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7dtd dedi̇cated server - my server shuts down every 30 min :(


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Friends, my server is closing in 30 minutes, estimated
Please can you help me with this

I hope it's easy to fix




Edited by SylenThunder
Removed the Great Wall of China (see edit history)
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According to logfile you have been playing for 1 hour and 20 minutes without anything happening. And the logfile might be missing the end (unless the game simply crashes). And it is from a later time than the otherwise useless console picture you posted


Please read the pinned thread here in General Support that tells you to read it. It tells you how to post logfiles correctly. Make sure you post the correct logile, they all have their starting date and time in their name to identify them


Please check that all mods are the latest version and that they should work for A20.6.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and I'm sorry for useless to inform

i checked my mods and they are all suitable for A20.6.
it works in my single player game

I'm posting the most up-to-date log I have, I'd appreciate it if you could help.
After this log it shut down by itself and now it's happening more


Edited by SylenThunder
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Are you sure this is the complete logfile? Please use pastebin next time and only post a link to the pastebin in here.


If this is the complete logfile then 7D2D is not even shutting down savely because of errors in its world like it usually does. But it really is crashing. That is highly unusual for the vanilla game.


You could test whether the mods are the cause: Remove all mods (from server and client) and start a new vanilla game. Play it for a while to see if it crashes. If it does not crash, add your mods and again start a completely fresh game. See if it crashes.


If the vanilla game crashes then you should check the windows logs if there is some reason.


If the vanilla doesn't crash but the newly started modded game then most likely the combination of mods is not working.


If the newly started modded game doesn't crash as well, then the old savegame might be corrupted (and most likely one of the mods is running into a fatal bug because it gets unexpected data).


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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I did what you said, no crashes when I didn't install any mods
when i install mod it crashes
and I have a hard time expressing myself. Is there anyone who speaks Turkish?

my server is not connecting even though it is on
i am setting up my server from remote server
it was working before when I left value blank but default settings now i can't login to my server https://www.paste.tc/serverconfigxml
<property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value=""/>
I set up my firewall settings
last log https://www.paste.tc/output-log-dedi-2023-01-31

Edited by Nikto (see edit history)
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  • SylenThunder changed the title to 7dtd dedi̇cated server - my server shuts down every 30 min :(

Your Quickstack mod is failing so you should remove that.

If no one can connect when SteamNetworking is disabled, then your problem is port forwarding.

If you are using the default port of 26900, then, in your router, you need to forward TCP 26900 and

UDP 26900-26903 to the internal ip of your server.

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6 hours ago, meganoth said:

Are you sure this is the complete logfile?

It's entirely possible that parts of it got cut off because the OP failed to follow the basic instructions provided for making a report. Hard to say though without being posted proerly.


@Nikto I fixed the great wall of text you were posting. In the future... Don't do that.


Issue 1. You don't have enough RAM. Min-spec is 8GB and you have 6GB. If you're additionally using a custom pagefile, that is guaranteed to crash the server client. Usually when this happens, we will see a crash dump at the end of the log showing a memory allocation error. Since your logs appear to be truncated, it's hard to say for sure.

Issue 2. CustomPerksv3.1.1 ...  I was unable to find a mod matching this that was updated to a20. The only direct reference I can locate is "Custom Perks - Prestige Skills (CPPS)" which is absolutely not compatible.

Issue 3. Vanilla-Expansion Weapons Pack requires a niche installation method. You have to first install V2, and then copy v3 in over it. Stupid as @%$#, but that's what the author decided. If you did not do this, then it is likely broken.

Anything beyond that is just guessing because there is hardly any log so far.

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merhaba, her şeyi hallettim artık sunucum uzun süredir çalışıyor
bu logları kontrol edip bir sorun olursa bana haber verir misiniz?

Vallahi artık logların hepsi bunlar ve ben logları bu dosyadan alıyorum 7DaysToDieServer_Data ,


artık bu şekilde giriş yapabiliyorum fakat loglarda sarı uyarı alıyorum ve değiştirdim  <property  name = "ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value = "unet,RakNet,LiteNetLib" / > 

Edited by Nikto (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Nikto said:

artık bu şekilde giriş yapabiliyorum fakat loglarda sarı uyarı alıyorum ve değiştirdim  <property  name = "ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols" value = "unet,RakNet,LiteNetLib" / > 

This works because you are using SteamNetworking. unet and RakNet are not being used in A20 so disabling them does nothing. You should try to get your ports forwarded and use LiteNetLib because it is best for performance.

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I got it all done guys

-My solution
I formatted my server
Weapon mod and quick stack were wrong was giving an error
I removed my old save and started clean

Just my server is suffering from lack of ram
i wish i could increase the ram limit
I have 6 gb ram but it uses 5 gb ram and my server is lagging

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