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For developers, please read very important about POIs


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On 10/11/2023 at 2:37 PM, eganonstwr said:

I dont know why you cant do so, dont wanna know BUT i see people cleaning the poi before taking the quest, so they double loot double xp from zombies, please do something about this, its kinda non-professional,

Define double dipping for us, please.

Is there a difference if I clear a POI for XP and loot, reset the POI via quest and do it again versus If I clear a POI for XP and loot and then come back x days later and clear and loot it again via quest?  Does the time between clears mean anything, or change the perception of double dipping?

I don't find it an issue in SP, its obviously a much more complex in MP. 

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On 10/11/2023 at 4:11 PM, Roland said:

I don't think this is a problem that needs to be solved since it is very easy to just not double loot if you believe it is an exploit.


If I were to suggest a fix to this it would be that instead of the quest displaying the POI name and direction, simply have it give the distance away and then instead of the rally marker being in front of the POI, have it be about 100m away from the POI in front of an NPC who will then lead you to the POI after the rally marker has been activated. Now you don't know exactly which POI is going to be the quest POI and by time you get to it by following the NPC it has already been reset for the quest.


Double dipping -- fixed

Seeing the POI reset in front of your eyes  -- fixed

Immersion issues with a bobbing exclamation mark -- fixed


One of the NPC guides could even be named Trolland and he would arbitrarily lead you to the wrong place...


Not a bad idea.  However, game is built into chunks and if your 100 meters away, there is the possibility that chunk the POI is in would not be loaded.


Also, players like to know the name of the POI in advance when choosing a quest.  Taking away that choice is probably a step back.

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43 minutes ago, 8_Hussars said:

Does the time between clears mean anything, or change the perception of double dipping?


I think the problem/perception is best illustrated when you compare quest and non-quest POI's. If I clean out "Al's Fish House" and it's not quest-associated, then I'm forced to wait a period before I can return and clean it out again. Some loot won't be there on the 2nd clearing, and any resources harvested (plastic from blinds, etc.) also won't be there.

With a quest POI you can double-dip, but really only on the first run....so it's not that big of an issue (it may feel like it). 

A bigger problem would be that you can run through a quest, grab all the loot, but leave a few zombies alive. Restart the game and voila!....repeat as many times as you feel like. Need books?....you can clean out all the shelves of the bookstore over and over and over.


Who's to say what should be part of a SP experience, but I feel that you should FAIL a quest when logging out. We'll occasionally get burned by lockups, power-failures, crazy dogs, etc.



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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1 hour ago, Morloc said:


I think the problem/perception is best illustrated when you compare quest and non-quest POI's. If I clean out "Al's Fish House" and it's not quest-associated, then I'm forced to wait a period before I can return and clean it out again. Some loot won't be there on the 2nd clearing, and any resources harvested (plastic from blinds, etc.) also won't be there.

With a quest POI you can double-dip, but really only on the first run....so it's not that big of an issue (it may feel like it). 

A bigger problem would be that you can run through a quest, grab all the loot, but leave a few zombies alive. Restart the game and voila!....repeat as many times as you feel like. Need books?....you can clean out all the shelves of the bookstore over and over and over.


Who's to say what should be part of a SP experience, but I feel that you should FAIL a quest when logging out. We'll occasionally get burned by lockups, power-failures, crazy dogs, etc.



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

I tend to agree.

In SP we as players need to take some responsibility for our own agency and in-game experience.  Just because the game allows us to get away with something does not mean we as players should exploit it or that the game designer should eliminate the exploit.  On the flip side, do I really care what other players do in their own SP sessions as long as they have fun and I can tailor my game experience to ensure that I have fun?


2 hours ago, Laz Man said:


Not a bad idea.  However, game is built into chunks and if your 100 meters away, there is the possibility that chunk the POI is in would not be loaded.


Also, players like to know the name of the POI in advance when choosing a quest.  Taking away that choice is probably a step back.

Notwithstanding, I am not sure double dipping is an issue.

Granted, its not thought all the way through but, perhaps tie a POIs main loot to the respawn timer?  If a player loots a questable POI main loot, the POI cannot be reset with a quest until the world respawn timer expires.    

Edited by 8_Hussars (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, 8_Hussars said:

Granted, its not thought all the way through but, perhaps tie a POIs main loot to the respawn timer?  If a player loots a questable POI main loot, the POI cannot be reset with a quest until the world respawn timer expires.    


Haha...can you imagine players gathering their team at the rally point after clearing the POI the first time to start the quest and when the quest owner clicks the rally marker a message pops up that they will have to wait five days to activate the quest?


That would be a busy day for me and the other moderators here on the old forums...lol

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I choose not to double dip, aside from mailboxes. But I do like that I have the option to completely strip a POI twice.


But I can see the multiplayer issue being really annoying. 


I think the solution for multiplayer would be to have NPC bouncers at every questable POI. If you're in a POI and someone starts a quest there, the bouncers come in, beat you up and throw you out. 

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