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Undocumented change with latest patch


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So I updated my modlet that gives max slots per QL and also removes some of the random values from items to A21 and it was working without error until this morning. So it has to be something with yesterdays update. The commented out line is the one that is failing, it had been 2,6 like the others, but doing a find all  there was no 2,6 with that value, only 1,6 so I changed it. Same result. The other lines still work fine.


	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='1,1,1,2,2,3']/@value">3,3,3,3,3,3</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='1,1,2,2,3,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='2,2,2,3,3,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='2,2,3,3,4,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='3,3,3,4,4,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>	
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='EntityDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='BlockDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='DamageFalloffRange') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
<!--    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='DegradationMax') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='1,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/> -->
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='RoundsPerMinute') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='MagazineSize') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='WeaponHandling') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>


Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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Ok, so it appears that if your code cannot find a match in the file then it tells you that it failed to apply. So it was just a deprecated setting (there is a bonus from perks, like miner69er, etc but this was to remove the random durability add, which I guess isn't a thing anymore). As is typical after banging my head against a wall and asking for help I figure it out.


Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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Ok, I just realized something else pouring over the configsdump, either the random damage modifier became the perks mod and/or it was removed and/or I actually have no clue what I am doing.


So the code below is working all right, but I begin to suspect it is neutering the perk bonus from whatever weapon perc is associated. Maybe the filters worked different in previous versions (this was from A19 or A20) or maybe I misunderstood. I know BFT2020 and doughphungus helped me out with some of it, I went back and found the threads, but of course I didn't find those parts so I lifted it from god knows where.


So it seems that they are indeed the random bonuses and possibly they have the tag for the perk so that they are modified by the relevant perk?

    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='EntityDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='BlockDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>


What I am trying to accomplish is removing all the random stats from equipment. I abso@%$#inglutely hate that @%$#. Like Borderlands would seem to be a light-hearted romp through a silly cartoonish world, but no, it is a game about shopping. Waste endless hours of your life every time you see a new shop terminal trying to make apples to apples comparisons out of apples and oranges and drive yourself insane.


I know some people love it, but that @%$# makes me nuts. I don't want to spend 1 second of my time comparing the stats between 3 different leather dusters and debating the merits of "do I need more heat, more cold or the middle one...and then even still which one is better overall?" @%$#...That...!!!

All I need to know is that a leather duster is better than anything else for desert and also a good all-rounder, a puffer coat is best for snow, and a college jacket if I want the speed bonus. Anything else is wasting my time.


Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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Random stats are typically like this (note this is based on the current copy of config files I have on hand which are Alpha 21 stable)


        <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.04,.04" tags="perkElectrocutioner"/> <!-- random EntityDmg -->


One thing you can try is this code:


<remove xpath="//passive_effect[@value='-.04,.04']" />


That will remove any lines with that exact value in it.  Doing a quick check, that captured a lot of the random stats.  There will be others, but you add more lines and change the value (like -.02,.02)

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I got the armor, it wasn't that hard since it was all -.02,.02. The clothing was a little more involved, but thankfully there are "sets" of pairings.


The working code:

<!-- Give maximum mod slots to all QL -->
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='1,1,1,2,2,3']/@value">3,3,3,3,3,3</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='1,1,2,2,3,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='2,2,2,3,3,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='2,2,3,3,4,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'ModSlots')][@value='3,3,3,4,4,4']/@value">4,4,4,4,4,4</set>	
<!-- remove random bonus from armor -->
	<remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='PhysicalDamageResist') and (@operation='base_add') and not(@tier='1,6')][@value='-.2,.2']"/>
<!-- remove random bonus from weapons -->
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='EntityDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='BlockDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='DamageFalloffRange') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
    <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='WeaponHandling') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/>
<!-- Clothing, de-randomize heat & cold resist -->
<!-- Cold resist -->
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='21.5,25.5']/@value">25.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='2.8,5.2']/@value">5.2</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='6.5,9.5']/@value">9.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='1.8,4.2']/@value">4.2</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='10.5,13.2']/@value">13.2</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='4.8,7.2']/@value">7.2</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='7.2,10.8']/@value">10.8</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='13.5,17.5']/@value">17.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='21.5,26.5']/@value">26.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HypothermalResist')][@value='11.7,15.5']/@value">15.5</set>
<!-- Heat resist -->
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='1.5,2.5']/@value">2.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='5.5,8.5']/@value">8.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='1,3.5']/@value">3.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='10.5,14.3']/@value">14.3</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='7.5,10.5']/@value">10.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='3.5,4.5']/@value">4.5</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='6.8,9.2']/@value">9.2</set>
	<set xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='HyperthermalResist')][@value='17.5,22.5']/@value">22.5</set>


I should probably pack this up and share it. As soon as I can find the motivation for my lazy ass to setup a git for it.


I should definitley shorten up those paths like you did there.


Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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