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(A12) The Walking Dead Mod


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Thank you so much.


Am off camping over the weekend but will let you know If I come across anything. I can see no sleep tonight :).


You may want to add your nexus mod link to the front page, (if you want to track downloads via that).


Watch out for zombies!


I don't want to force people to use the nexus! I will provide it as an option though. :3 Already updated my post!

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I think something is wrong with the last thing in the Items.xml.


     <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Health/gauze" />
       <property name="Material" value="cloth" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="16" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="5" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="1" />
       <property name="Weight" value="1" />
       <property name="CustomIcon" value="firstAidBandage" />
       <property name="CustomIconTint" value="94FF70" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Eat" />
           <property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
           <property name="Use_time" value="..." />
           <property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
           <property name="Gain_food" value="0" />
           <property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_bandage" />
           <property name="Debuff" value="majorcut,minorcut,injured,injured2" />
           <property name="Buff" value="firstAid" />
       <property name="Group" value="Medicine" />
       <property class="Preview">
           <property name="Zoom" value="28" />
           <property name="Pos" value="0,-0.05" />
           <property name="Rot" value="90,45,0" />


Edit: Not sure what happened but the moment I hit Enter in Notepad ++ it added the line. Really strange even in the straight downloaded file.

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IDK whats weird about it?? It works 100% fine in my game, and the code looks fine to me... you cut off the very first line in your quote, but it's there in the file I assure you!


It's basically a straight copy of the firstaid bandage with one tiny edit...

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Yeah, I boosted back packs up, they were REALLY suckin... I don't want guns to be to rare.

Given how big of an issue heat is in my mod, I think it's fair.


I changed around the infection system so that one hit has a 50% chance of infecting you, and a 50% chance of "wounding" you, which can progress into an infection. I have been hit 3 times in my test game and have yet to be infected. I thought of adding an incurable infection that is much rarer, and kills you very fast so that end game players with lots of resources still have to worry...


I think the pimps are to thank for the sky thing. ^__^

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Ooh, I forgot about that... That was not even my code, but vals! It wasn't to hard to add in.


I was worried about getting the core mod rebuilt with my own new features implemented. I my release an optional 'expansion pack' to this mod including the doors, and possibly silencers.


This entire update is basically designed around the new buff system... I highly, highly suggest not changing them...

Infection and bleeding are already much more forgiving in this update!

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Just wanted to let you know that I'm using this mod on my public server and so far <3 loving it. Thanks for creating it!


Cool! I'd love to know more about how it goes! this version is designed more with server play in mind, the heat system should make it fun for everyone on the server, unlike the 7 day horde system which seem to skip people for some reason! D=

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Can anyone confirm how hard cities are?

I am most frustrated by them, it seems they don't use the city spawners, but the POI spawners, so If I make them have huge amounts of zombies, you will get 50 zombies defending one cabin (which I hate)


I am worried cities might be to easy...

I am on day like, 13 with my test character and recently found a city, and It's a lot easier to get hit in the back by accident, but other then that it's not as nasty as I hoped, I was attempting to program in constant hordes in cities.


This has all been SP testing though.

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I can tell you it is crazy on our server. Hit a wasteland and you can barely get in anywhere. We have to work as a team. One or two distract and the other goes in. Almost impossible by yourself. One of my guys is kind of frustrated and does not want to play by himself anymore.

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I created a new SP to have a look. Made it to the hub by day 2 level 1 still.


I was able to survive to day 4 and still only on level 4, before blowing myself (and backpack) up at the bottom of a prefab with a stop sign and heap of wood spikes.


Definitely seams a little easier then normally.


I dont know if it was just a weird glitch or what but I lit a campfire (4 wood chairs and 6 pieces of paper) on my first night in the city to cook some tallow (put nine fat in). after the 4 were finished cooking I grabbed them out and left the top of the building not caring about the 5 spare fat. That fire was still burning three days later and other then the odd Z in the highrise or that seen me as i Jumped down almost all the other Z's were intent on knocking the building down.


I didn't see any hordes (I could hear them), Was just inside looting as they went past so cant comment on size's.


Thanks for a enjoyable night Chaosocks

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Hmm, glad ti hear it's working well online. I kinda had a feeling the way I set up the number of zombies would actually go pretty narly on a server.


Turning up the zombie count can work if you are playing SP and find cities boring though. SHouldnt increase the number of roaming zombies to much!

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Just throwing something out there since I was laying awake last night thinking, sad i know.

I like what you have done with the beds it makes an interesting dynamic.


What do you think about changing the player speed depending on the terrain they are on? Because I don't know about you but I tend not to run as fast on uneven ground IRL as I would on the blacktop. Besides this might actually add a point to the roads other then navigation.

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I thought of the bed thing cause I find myself sitting on my bed to pass the time at night. I felt it gave the player more of a reason to just hang around there base sometimes.


If I could just buff the speed on the roads I would, but that would require adding a speed debuff to basically every type of land. Not out of the question, but it would be a bit of work and tweaking. I believe in past versions of the vanilla game sand lowered your walking speed though.


I dont want to discourage exploration though... The roads tend to be very useful for finding loot and POI's anyways.

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Wow thanks for the video! It helps a lot!


Yeah, once the heat starts to build up, the hordes don't stop. It is coming from the gore blocks.

It makes smaller hordes feel really huge, since I can't do insane amounts of zombies at once, it works.



It's also suppose to encourage people to run and hide more then just slaughter every single zombie they see.

A single head shot kills zombies most of the time now, so this helps to balance them so that people don't just mindless slaughter every zombie they see. It also makes zombie-killing bases less effective. XD


You have to hide form the zombies, the horde is the entire rest of the planet, you will never kill them all.

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I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm curious on how you've managed to turn off loot respawn. I was under the impression that this wasn't possible at this point, and just increasing loot respawn time was the best way to achieve the intended effect.

Loot respawn disabled is a default option!

The menus can be weird and hard to mess with though, it's easy to miss.


Disabling it is a pretty important part of this mod though, it's suppose to be harder and harder and harder to stay in one place the longer you stay there. When you have to start walking forever to even find loot, your base feels less and less worth it... hehe

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Hey there Chaosocks!

Sorry for the absence but it looks like you've been super busy. I'm installing your newest mod ver now along with two of my friends to play for the night. I've browsed a few of your notes in the forum while getting everything installed for everyone. I hope you've been getting a ton of great input as things were really progressing nicely. I was hoping they'd be closer to A13 by now, which is what I was going to return for, but the itch was too strong. I'll let you know how things turn out for us and am excited to play.

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