frequency as regular traders. Usually in the vicinity of a city, etc. Then again, most of the time I use the map viewer to scope out the area I am in, so there it is. Personally, I find the "fog of war" uncovering of the map to be non-immersive. From an RP view I figure I am trying to survive in a region of the world I lived in BEFORE everthing went to hell, so I should have at least a rough idea of where everything is...


If you see them from a distance though, they will be a big square building with no windows, and one set of doors in.

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I found a Class trader right after writing the last post :) I was watching a video from "Games4Kickz" and he happened to drive up on one and so then I knew the shape I was looking for and when I spotted something similar I went to investigate. I have decided to change locations on the map far away from the wastelands so now the bandits are not a problem.

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Hey, I tried modifying the RWGmixer.xml file but it keeps getting deleted and replaced (Via ModLoader). I tried replacing it with the one I found here:


Is that ModLoader's fault or do I have something special to do in order to do that (Offline Steam maybe?)



EDIT: It seems a handmade install solved this but the game is stuck on "Loading Item" and can not boot; EAC is disabled



Thanks in advance

Edited by The-marshal (see edit history)
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