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My Alpha 21 Experience So Far...


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As soon as Alpha 21 came out I played it with my two friends. We were surprised positively by most of the changes, but the few of them we didn't like are kinda big...


Good stuff:

  • New textures and models - We were positively surprised by the number of new models and textures right from the start.
  • Improved lighting - I feel that the lighting is kinda underrated in this game. It looks really good in some areas.
  • Harder difficulty in some POIs - This game has become way more challenging, and I love it. We were no longer zooming through the Wasteland like it was nothing. We were genuinely on edge and constantly looking around for any danger. I really like it. Scary and dangerous - like it should be.
  • Gore system - It's not Dying Light, but cutting off a zombie's head in half is still very satisfying. I'm glad this system was improved and implemented to other zombies.


Bad stuff:

  • The new magazine system - Boy, oh boy. I really hate it. I hate it with a passion. I don't know what is wrong with TFP. Why every next update has to prolong progression by another 100%? Why they can't just add more stuff to the endgame? We played for like 30 days and I can't even build a proper base, because I can't make a generator, because I can't find 25 magazines anywhere. And yes, I invested my points into the perk, but the amount of magazines required to craft a certain item is ridiculous. Most of the fun I had in this game came from designing bases with electric fences and that stuff. But I can't do that anymore, because the grind is so tedious, that it really stops me from wanting to play this game anymore.
  • Removing Sexual Tyrannosaurus - Totally unnecessary change. Now I have to invest points into two perks that affect one type of weapon to use it optimally? What if I get bored of one type of weapon? Now I have to pack my points into maces PLUS another perk to use less stamina on maces? Stupid.
  • Where are my jars? - You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time? My jars now dissolve from my hands after drinking the water from it so how on earth can I keep that blue bar full? Put a water collector (after of course unlocking it) into one place and wait for eternity for it to fill up? What a bad change.
Edited by KennyLives (see edit history)
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Learn by looting really caused a huge negative reaction among most of the players, judging by the polls and comments on the forum. Now every day I go to the forum in the hope of a comment from the developers that this will be removed from the game. Dreaming is not bad...

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14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

I don't know what is wrong with TFP. Why every next update has to prolong progression by another 100%? Why they can't just add more stuff to the endgame? We played for like 30 days and I can't even build a proper base, because I can't make a generator, because I can't find 25 magazines anywhere.

The game is all about getting progressively stronger over time. If you don’t like the progression journey and want to get right to electricity and a “proper base” then enable the creative menu and take 50 of those magazines. One of the reasons for the magazine design was to extend progression which is why the very first major adjustment they made for stable was to reduce magazine generosity because the progression was happening too fast. Your desire for faster progression to the good stuff goes completely against the plans of the developers. 

Also, they won’t be adding expansionary content to the endgame until after the base game goes gold.          

14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

What if I get bored of one type of weapon? Now I have to pack my points into maces PLUS another perk to use less stamina on maces? Stupid.

You worded this weirdly. I think that what you mean is that you don’t like that you have to actually perk into each individual weapon to get stamina reduction for those weapons. You liked a single perk that globally affected all melee weapons and tools. Is that correct?


It’s not stupid. It’s just more of an emphasis in specializing which is a legit philosophy in RPGs.  And what’s wrong with spending those extra points in a different weapon? You get a lot of nice bonuses in addition to stamina reduction. 

Finally, a purple tier steel mace is fun and satisfying whether or not it is perked or unperked. By time you get bored of your primary melee weapon you have a lot more stamina to spend and the weapon cuts down enemies faster. If you were happy before using unperked weapons then the stamina use can’t really be that big of a factor unless you are trying to power attack all the time. 

14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time?

I suppose you are simply advocating for hypothetical nomads since you already stated you like to build “proper bases” as soon as possible…


Nomad play is still viable if you actually care about that. Nomad play isn’t just about traveling around looking at trees and bushes. You loot and clear POIs as you explore and keep only the essential supplies you need. You hole up at night in a safe spot and move on.  You will find plenty of water and vitamins to keep yourself hydrated. You can still make a few dew collectors and use your claim block to pick them up again when you move on. If you stay in a city for a few days with 3 collectors you could have a stash of 20-27 water by time you decide to move on down the road. 

It’s perfectly fine that you don’t like these particular changes but they aren’t stupid changes, they don’t make nomad play impossible, they emphasize specializing in your character build, and yes, they prolong the progression because that is a design goal for the vanilla game.  Thanks for your thoughts. You aren’t alone and I’m sure the devs are taking note. 


Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, KennyLives said:

As soon as Alpha 21 came out I played it with my two friends. We were surprised positively by most of the changes, but the few of them we didn't like are kinda big...


I like the new magazine system, it means I dont have to spend points if the RNG does not give me the schematics.

I feel I have more control over my character as I can focus my looting to find the mags I need.

I agree it needs some balance, too many of some types of mags (ie cooking) and not enough of other types (ie vehicle).

When my horde base needed traps I bought a generator / battery bank and electric fences from the trader, so lack of electrical / trap mags has not been an issue for me.

I like that I no matter which melee weapon I choose I no longer HAVE to spec into Strength and Sex Rex to be able to use it.

I like that there are less 'rubbish' items like cans, jars, sinkers, trophies, door knobs etc.

I like that some items I never crafted before are very useful in A21 (ie purified water).

In both my A21 play thrus I have found the Purified Water recipe book early and my water issues disappeared (purified water is triple the hydration for easy to get ingredients).

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Day 16 (90 m days), I have 6/7 of Wasteland Treasures.   Guess which one I'm missing?


Yup. the water one.


(last game I got it real early)


RNG at work.


( I did get the lovely walk on landmines with no boom this time, which I couldn't find last time. A must for for the wasteland )


Peas are still very scarce, so is chili.  :(


I'm up over 800 meat now.  Gracies still gives a ton of it.


Deer are sometimes incredibly stoopid.  Like heading IN to a quest building just as I enter the room.

(rabbits and chickens do that a lot, but they be brainless anyway)


I'm still cursing the  drop to crouch, whack!, popup in 3 frames thing.  grrr.


for the devs:  check the pathing for the catwalks in Buddies Grain.  something there is confusing the zeds bigtime.


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On 7/14/2023 at 12:28 PM, KennyLives said:

As soon as Alpha 21 came out I played it with my two friends. We were surprised positively by most of the changes, but the few of them we didn't like are kinda big...


Good stuff:

  • New textures and models - We were positively surprised by the number of new models and textures right from the start.
  • Improved lighting - I feel that the lighting is kinda underrated in this game. It looks really good in some areas.
  • Harder difficulty in some POIs - This game has become way more challenging, and I love it. We were no longer zooming through the Wasteland like it was nothing. We were genuinely on edge and constantly looking around for any danger. I really like it. Scary and dangerous - like it should be.
  • Gore system - It's not Dying Light, but cutting off a zombie's head in half is still very satisfying. I'm glad this system was improved and implemented to other zombies.


Bad stuff:

  • The new magazine system - Boy, oh boy. I really hate it. I hate it with a passion. I don't know what is wrong with TFP. Why every next update has to prolong progression by another 100%? Why they can't just add more stuff to the endgame? We played for like 30 days and I can't even build a proper base, because I can't make a generator, because I can't find 25 magazines anywhere. And yes, I invested my points into the perk, but the amount of magazines required to craft a certain item is ridiculous. Most of the fun I had in this game came from designing bases with electric fences and that stuff. But I can't do that anymore, because the grind is so tedious, that it really stops me from wanting to play this game anymore.
  • Removing Sexual Tyrannosaurus - Totally unnecessary change. Now I have to invest points into two perks that affect one type of weapon to use it optimally? What if I get bored of one type of weapon? Now I have to pack my points into maces PLUS another perk to use less stamina on maces? Stupid.
  • Where are my jars? - You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time? My jars now dissolve from my hands after drinking the water from it so how on earth can I keep that blue bar full? Put a water collector (after of course unlocking it) into one place and wait for eternity for it to fill up? What a bad change.



If you don't mind mods, I have some mods to let you craft magazines, canned foods, water from snow etc...






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On 7/14/2023 at 6:28 PM, KennyLives said:

Where are my jars? - You removed jars because you added a water collector? Another stupid idea. What if I don't want to make a base and I just want to travel all the time? My jars now dissolve from my hands after drinking the water from it so how on earth can I keep that blue bar full? Put a water collector (after of course unlocking it) into one place and wait for eternity for it to fill up? What a bad change.

Find water filter mod for helmet, and clear water will always be with You.

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