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Need Map Gen Help


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Whenever I try to create a map with these settings this error pops up and then sits on generating highways forever. Considering this map SHOULD have next to nothing on it it should be a speed gen. Can anyone else try to create a map with these settings and see if you get the same error or tell me if theres something i can tweak to unbreak it.



EDIT: It seems like its tied to Towns: None. If the game cant handle generating a map with that setting why is it selectable?

Edited by Ailin (see edit history)
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I'm not sure I can read it, but I think it says "ArgumentOutOfRangeException." If I had to guess, I'd guess it relates to Pine Forest, Desert, and Wasteland all being set to 0%.


Personally, I'd think if the UI let you set it to those values that it should run without exception, so I'd call this a bug. As such, what you want to report in addition to that screen shot is the exception found in your log file that goes with that error. And, you'd want to do that in the Alpha 21 Bug part of the forums. (Look for the red bar near the top of the page for a link.)

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3 minutes ago, zztong said:

I'm not sure I can read it, but I think it says "ArgumentOutOfRangeException." If I had to guess, I'd guess it relates to Pine Forest, Desert, and Wasteland all being set to 0%.


Personally, I'd think if the UI let you set it to those values that it should run without exception, so I'd call this a bug. As such, what you want to report in addition to that screen shot is the exception found in your log file that goes with that error. And, you'd want to do that in the Alpha 21 Bug part of the forums. (Look for the red bar near the top of the page for a link.)

I thought that too but its literally just the towns section. Probably still worth a report but i loaded up a new map gen, left EVERYTHING default and the only thing i touched was Towns - None and it broke with that error again even with all 4 biomes present.

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I can't exactly recall it, but I think I remember a case of the same topic, and the solution was that there has to be a part of pine forest, because the game always wants to spawn the player in that "moderate climate zone" to keep difficulty low for a new start, especially now with the biome multipliers.

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Just now, meilodasreh said:

I can't exactly recall it, but I think I remember a case of the same topic, and the solution was that there has to be a part of pine forest, because the game always wants to spawn the player in that "moderate climate zone" to keep difficulty low for a new start, especially now with the biome multipliers.



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7 minutes ago, Ailin said:

I thought that too but its literally just the towns section.


Oh, I didn't see Towns set to "None." I still see it as the same issue though. If that value isn't supposed to be valid then the UI shouldn't let you pick it, so if you can pick it and it crashes, then it must be a bug.


Are there any mods involved?

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, meilodasreh said:

maybe "no towns" also means no traders are spawned but these are needed for the initial quest row? 🤔


No, it won't crash like this.  If it can't find a trader, the quest will simply fail (showing no trader found).

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22 minutes ago, zztong said:


Oh, I didn't see Towns set to "None." I still see it as the same issue though. If that value isn't supposed to be valid then the UI shouldn't let you pick it, so if you can pick it and it crashes, then it must be a bug.


Are there any mods involved?

During the initial rounds yes Teragon still had files in the roaming section of 7 days which i was unaware of, i wiped the mods folder out of there now and tried again it still does it. Id be curious if anyone else can try to generate a map to see if its actually a thing or something on my end.


I did feel dumb, cuz i reported the whole thing with mods no and then as i was reading subsequent logs i noticed it was calling to mods on my C Drive and i was like wth I dont run 7D off my C drive. Atleast its still broken though so it wasnt a complete waste, something is wrong.

Edited by Ailin (see edit history)
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12 minutes ago, Ailin said:

Id be curious if anyone else can try to generate a map to see if its actually a thing or something on my end.


I'll give it a try, though I've got home-grown mods installed.


Results - It fails for me too. Here's the relevant part from my log file...



2023-07-31T16:47:15 43.180 INF WorldGenerator:Generating West Wiuxa Mountains
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.350 INF generateBiomeTiles start
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.357 INF generateTerrainTiles start at 0.007
2023-07-31T16:47:16 44.359 INF generateBaseStamps start at 0.008
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.148 INF generateMountains start at 13.797
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.168 INF writeStampsToMaps start at 13.817
2023-07-31T16:47:30 58.804 INF WaterMap took 1s
2023-07-31T16:47:34 62.554 INF writeStampsToMaps end at 18.203
2023-07-31T16:47:58 86.693 INF terrainGenerationUsingStreetTileData took 15.368
2023-07-31T16:47:59 87.054 INF POISmoother SmoothStreetTiles took 0.343
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <03bd9b261dff4c2b8b568aca27f561b2>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.HighwayPlanner+<Plan>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00124] in <205bdac8b37f40be9c2699c961fdbeaa>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0 


It failed in Highway Plannin trying to get something from a list. I'm going to guess it was a list of settlements that was empty because we set Cities/Towns to "none."

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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10 minutes ago, Ailin said:

i wiped the mods folder out of there now and tried again it still does it.

ok so you initially had problems that were clearly assoicated to mods, and you "wiped" the mods folder but no change.

It of course depends on how modded the game was, but in this case I would strongly suggest a complete uninstall of the game,

double check there are no remnant folders/libraries and whatsoever, and then a fresh and new install of the game.

Sometimes stuff is buried so deep inside the installation of a game, that simply "wiping a folder" isn't enough...in fact that is very often the case.

Despite it being the "mod" folder doesn't mean if you delete it, that automatically makes every bit of modded code being gone. 

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9 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

ok so you initially had problems that were clearly assoicated to mods, and you "wiped" the mods folder but no change.

It of course depends on how modded the game was, but in this case I would strongly suggest a complete uninstall of the game,

double check there are no remnant folders/libraries and whatsoever, and then a fresh and new install of the game.

Sometimes stuff is buried so deep inside the installation of a game, that simply "wiping a folder" isn't enough...in fact that is very often the case.

Despite it being the "mod" folder doesn't mean if you delete it, that automatically makes every bit of modded code being gone. 

Its been reinstalled, 7 days has a folder stashed away in %AppData% that apparently is separate from when you full uninstall.

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yes, full and clean uninstall would be the way to go, no reinstall, no repair install or "verify game files" and all that stuff.

Then manually check the "usual suspects" like "app data/roaming" on your c:drive and of course the steam game library folder(s) for any remains.

For the fresh install I would even recommend to chose a new folder name, just to "kill" any existing path references that might have been overlooked.



ah I just saw zztong edited in his post that he was able to reproduce the hangup with the "no towns" setting on his side too.


So it IS a bug in the end?

Funny somewhat, like the game tries to "draw" at least one road, but it can't because with no towns there's no points to connect the ends with.

Well you could say the game is smarter than some construction authorities 😄


Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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11 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

yes, full and clean uninstall would be the way to go, no reinstall, no repair install or "verify game files" and all that stuff.

Then manually check the "usual suspects" like "app data/roaming" on your c:drive and of course the steam game library folder(s) for any remains.

For the fresh install I would even recommend to chose a new folder name, just to "kill" any existing path references that might have been overlooked.

I dont think you quite get what i did. I right clicked in steam on 7 days to die, and uninstalled it. To nothing. If TFP are using directories that exist outside that structure of an uninstall software button they need to perhaps not. I shouldnt have to go digging throught the dark reaches of my computer to look for scrap files by hand.

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If mods are involved, these can potentially do all kinds of weird stuff if they're not properly coded, you can't blame TFP if a mod messes with the original file index and creates data here and there, and these remains then tangle up even a seemingly fresh install.


But this is not the case here, as i edited in my previous post (see zztongs latest edit)


It just seems the game doesn't want to do this: 🙂


Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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