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(A21) Server Side Weapons


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Pushed a small update for the Railguns Modlet.


It has been given its very own standalone loot group. The loot contains the chance to find:
- A Railgun
- Railgun ammo
- Rifle Crafting Skills Magazines (to get you closer to crafting your own)


This loot can be found in special places like safes and treasure chests.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The opening post explains the situation of how limited the transition from A20 to A21 could be due to a multitude of assets finally being removed even though they hadn't been used by the game developers for 2-3 Alphas. There time had simply come. Remaking can be a long and arduous process and an invitation was offered for anyone who would like to get involved. As such, adding new weapons really depends on community input.


As for your own disappointment in the lack of any Int-weapons (your primary stat).

This is often a very subjective topic and the range across the spectrum of what is considered T0, T1, T2, T3, and T3+ weapon is guided by personal bias and game play preferences. How would you describe Int-weapons and how they match your primary stat? Is it linked to GS viability, game level 0 - 5, rate of fire, HP damage per hit, economics and maintenance, reload speed, close-mid-long distance range, and so on?


Knowing this will allow any potential community creators to consider what kind of gaps there are in these Server Side Weapons alongside the regular default weapons.

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Hi HoneyBee. Can you check to make sure the folder hierarchy is like this:

Mods > A21-ServerSideWeapons > and then inside the next folder you will see Config folder and ModInfo file. It is important to have the ModInfo file at this level of folder depth.


Sometimes this mod can be nested with:


Mods > A21-ServerSideWeapons-main > A21-ServerSideWeapons.

The first folder with -main is something the storage location sometimes adds automatically and this is not allowing the ModInfo file to be read.

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5 hours ago, arramus said:

The opening post explains the situation of how limited the transition from A20 to A21 could be due to a multitude of assets finally being removed even though they hadn't been used by the game developers for 2-3 Alphas. There time had simply come. Remaking can be a long and arduous process and an invitation was offered for anyone who would like to get involved. As such, adding new weapons really depends on community input.


As for your own disappointment in the lack of any Int-weapons (your primary stat).

This is often a very subjective topic and the range across the spectrum of what is considered T0, T1, T2, T3, and T3+ weapon is guided by personal bias and game play preferences. How would you describe Int-weapons and how they match your primary stat? Is it linked to GS viability, game level 0 - 5, rate of fire, HP damage per hit, economics and maintenance, reload speed, close-mid-long distance range, and so on?


Knowing this will allow any potential community creators to consider what kind of gaps there are in these Server Side Weapons alongside the regular default weapons.


I guess I'd describe them as "sciencey," if that makes sense. Weapon-like devices, laser-powered weapons, etc. I'd actually thought the Zeus and the railgun would be intellect weapons, but found they were rifles instead.  Nothing too over the top like a phaser, but maybe hand-built junk laser gun that has to charge after every shot? I dunno.

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12 hours ago, Old Crow said:


I guess I'd describe them as "sciencey," if that makes sense. Weapon-like devices, laser-powered weapons, etc. I'd actually thought the Zeus and the railgun would be intellect weapons, but found they were rifles instead.  Nothing too over the top like a phaser, but maybe hand-built junk laser gun that has to charge after every shot? I dunno.

The Zeus is the closest there is to a high tech device with the 'electric' bolt particle for its shot. Since it needs fully charging for every shot it certainly has that requirement to ensure it has range and full hit damage. There is no intellect class for such weapons and since this is a simple xml Server Side Only mod, it was released with the smallest amount of invasive properties as possible so it doesn't infringe on other mods.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'm hosting multiplayer games with my friends and no one else besides me uses mods. I have no mod conflicts whatsoever, this is the only weapons related mod I use.


The Polearm swung by other players crashes their game after a couple of swings. If I do it, all is fine for me. We didn't encounter any issues with Brainsaw and Newcomen (we barely found any of the mod weapons yet).


Any ideas why other players crash when swinging the polearm?

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Hello Lexxius. This is an unusual crash case because it was tested on a dedicated server with a few players over the period of a month after initial release and we all tried every single weapon as we found them. The Polearm was tested by everyone because it drops by regularly from the loot machine and players were eventually crafting their own.
It is also the first time this kind of crash instance has been shared, although it's possible it has happened elsewhere but simply not been reported.


It sounds like you're hosting server side only mods as a client host that friends can join. If that's not the case, please elaborate further.


All we can really do at this stage is check their game logs as the crash and potential error will show up. If possible, a copy of the server/client host log is also helpful to see if that also shows anything at the moment they depart/crash from the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning,


Thank you for taking the time to create this mod. My server is however receiving this error from this mod:


2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles
2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles
2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles
2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles
2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles
2023-12-14T06:04:52 26.676 WRN Type:RequirementItemTier, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null is missing the UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute, this will fail on consoles


Are there any suggestions on how to fix this? The warning did not exist before I installed the custom weapons. Will this effect server performance?

Thanks in advance!

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RequirementItemTier is potentially linked to them not having a TraderStageTemplate Tier level. For example, the regular Chain Saw has a Tier 3 status. None of these weapons have such status because they are only crafted or found in loot and will not be listed at the Traders unless another player sells them there.


The comment, 'this will fail on consoles' is potentially the reason this error is showing, and it seems that console creators and their network is very strict about how things are processed.


This mod was made with PC/Mac/Linux in mind since we have no clear guidance on Console Mod requirements and stipulations. This mod was released in July and there have been no posts related to server performance, even where servers have been running 20+ mods at the same time. I have personally run this mod for extended periods on a dedicated server and with regular server restarts, as is common for any server running 7 Days, it has been a stable and rewarding experience.


I consider that warning to be more specific to console compliance rather than the more flexible PC/Mac/Linux environment, and based on the zero reports of issues since release, don't give that warning any real credence.

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You can simply add that property to each item without needing to have them in the trader at all, since they would also need to be added to the loot.xml and/or trader.xml to have them in a loot group for trader sales. The top entry for Brainsaw already has that property but commented out with the !--  -- punctuation. Removing that will activate the potential for that feature. I haven't tested it and can't guarantee the result but the warning points in that direction.

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I've added it to both the trader and the items.xml with no luck:


    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='groupMeleeAll']">
        <item name="meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelThorHammer" quality="2,4"/>
        <item name="meleeWpnPolearm" quality="2,4"/>
        <item name="meleeWpnVampireGauntlets" quality="2,4"/>

    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='groupRangedAll']">
        <item name="gunRifleT3DCLXVIZeus" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunRifleT1HuntingRifleSavery" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunKronosXII" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunPP-19Bizon" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunNewcomen" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunBowT3BlackWidow" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunShotgunQuadrupleBarrel" quality="3,4"/>
        <item name="gunRifleT3DCLXVIZeusAmmo" quality="3,4"/>
    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='rareTools']">
        <item name="meleeToolAxeT3Brainsaw" quality="3,4"/>
    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammoArrowsBolts']">
        <item name="ammoRedWidow" count="20,60"/>
        <item name="ammoBlueWidow" count="20,60"/>
    <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammoAll']">
        <item name="gunRifleT3DCLXVIZeusAmmo" count="40,150"/>


All items or mods were given this line:


<property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="baseTier3"/>
			<property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="modsTier3"/>


Am I missing something?

Edited by deadbolt (see edit history)
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That item property for the TraderStageTemplate is appropriate and matches how it is done for the default weapons in the game.


Since those warning messages provide limited information, but do make reference to consoles, the only other suggestion I have is to remove all reference to things like:


                <property name="triggerEffectTriggerPullDualsense" value="PistolTrigger"/>
                <property name="triggerEffectTriggerPullXbox" value="PistolTrigger"/>
                <property name="triggerEffectTriggerShootDualsense" value="PistolShoot"/>
                <property name="triggerEffectTriggerShootXbox" value="PistolShoot"/>


from the items.xml and see if that has any impact. It is sometimes in 2 places for one weapon because of an Action 0 and Action 1.


I suggest this because your warning has 6 messages, and this is added to 6 of the weapons. It is possible there is a connection.

I am logging off now as this timezone is late, but I shall check your message when I next log on.

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This warning for UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve attribute appears to be a Unity script that is attempting to preserve some code that isn't really being used. It is still attempting to preserve it anyway. It is outside the scope of this mod since it is using assets already bundled with the game, and anything that is stripped remains in the default weapon that this mod borrows from. It is a yellow warning, and simply that. If it was a red warning, it would generally be more critical. There are a number of yellow warnings we see in game and in the server log. For example, the snake pain audio often brings up such yellow warnings. Another example is certain deco blocks as we advance towards a POI. Since the mod remains functional, even with this warning, which appears to be related to an attempt to preserve some code that isn't generally used, it may just be something that is there but not causing any issues. There have been no reports of server degradation or in game errors related to this warning so far.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Go to loot.xml and delete Lines 117 - 181. This section relates to finding tickets in loot.

2. Go to recipes.xml and delete Lines 101 - 129. This section relates to crafting the Loot Box Machine and related tickets.

3. Delete quests.xml

4. Go to progression.xml and change unlock_level, and level areas to match your crafting progression specifications.

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