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Rotating blocks, am I doing it wrong?


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If you enable creative, find something like one of the vending machines. Then those blocks have a 45 degree rotation, place one somewhere random and switch back to your wood block and finally mouse over the vending machine and "copy block rotation" with the wood block and it will face the direction you want. Might have to place 4 vending machines to find the right rotation for the wood block. However while this should do what you want, you probably won't want it when you see it. It won't work like you think it would and placing blocks next to each other to make a wall at a 45 degree angle will have large gaps in-between each block since it isn't an intended rotation.


It's super janky, you have to float about the vending machines to get the option to copy their rotation and as you can see it doesn't look pretty.😂

Edited by Naz (see edit history)
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