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unable to interact on server / server desync


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Hey there,


only on dedicated MP server

with and without EAC

with and without mods



summary of the problem:


I am unable to interact with things on the dedicated server i am hosting to play together with friends.

I also have the problem that i fall through the world sometimes when the "desync" happens.

I am still on the server tho but as i said cant interact with things.

Zombies just walk past me even when i punch them.

i haven't found a way to reproduce this issue and pin it down certain things because it happens on a number of occaisons like:

- harvesting a chicken

- looting containers

- just walking through the world 


Both friends i am playing with don't have this issue


  • Did you start a new game and re-create the issue? = Yes
  • Have you validated your files through Steam? = Yes
  • After validation, did you re-try with a brand new game? = Yes



I just set up a new server and a clean install of 7 days an d the problem is still there


Server log: https://pastebin.com/Xni2mF7z


Client log: https://pastebin.com/DMqmrsWq


I hope someone can help me 





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1) can you repost server log making sure the entire log is included?


2) on the server, in the serverconfig.xml, for DisabledServerNetworkProtocals, value should equal SteamNetworking


3) on your pc, bring up the game launcher and select Tools tab, click clean, then check all of the boxes and hit Clean. Next run Verify integrity of game files and run it twice


4) also on your pc, create exclusions in your antivirus software for both the game and saves folders. Disabling antivirus does not replace the need for the exclusions.


There may be more things to do but we really need to see the entire server log before further suggestions. There are telnet errors though I’m not entirely sure about the cause but you could check that all of the needed ports are forwarded by using an online port checker to verify that 26900 tcp and 26900-26903 udp are open.

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29 minutes ago, Star69 said:

1) can you repost server log making sure the entire log is included?




29 minutes ago, Star69 said:

2) on the server, in the serverconfig.xml, for DisabledServerNetworkProtocals, value should equal SteamNetworking


it does


29 minutes ago, Star69 said:

3) on your pc, bring up the game launcher and select Tools tab, click clean, then check all of the boxes and hit Clean. Next run Verify integrity of game files and run it twice


i just did that i still have to check if it solves my problem


29 minutes ago, Star69 said:

4) also on your pc, create exclusions in your antivirus software for both the game and saves folders. Disabling antivirus does not replace the need for the exclusions.


that was the first thing i tried to solve the issue (sorry, forgot to mention it)

is it possible to exclude a whole folder? I thought you could only exclude executable files


thank you for the quick response btw :)

Oh and I don't know if that information is of any use to you but I use G-portal for the server.

Edited by Luxxor (see edit history)
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You can exclude either files or folders. Theoretically, to keep yourself more secure, you should only exclude necessary files/folders. I’m a bit lazy in that regard so I excluded the whole Steam folder.


I still don’t know what’s up with the the telnet error. If you aren’t using telnet, maybe just disable it. After what you’ve worked on so far, go ahead and see if things are better for you. If not, take a look at the port forwarding and see if the correct ports are open. Hopefully, someone can give more help on the tenet issue.

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The telnet connection is from an ip which has the name "server.medicalnewstoday.com" and is not the same IP the player is from and also does not sound like a server from G-portal might call itself. It looks like someone tried to hack into telnet, but failed to guess the password. I assume you have a telnet password set into your serverconfig.xml, right? If yes, make sure it is a very good one, 12 relatively random characters or more.


One detail does not fit well with the hypothesis though: It happens 30 minutes after the server was started, but just 3 seconds (!!) before the player tries to connect. Seems like a strange coincidence that the hacking attempt is at the same time you log in. Maybe you could check server logfiles from other times to see if telnet accesses happen and whether that coincides with login attempts or not


The client logfile is partly useless as it is from a time where you just started and closed the client but did not even attempt to login to the server.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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