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Ping problem


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Hello, I am interested in the moment with the solution of the ping problem in the game, when I play with a friend on his server, the ping jumps to 30.000, the problem is the same for him when he joins my server. And the ping is always high, it does not fall below 1200

There is no antivirus on my computer, the port does not open due to the lack of Windows antivirus. Are there solutions to this problem?? So that we can somehow play comfortably...

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To find out anything we usually need a logfile from a session where the problem happens, please read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/


Without info I can only guess:

Maybe both of you have not opened the correct ports for your servers and that means a less performant protocol of communication is used. Try to open ports 26900(tcp) and 26900-26903(udp).


Also a PC need more RAM and power to be server and client at the same time, if you are playing on old PCs or laptops with 8G RAM or less it might not work that well.


Did you check your network connection to each other? You could use a traceroute utility to see how many hops are between you and your friend. Maybe there is a heavily congested node inbetween.



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24 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Чтобы узнать что-либо, нам обычно нужен файл журнала сеанса, в котором возникает проблема, прочитайте https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating . -новые темы/


Без информации могу только догадываться:

Возможно, вы оба не открыли правильные порты для своих серверов, а это означает, что используется менее производительный протокол связи. Попробуйте открыть порты 26900(tcp) и 26900-26903(udp).


Кроме того, ПК требуется больше оперативной памяти и мощности, чтобы одновременно быть сервером и клиентом, если вы играете на старых ПК или ноутбуках с 8 ГБ ОЗУ или меньше, это может не сработать.


Вы проверили сетевое соединение друг с другом? Вы можете использовать утилиту traceroute, чтобы узнать, сколько переходов между вами и вашим другом. Возможно, между ними находится сильно перегруженный узел.



I'm sorry..

Here is a link to the logs
There are no mods on the server, when the game was launched in 2022, everything worked stably, below I will give the system data.
CPU: AMD A8-7600 Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G
RAM: 15319 MB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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As suspected the game falls back to the less performant network protocol "steamnetworking" instead of using "litenetlib". Whoever is the server has to configure his router so that the ports I mentioned above are forwarded to the internet. If you can make it so there are no lines "LiteNetLib: Connection failed" in your log anymore you should see large improvements in your ping stats.


Also at least your CPU is quite old, but I don't know what the server PC looks like. For network problems it is useful to post the logfiles of both server and client.


This game may not look like a performance monster, but because of the voxels it actually is. On the server try to disable Dynamic Meshes, turn off most if not all graphics options and play with a lower resolution. Check the server logfile that the FPS in the logfile is always above 20. Test if that makes a difference.


Lastly network has been reworked in the last iterations of A20 for various reasons, it is entirely possible you encounter a bug that can be avoided by going back to A20.3, if all else fails. But again, the most important change is getting litenetlib to work.



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31 minutes ago, meganoth said:

As suspected the game falls back to the less performant network protocol "steamnetworking" instead of using "litenetlib". Whoever is the server has to configure his router so that the ports I mentioned above are forwarded to the internet. If you can make it so there are no lines "LiteNetLib: Connection failed" in your log anymore you should see large improvements in your ping stats.


Also at least your CPU is quite old, but I don't know what the server PC looks like. For network problems it is useful to post the logfiles of both server and client.


This game may not look like a performance monster, but because of the voxels it actually is. On the server try to disable Dynamic Meshes, turn off most if not all graphics options and play with a lower resolution. Check the server logfile that the FPS in the logfile is always above 20. Test if that makes a difference.


Lastly network has been reworked in the last iterations of A20 for various reasons, it is entirely possible you encounter a bug that can be avoided by going back to A20.3, if all else fails. But again, the most important change is getting litenetlib to work.



Usually we run a local server (My Game) , and then through a steam connection. We don't have a dedicated server, but it didn't lag on a regular one before (before the 20.6 b9 update)That is, it was calmly played without high ping on my friends' servers, and after the update, for some reason, it began to ping strongly....

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Ok, that sounds more like it is a bug. Or some other program or Windows setting interfering that just accidentally didn't interfere before. Did you get the game from xbox store or steam?


You could make a bug report, but please include server and client logs. 


Or go back to A20.5 which is still available.


Another thought: If you have no antivirus installed on Windows, you automatically still have the windows-built-in windows defender. So you may still have to exclude some locations.

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4 hours ago, meganoth said:

Ok, that sounds more like it is a bug. Or some other program or Windows setting interfering that just accidentally didn't interfere before. Did you get the game from xbox store or steam?


You could make a bug report, but please include server and client logs. 


Or go back to A20.5 which is still available.


Another thought: If you have no antivirus installed on Windows, you automatically still have the windows-built-in windows defender. So you may still have to exclude some locations.

The game was bought on steam, most likely this is a mistake, because before that in November everything was stable without a high ping, during the game no programs work for me except discord and steam itself (discord worked before when the game was launched, and everything was stable).

The client logs are provided above, and unfortunately I don't have such a folder for the server... I searched along the way that is specified in your link, but I can't find exactly the server. 

Windows Defender is turned off, there are two checkboxes in the game itself, in partial and public, in the defender permission

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Do you have a VPN software enabled? Cloudflare WARP also fits in the VPN category and can dramatically increase PING times to 1000+. If so, disable them before launching the game.


Also, what is your internet performance (Download, Upload and Ping to server)? You can find out at https://www.speedtest.net/


Who is hosting the game, what is their internet performance and PC performance? Do they have a VPN enabled by accident? PC performance isn't likely to be the issue, but it'd be nice to rule out anyway just in case.


I'm fairly confident that Windows Defender isn't the issue here as I've personally never had an issue with it for any of my games (I never install 3rd party antivirus cuz they're all useless and just serve to get in the way). But I could be wrong as Microsoft is pretty good at being annoying.

Edited by Fox (see edit history)
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34 minutes ago, Lekka said:

Windows Defender is turned off

It does not actually turn off.  You must exclude the entire client folder, and the 7 Days to Die folder that exists in %appdata%.


Whoever is hosting would need to do the same exclusions. (Everyone playing the game does basically.)  The reason it worked before but doesn't now is usually because of changes in the heuristic scans of the AV software.


98% of the time you have a ping problem like that, this is what it is. Covered in great detail in the Pinned FAQ thread.



I'll also note that it's not just the PC hardware that is at entry-level. Windows 10 Build 1909 is obsolete by about two years now. It is no longer supported by Microsoft, and the next version that came after it ends support in a couple of months.

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1 hour ago, Fox said:

Do you have a VPN software enabled? Cloudflare WARP also fits in the VPN category and can dramatically increase PING times to 1000+. If so, disable them before launching the game.


Also, what is your internet performance (Download, Upload and Ping to server)? You can find out at https://www.speedtest.net/


Who is hosting the game, what is their internet performance and PC performance? Do they have a VPN enabled by accident? PC performance isn't likely to be the issue, but it'd be nice to rule out anyway just in case.


I'm quite confident that Windows Defender isn't the issue here as I've personally never had an issue with it for any of my games (I never install 3rd party antivirus cuz they're all useless and just serve to get in the way).

I don't use vpn...
Basically, the performance of my Internet is stable, the situation is such that when I host the server I'm fine with the game and ping, as soon as I log on to a friend's server I immediately ping 30000, and vice versa when he comes to me

52 минуты назад, SylenThunder сказал:

На самом деле не выключается. Вы должны исключить всю папку клиента и папку 7 Days to Die, которая существует в %appdata%.


Тот, кто размещает, должен будет сделать те же исключения. (В основном все, кто играет в эту игру.)  Причина, по которой это работало раньше, но не сейчас, обычно связана с изменениями в эвристическом сканировании программного обеспечения AV.


В 98% случаев у вас возникает такая проблема с пингом, вот что это такое. Подробно описано в ветке закрепленных часто задаваемых вопросов.



Замечу также, что на начальном уровне находится не только аппаратная часть ПК. Windows 10 Build 1909 устарела примерно на два года. Он больше не поддерживается Microsoft, а следующая версия, вышедшая после него, прекращает поддержку через пару месяцев.

And how to exclude the entire game folder? Because I was looking for guides and I didn't find it, I couldn't even find exactly what I'm interested in in the frequently asked questions...

Usually ping on a joint game, and only when I'm not the host, and so in principle does not ping me, well, maybe a little on the blood moon... but these are the problems of the characteristics of the computer itself. But when I'm on a friend's server, the ping jumps from 1000 to 30,000 and above :(

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3 minutes ago, Fox said:

The only other thing I can think of is to port forward in router settings. Otherwise, game / server glitch which is very unusual and the first time I read of this issue.

I do not know how to reconfigure it even...
There was a hope that everything would pass when patch A 21 is released, but something is unlikely, I think

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32 minutes ago, Lekka said:

ping jumps from 1000 to 30,000 and above

Yeah, that's usually exactly what happens when the AV software starts holding data packets hostage while it scans them.


MS keeps moving the location of their guide, so the link I just updated in the FAQ a few weeks ago is already broken.

Here is a decent guide.
How to exclude files and folders from Windows Defender Antivirus scans | Windows Central

A little dated, but should still be accurate. Especially for your current OS version.


Your friend should do this as well. Especially if you don't have the ping issue on a server hosted elsewhere.

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Maybe I can help with the router port forwarding...


What brand name is your router, or do you have one of those modem / router combo (meaning it came with the internet provider)? If you have just the wireless modem / router combo thing, then you might be locked out of it, or at least most of the features, but it might still offer port forwarding.


Linksys is usually

DLink is usually

Asus is usually

Others can be googled (or you can use ipconfig in command prompt)... but basically, you enter those digits in the browser address and it'll give you a login screen which is usually admin or Administrator as username with no password or some default password that is usually marked somewhere or can be googled. Once inside, it's just a matter of finding the port forward option.

Edited by Fox (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, Fox said:

Может быть, я могу помочь с переадресацией портов маршрутизатора...


Какого бренда ваш маршрутизатор или у вас есть одна из этих комбинаций модем/маршрутизатор (это означает, что она поставляется с интернет-провайдером)? Если у вас есть только комбинация беспроводного модема и маршрутизатора, то вы можете быть заблокированы от нее или, по крайней мере, от большинства функций, но она все равно может предлагать переадресацию портов.


Linksys обычно

DLink обычно

Asus обычно

Другие можно найти в Google (или вы можете использовать ipconfig в командной строке) ... но в основном вы вводите эти цифры в адрес браузера, и он дает вам экран входа в систему, который обычно является администратором или администратором в качестве имени пользователя без пароля или какой-то другой. пароль по умолчанию, который обычно где-то отмечен или может быть найден в гугле. Оказавшись внутри, нужно просто найти опцию перенаправления портов.

I have a TP-Link modem (

17 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Да, обычно именно это и происходит, когда антивирусное программное обеспечение начинает удерживать пакеты данных в заложниках, пока сканирует их.


MS продолжает перемещать местоположение своего руководства, поэтому ссылка, которую я только что обновил в FAQ несколько недель назад, уже не работает.

Вот годный путеводитель.
Как исключить файлы и папки из сканирования антивирусной программы "Защитник Windows" | Центр Windows

Немного устарело, но все же должно быть точным. Особенно для вашей текущей версии ОС.


Это должен сделать и ваш друг. Особенно, если у вас нет проблем с пингом на сервере, размещенном в другом месте.

Unfortunately, I don't have a Windows Defender icon in the system, so I won't be able to do it somehow (((

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How to Port Forward a TP-Link Router
  1. Step 1: Login to the TP-Link router via web browser using (although, according to google, the default is, so try both if one doesn't work). The default username is admin and password is admin.
  2. Step 2: Click on “Forwarding” and then “Virtual Servers.”
  3. Step 3: Click “Add New.”
  4. Step 4: Enter the Service Port, Internal Port and the local IP Address of your computer (usually 192.168.0.##). Ports needing to be forwarded are 26900, 26901, 26902 and 26903. I always get the service and internal ports confusing, so I would just put the same ports in both places.
  5. Step 5: Click “Save.”

If you have Windows 10 or newer operating system, then unfortunately, you and everyone else are forced to have Windows Defender. We all hate it, but Microsoft doesn't care.


You can find it at the bottom near the clock (the icon is a white shield, called Windows Security). If you click on it, it'll bring you to a menu where you can disable the firewall and antivirus temporarily while you game. Working with SylenThunder's suggestion, try disabling both completely at least temporarily to see if that has any effect on the game. If it does have a big effect, then go through the procedure of adding the game to the exclusion list (or just disable both every time you want to game online).

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1 hour ago, Fox said:
Как перенаправить роутер TP-Link
  1. Шаг 1: Войдите в маршрутизатор TP-Link через веб-браузер, используя адрес (хотя, согласно Google, по умолчанию используется адрес, поэтому попробуйте оба варианта, если один из них не работает). Имя пользователя по умолчанию — admin, а пароль — admin.
  2. Шаг 2: Нажмите «Пересылка», а затем «Виртуальные серверы».
  3. Шаг 3: Нажмите «Добавить новый».
  4. Шаг 4: Введите служебный порт, внутренний порт и локальный IP-адрес вашего компьютера (обычно 192.168.0.##). Порты, которые необходимо перенаправить: 26900, 26901, 26902 и 26903. Я всегда путаю служебные и внутренние порты, поэтому я бы просто поставил одни и те же порты в обоих местах.
  5. Шаг 5: Нажмите «Сохранить».

Если у вас операционная система Windows 10 или новее, то, к сожалению, вы и все остальные вынуждены иметь Защитник Windows. Мы все ненавидим это, но Microsoft все равно.


Вы можете найти его внизу рядом с часами (значок представляет собой белый щит, который называется «Безопасность Windows»). Если вы нажмете на нее, вы попадете в меню, где вы можете временно отключить брандмауэр и антивирус во время игры. Работая с предложением SylenThunder, попробуйте полностью отключить оба, хотя бы временно, чтобы увидеть, повлияет ли это на игру. Если это дает большой эффект, то пройдите процедуру добавления игры в список исключений (или просто отключайте оба варианта каждый раз, когда хотите играть онлайн).

Unfortunately, since I live in Russia, I do not have an official Windows, and his icon is cut out here, just like himself :(

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