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(A21) Preppocalypse


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3 hours ago, arramus said:

Aquí hay una pequeña actualización para Preppocalypse:


1. Preppo POI. Este POI puede aparecer tanto en el Old West como en el Downtown Tiling System.

Es un T4 con Clear, Fetch, Restore Power e Infested. Tiene potencial para hacer una buena base de jugadores donde esté permitido.





Tiene un nombre muy aleatorio de Eduho & Monik Safehouse, quienquiera que sean.



2. Prepper Bob Trader se movió de la carpeta POI normal a la carpeta Prepper POI para la gestión organizada de archivos.


3. El mezclador RWG recibió una ligera actualización. Dado que 4 Old West Towns pueden aparecer con 'Many' en un mundo pequeño (5K y 6K), el número de fichas se redujo de 6-16 a 6-12, ya que pueden llegar a ser bastante grandes. Para compensar eso, Town y Countrytown se incrementaron ligeramente de 6-8 a 10-12 fichas en mundos pequeños a grandes con un aumento similar en Many for Towns. Esto permitirá que un mundo 5K+ reciba más POI dentro del mismo tamaño de mundo. Este concepto fue probado en RWG Small World Filler Mod y funcionó muy bien.

Que grande que eres 🙂

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3 hours ago, wheit said:

Can delete the regeneration of zombies? I met Sledgehammer Tourist on the third day and couldn't kill him at all

If it's only 1000hp, you can slowly kill him, but with regeneration, without high dps weapons in the early stages, you can't kill zombies at all

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The Sledgehammer Tourist is the second strongest of them all for regeneration, along with a few others.


Visit entityclasses.xml and look for RadiatedRegenAmount. Lowering the number from 9, in the case of Sledgehammer Tourist to 1 or 2 will give him very low Regen amount and allow you to keep up with damage before he recovers.


Consider this though:

- These entities appear quite rarely in the biomes and should not really be challenged until ready. They are there to show they exist.

- They do not appear in POIs until a players' Gamestage is appropriate so there will be no issue when questing unless they come inside from outside.

- They can drop better loot than usual.

- These special zombies use exactly the regeneration as the Radiated versions since they appear around the same time in POIs and Horde Night.

- Using negligible regeneration will make them similar to stronger feral than radiated.

- Using wooden spikes and a weapon is an effective way for a lower GS player to take them down.

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There has always been the intention to add Preppocalypse specific POIs to give a more custom environment that matches the theme.
Here is another addition to the earlier 'Preppo' POI, but on a grander scale.


Preppo Bunkerlands
This is a T5 POI with T6 upgrade for Infested. It is located in the 'Industrial' area on a 42 x 42 block. Not too many pictures will be shared as it's primarily a bunker based POI with the bulk of activity underground, and that can remain as a surprise.



It's pretty gloomy down there in some places and gives a sense of being in standby.



Preppo Bunkerlands is a showcase POI for the 'Preppo Survival Company'. Each room is thematic with sleeping area, kitchen, study area, etc.




Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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I really like this mod,But I have a question

Does this module turn clear all zombie quests into clear any zombie0/3 quests? Every time I search for the house and start a quests, but the things in the house don't refresh, I have to kill zombies from outside to complete the quests

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Preppocalypse uses only regular POIs, apart from the Old West which has a few custom ones, and some new 'Preppo' types. However, those are very very few at the moment (4) until more are made.


This mod makes no changes at all to Quests for those regular POIs. There are only Clear, Fetch, Restore Power, and Infested. No changes have been made to the POIs or the Quests for them. A Fetch Quest will only require Fetch and no clearing is required from inside or outside. Once the Quest Marker is activated for the Quest, the POI should instantly refresh for you. As you know, all damage should repair and it becomes original just like new again. That will include the zombies. I am able to see POIs fully refresh when I activate the Quest Marker.


Sometimes the POIs will have zombies outside. This is the same for regular POIs and custom POIs. If they are in the POI boundaries, they are counted as Quest zombies and must be eliminated for the Quest to be completed.


I'm not sure I could answer your question properly, and add more information if needed.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse.


Good Neighbor POI
This is a T3 POI with T4 Infested option and supports all Quest types. The POI is inhabited by a 'good neighbor' who is the first to run to during a preppocalypse disaster. ^^

This POI is located in the country residential area which is typically on the outskirts near rural and leads into more business areas.
On the surface is an aged looking bungalow, but it is deep underground where there is additional property. Here are a few images to demonstrate without giving away too many spoilers. It has been given a survivalist make over by the Preppo Survival Company.



In the back is a hint of something extra. It is not possible to access via this route unless demolition is involved.



And just as a subtle taster so there are no spoilers. A mix of dark/lighter/wide/narrow areas to coordinate.



Takes you back up. As a Tier 3 POI on a 42 x 42 space it isn't huge, but it will add to the collection and possibly make a reasonable player base for anyone needing a place to hunker down...once clear out that is.


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Here's a small Quality of Life update for Preppocalypse.


1. Functional Deco Crafting


It's possible to make some of the wire linked fencing in the wire fence helper, but it's somewhat limit with some having full rotation and others on in one direction. This adds the same wire linked fencing in POIs that is more flexible.



To better match corrugated iron values, and its recipe demands, health points are increased from 300 to 1000. This allows it to take a little extra zombie clawing but won't leave it feeling overpowered.



All good with the birdies too.



The Barbed Wire Spindle (6 types), and the Bear deco has also been added. The Barbed Wire Spindle is pretty comparable to the Barbed Wire we can already make to retain balance.


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Here is a small update to Preppocalypse:


1. POI Expansions
Carl's Cars and the Car Crash Bookshop have received an additional alternative version of each with a bit more challenge and Restore Power.
Carl's Cars remains a T3 and Car Crash Bookshop has been upgraded from T2 to T3. The original versions will still appear as will these updates.
This helps to ensure any car and book POIs are not being pushed out by Preppocalypse POIs as the intention is to enhance and not replace.


Prepper Carl's Cars has been reinforced with crushed cars and barricades to make it look like a stand off was prolonged.



Preppo Crack-A-Book has been beefed up by 'Preppo Survival Company' but still received a visit from the local infectious disease unit.


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This is the final update for this batch:


1. Radiated Zombies with Weapons and Quest
An enhanced class of weapon zombies will appear in the Wasteland/Burnt Forest. They have +25% HP and XP gain compared to the +10% for regular weapon zombies.
They will not be found outside of this Biome area. Their addition also brings a new elimination Quest with 50 Kills of any of the 15 types with any weapon to receive rewards.
The Quest Note can be found in Safe type loot.


2. HP and XP have been rebalanced, since recent updates to A21 have also updates HP and XP for Radiation compared to A20. This slightly increases weapon zombie health but also increases XP.


Preppocalypse attempts to expand and enhance mid/latter GS gameplay, while still introducing features from the beginning. This addition of Radiated Zombies with Weapons further provides latter Game Stage interactions with a Quest that forces a visit to the Wasteland/Burnt biome area for completion.


A few images to show the Radiated types in the Wasteland/Burnt combo.









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Pushed a fix:


The Junk Turret, Sledge, and Drone were showing as craftable to Level 10 on the Workbench. Preppocalypse had made a small custom change to allow players to have 2 Junk Turrets at Perk Skill 4 and 3 and Perk Skill 5. Unfortunately, the game had some mistaken xml code in here and was double Levelling up; once with Crafting Skill and once with Perk Skill.


This was patched for 7 Days but I never saw it in any patch notes and it possibly got added as a quiet fix. I could see the code had changed in A21.1 and am now using that updated version for Preppocalypse. This has restored the crafting level to a Max of 5 even with all Perk Skills unlocked. Existing Junk Turrets above level 6 are junk, Drones above level 6 are just droning on and on, and Sledges above level 6 are best used as hedges...

Please dump them if possible are get an appropriate replacement from Creative Menu.


Perk Skill 5 in Robotics Inventor.


This shows as Crafting Level 5 when all Crafting Skill Books are read and not Level 10, which was non functional anyways...




Another small update adds some new entities that will appear at 50GS intervals early on, which will increase to 100GS intervals and higher as the Prepper armed zombies appear... You'll understand when you see them.


Zombie mini Squad of 8 with a regular Demolition Soldier and Soldier for perspective.


Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Here's a small update for Preppocalypse:

1. Zombie Harvesting
- All Zombies can be harvested for Rotting Flesh and Bones for all Zombies. These two items are also increased with Wasteland Treasures. The amount is proportional to the size of the Zombie.
- Some Zombies drop Fat in context with the BMI.
- Special Zombies will have a 25% chance to be harvested for something unique to their traits. For example, the Spider Glider who throws Molotovs, has a chance to be harvested for a Molotov or two. For a Zombie carrying a ranged weapon, a little ammo that matches that ranged weapon may be found.


With Wasteland Treasures and a little random chance, this Zombie gave up 2 Rotting Flesh and 4 Bones.

The Tourist is carrying some souvenirs, for sure.

Based on the BMI and overall stature, we received 4 Bones, 2 Fat, and 3 Rotting Flesh. Once all is properly validated in a dedicated server, to ensure synching is appropriate on a Network, an additional Recipe will be added to accommodate these extras. This can add to the unlocked recipes to assist new players starting out with a Bushcraft dining experience.


2. Rebalancing the Coop, Fish Trap, and Rock Drill
- The Coop increases the chance for a chicken to appear in loot by a small incremental amount so it will be noticed but still not be a normal feature. Players with a number of Coops are pretty much guaranteed a hit from one instance.
- The Fish Trap does the same with the Catfish which still appears to be pretty rare. Again, noticable but not constant. There are a lot of other items in the Fish Trap loot group competing to appear.
- The Rock Drill returns were pretty low, since at the Game Stage players can make them, they usually have a nice amount of Skill in Miner and Mother. The lower end returns have been increased while the max return pretty much stays the same.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:

1. Recipe Update
Bone Broth and Bone Broth Stew have been added to Tier 0 recipes for new players. They add to the previous update where we can harvest bone and rotting flesh from zombies.


Bone Broth requires 1 water and 4 bones. As a stand alone drink it offers the same hydration as water but gives a little nutrition and health benefit as well as warms up the player.



The Bone Broth Stew is similar to a regular stew, except for the limited resources. As such, the benefits are more limited. However, adding in the acorn biscuit provides that 1% infection cure and can be a quick health pick me up as well as offer basic nutrition.



Can it be considered cannibalism? Only the chef needs know where the Rotting Flesh and Bones came from. ^^



2. Meshfile

The Meshfile, which shows the food item in the player's hand, has been changed from the rolled up sack to the parcel for everything except for Jerky and Blueberry Roller, as they fit that context.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse. It was going to be the last POI for a while, but @Hirnsturz just passed his 50th Preppocalypse stream and this year recently saw him pass his 10th anniversary of doing what he does. It is dedicated to Hirnsturz for keeping the streams going in that very unique and special way. His streams are very entertaining, and all about the game play and overall experience, which is perfect for players looking to find out what Preppocalypse can offer.



Hirnsturz Cabin
This is a T2 POI hooked up to all quest types for A21. It sits on a 42 x 42 area and this allows it to appear in both the Old West and Wilderness.
For players who spend some time around the Old West, and notice the vehicle reduction in the biomes and roads, this POI guarantees; a car and pickup truck. ^^



As with Preppo supported POIs, there is a small underground area with a small twist.


Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is small update for Preppocalypse.


Misha Bunny Clothing POI

This POI is TFP's Store_02 converted to Preppo style. It has been upgraded to a T4 POI with T5 Infested for all quest types. It is called Misha Bunny Clothing in recognition of BunnyNZ (Misha) @BunnyNZ who has completed her 30th Preppocalypse stream. As a 60 x 60 POI for Commercial tiles, it will not cause any noticeable loss if it replaces any other TFP style of POI since it is a conversion of the Savage Country clothing store, which already supported a variety of assets. Misha Bunny Clothing further expands on that variety, while adding some unique internal features of its own.



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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse.


1. Corrugated walls and Wood ramps

The bandit camp corrugated walls (1000 HP) and wood ramps (default 250 HP but increased to 750 HP) have been added to Workbench recipes.


2. Mod Limits
Custom Swiss rifle and Pots/Pans allow 5 mods at Tier 6.


3. Crafting Time

Crafting time on some of the high volume items such as walls and fences has been reduced. This is to ensure bulk crafting at the beginning will still take some time, but a quick replacement will be fast.


A few images to demonstrate the new recipe items.


Placing a bandit wall using a helper.



A wide selection of choices with diagonal options also present. Since these offer 1000 HP they are generally decorative and will benefit from reinforced blocks behind them.



A wide variety of ramps and supports are also available with a helper block.



Better HP than upgraded wooden blocks and increased from 250 HP for default. Functional but certainly not defensive.


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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


1. Edes Lets Plays Toy Store
This POI is on a 60 x 60 tile area in the Commercial Tile Region. It is T4 and hooked up to all Quest types, as such it carries over into T5 as Infested.
The back story is simply that this abomination swelled up through the ground and knocked down the Toy Store from the inside. A few remnant blocks and features will still be visible. It is dedicated to @edes_lets_plays from Edes Lets Plays in appreciation for an abundance of Live streams as part of a duo play through with Rela.

2. The crafting area on the player has been increased from 4 slots to 12 slots. Thank you Khaine for that. ^^


3. Skill Points see a small boost for certain Question completion rewards.


4. Wandering Hordes see a +5 to their current total.


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Oh how wonderful that sounds, and it could lead directly down into somewhere best visited as a party. As soon as the cities and busier tile districts become a bit more optimised, and adding more than one light doesn't cause frames to dip too significantly, these effects for lighting and smoke are certainly going to be a real possibility.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse.


1. Old Smokey (Tobacco Store) POI

This is a T2 POI in the Old West, and one of a few which are given the chance to appear with a vehicle. To keep in context, most will be Pickups. These are not guaranteed though and appearances will be random. Resetting a Quest POI that has a vehicle may remove it and best to wrench before hitting that Quest Marker if not done so already.

A few scattered junk cars will appear here and there. Vehicles will continue to be the exception than the rule but it will at least allow players to set up base in the extended Old West Towns and find an engine. Old Smokey is hooked up to all Quest types and is a refurbished TFP POI based on the remnant Clutter Chest.


A possible appearance of a police car but not guaranteed.




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