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Came on here just to post this. A couple ideas I'd love to see implemented eventually - no rush.


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I'm super looking forward to A21 SO MUCH.  Especially because spears are now not leaving my inventory the moment I power attack.  :^)  I get to now do a powerful thrust with it or slash or w/e.


But that said.

I was talking with friends and I realized that part of the fun is becoming OP over time with both skill and perks. And I realized that eventually you become so OP nothing matters anymore. And before then I was talking about special enemies, enemies that may come in one or groups of two or three. That basically have specialized bull@%$# that you may not see elsewhere, and only proc at a certain loot stage.  Specialized zombies as in akin to the screamers. May appear in hordes like in the wasteland at night on higher loot stages making things difficult, forcing you to be smarter in what you kill first - different techniques, may even set you on fire or make you cold so it deals with the various weather-related problems in game.

This inevitably led to the question: what if some zombies hunted by sound, and some by sight? Meaning an agility build would require more thought in what you're doing, and a perception build may be able to more clearly see identifying features on a zombie in order to tell what kind it is and how to deal with it or where to aim to hit it for extra damage. Then it also came with the idea, what if some underground pois existed that had Tremor-like zombies that hunted by vibration or heat, not by sound nor sight explicitly. It could make for interesting finds in snowy biomes and desert biomes, as well as making it so sneaking up is not really an option, and the moment you see one you have to take it out from range for the vibration ones. For the heat ones you'd have to wear specific clothing or clothing mods.

I also considered, what if FP added a zombie editor too, for things like this?

I was also curious, do you think Fun Pimps will ever allow for map sharing between allies, renaming PoIs and weapons and armor?

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2 hours ago, Luciphir said:

as well as making it so sneaking up is not really an option


 As well intended of a suggestion as that may be, @Viktoriusiii might have an aneurysm. ;)


In general I agree that more special infected that appear later in the game with specialized abilities that make it so that you can do better against them if you are perked into a particular attribute or make them much more challenging if you aren't would definitely be interesting and add some additional party dynamics. Fred steps forward as the rest of the party step backward and slowly close the door....


TFP has been focused for the last few alphas on making sure the front end of the game is accessible and interesting and fun since the first 30 hours is what most players will see. But that doesn't mean that they won't fill in extra stuff and further challenges for higher gamestages eventually. It would be smart of them to switch their focus to adding later game content once the game is released and they've polished up the beginning the best they can.

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9 minutes ago, Roland said:

 As well intended of a suggestion as that may be, @Viktoriusiii might have an aneurysm. ;)

HEY! :D If EVERY one of these special infected worked that way and it was clearly communicated (like it has eyes all around its body... you know... visual storytelling :D)... as well as basicially every perk having their weakness... I am fine with it :D

If suddenly EVERY special infected can't be snuk up on... you might actually be right... good thing I'm from europe and healthinsurance is REALLY good... so don't worry about me :D

Edited by Viktoriusiii (see edit history)
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29 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

HEY! :D If EVERY one of these special infected worked that way and it was clearly communicated (like it has eyes all around its body... you know... visual storytelling :D)... as well as basicially every perk having their weakness... I am fine with it :D

If suddenly EVERY special infected can't be snuk up on... you might actually be right... good thing I'm from europe and healthinsurance is REALLY good... so don't worry about me :D

Lol I love it.  You guys seem awesome.  And yeah that's essentially what I'd intend.  My idea is that it'd be visual storytelling about the area or certain identifying marks.  But something like the Penetrator Perk could be reutilized as also brightening up certain identifying textures or markings to tell which zombies are for what.

 The concept of more party dynamics where one person goes in and nopes the @%$# out so someone else can come in is awesome.

One of my favorite things is how each of my friends has a different playstyle.  Even between a similar Perception/Agility build friend and me we still go about it differently.  She uses crossbow and machete while slowly acquisitioning everything in a space with deliberation, I'm using spear rifle and pistols silenced and constantly swooping around and picking and choosing what would be best for friends and team alike while I go.  Killing zombies slow and easy.

One of my friends also prefers to build bunkers and mine the @%$# out of everything, constantly down below and getting tons of resources.

It makes for interesting party dynamics, how no single playstyle will be the same.  Even between similar builds.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

In general I agree that more special infected that appear later in the game with specialized abilities that make it so that you can do better against them if you are perked into a particular attribute or make them much more challenging if you aren't would definitely be interesting and add some additional party dynamics. Fred steps forward as the rest of the party step backward and slowly close the door....

And all the single player players have an 80% chance of being screwed.

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2 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

And all the single player players have an 80% chance of being screwed.

I thought about that tbf.  But doesn't it also allow for development of more fundamental skills?  I think the only thing it would possibly be a problem for is those with visual our audio disabilities.  In a situation like that it may be beneficial to have an option in the settings to make certain tells more visible for them.  I mean, one of the reasons this game's so good is primarily because of the options and accessibility.

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