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Just kicking out some thoughts/ideas


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So I know all throughout the years so many ideas have been shared and tested and of course people make mods or even the FP's try to incorporate some ideas .. So maybe these are original ideas, or maybe these have once been shared, but just my thinking ..

Player made Bases should decay  OR zombies should also path to attack bases as well when they are occupied trying to get to you ..  Gives people a reason to modify, build more traps, which could give people more of a challenge to keep the base up, as well to monitor 360 surroundings.

even having vehicles that degrade (wheels, engine etc) or possible customizable adding some flare to them (not just changing the color)  but 1 example the joke mod has a scifi car that can electrocute like wire traps, its not 100% functional all the time, but from time to time it comes in handy when it works.

Flame turrets / pendulum traps / gas or oil traps / trip wire traps ( for example pour it on the ground and light it up, or even have it dump from a barrel or have like boulder traps / rock that you can dump down ? ) There is a whole vast world of things to use ...

remote operated explosives

being able to carry a shield and 1 hand yield a knife or hand pistol 

You have the VAST ocean surrounding the map, why not put an Aircraft carrier thats lootable or navy ships thats lootable ( You could incorporate different military zombies in these Poi's , maybe ones that carry guns, but just randomly shoot them off as they are chasing you, possibly hitting you, or just make them monster strong, or even in the lakes put up cabin resorts with lootable boats or houseboats

I think my biggest thing moan is having a BIGGER variety of zombies - players who are familiar with the game  are so used to the strengths and weaknesses of all the zombies, you go to the snow biome, you know you will find a majority of cats and logger/axemen  zombies with a sprinkle of others. maybe adding a new model that is an infected zombie, hurts your health puts negative debuffs on your talent tree stats, requires special made cure (not the honey and boiled water cure)

I know its just a game and limited by time/funds/ and resources but I think pooling out the tasks to some of the really great mods or even having a  Mod creator think tank with some of the bigger known modders would really give you a huge opportunity to go "gold" as you you guys refer to it .

I think adding bigger hordes, even randomizing hordes, stronger horde nights (again all customizable in the menu section), but maybe adding a RANDOM button to the options gives players a chance test their skills, at random times, also makes them not leave home empty handed forces them to use more resources

Also It would be cool to see people not only target certain level poi's only but make going into houses and other places more beneficial, maybe to get key cards or keys to open up certain areas of different poi's like a vault stash or other stashes at higher level poi's. May make the game a bit more grindier, but would also stop the level 1 or 2 weapon turning into a level 5 weapon at the earlier stages in the game.

Again just throwing out some thoughts .. No harm no foul if someone in prior years mentioned any of this, I was just thinking. Maybe something can be beneficial out of this , again maybe not .. I along with a lot of people love the game . Thanks

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I really like your idea of an off-shore ship or even oil-rigger platform. One of the guys created a yacht as a side project so that might eventually make it in but placing  these things 30-40 meters away from the shore in the surrounding ocean would be cool. Even some sunken ones might be possible with the new water simulation. @Laz Man? Anything you could add to the potential of this?  Is the surrounding ocean considered in bounds or out of bounds for poi placement?

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1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

RWG doesn't currently have support for POI placement near / in water.but who knows, this can change in A22 and/or post gold.


We certainly have a ton of ideas for water POIs if the feature ever gets add.

Fun fact - corpses rot fast in water so became skeleton 💀

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2 hours ago, Laz Man said:

RWG doesn't currently have support for POI placement near / in water.but who knows, this can change in A22 and/or post gold.


We certainly have a ton of ideas for water POIs if the feature ever gets add.


23 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Fun fact - corpses rot fast in water so became skeleton 💀

@Laz Man if you give a mouse a cookie...

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another cool thing may be more bosses (potentially something like in a bunker under a military base POI a large tanky zombie that "the military may of experimented on to see if it could be used as a weapon" or with some other lore behind it like grace)

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On 11/8/2022 at 7:58 AM, Mjp9348 said:

So I know all throughout the years so many ideas have been shared and tested and of course people make mods or even the FP's try to incorporate some ideas .. So maybe these are original ideas, or maybe these have once been shared, but just my thinking ..

Player made Bases should decay  OR zombies should also path to attack bases as well when they are occupied trying to get to you ..  Gives people a reason to modify, build more traps, which could give people more of a challenge to keep the base up, as well to monitor 360 surroundings.

even having vehicles that degrade (wheels, engine etc) or possible customizable adding some flare to them (not just changing the color)  but 1 example the joke mod has a scifi car that can electrocute like wire traps, its not 100% functional all the time, but from time to time it comes in handy when it works.

Flame turrets / pendulum traps / gas or oil traps / trip wire traps ( for example pour it on the ground and light it up, or even have it dump from a barrel or have like boulder traps / rock that you can dump down ? ) There is a whole vast world of things to use ...

remote operated explosives

being able to carry a shield and 1 hand yield a knife or hand pistol 

You have the VAST ocean surrounding the map, why not put an Aircraft carrier thats lootable or navy ships thats lootable ( You could incorporate different military zombies in these Poi's , maybe ones that carry guns, but just randomly shoot them off as they are chasing you, possibly hitting you, or just make them monster strong, or even in the lakes put up cabin resorts with lootable boats or houseboats

I think my biggest thing moan is having a BIGGER variety of zombies - players who are familiar with the game  are so used to the strengths and weaknesses of all the zombies, you go to the snow biome, you know you will find a majority of cats and logger/axemen  zombies with a sprinkle of others. maybe adding a new model that is an infected zombie, hurts your health puts negative debuffs on your talent tree stats, requires special made cure (not the honey and boiled water cure)

I know its just a game and limited by time/funds/ and resources but I think pooling out the tasks to some of the really great mods or even having a  Mod creator think tank with some of the bigger known modders would really give you a huge opportunity to go "gold" as you you guys refer to it .

I think adding bigger hordes, even randomizing hordes, stronger horde nights (again all customizable in the menu section), but maybe adding a RANDOM button to the options gives players a chance test their skills, at random times, also makes them not leave home empty handed forces them to use more resources

Also It would be cool to see people not only target certain level poi's only but make going into houses and other places more beneficial, maybe to get key cards or keys to open up certain areas of different poi's like a vault stash or other stashes at higher level poi's. May make the game a bit more grindier, but would also stop the level 1 or 2 weapon turning into a level 5 weapon at the earlier stages in the game.

Again just throwing out some thoughts .. No harm no foul if someone in prior years mentioned any of this, I was just thinking. Maybe something can be beneficial out of this , again maybe not .. I along with a lot of people love the game . Thanks

I wanted to Add, Horde Nights -- Major complaint is how Horrible the drops are at horde night .. @Fun Pimps have commented on and said over and over, they would like people to NOT skip tiers of weapon / Armor levels,  So why not being able to survive a horde night, you get all your normal drops and atleast 1 special drop that contains a map to a treasure with a special tiered weapon or Armor , and the more horde nights completed is either an upgrade or another piece of non upgraded tiered armor/weapon..  So as you progress horde nights, the " Special Weapon or Armor"  could be upgraded by defeating the horde on horde night or a new un-leveled piece drops .. Just gives people more of a reason to NOT DIE during horde night, also Horde nights should increasingly get bigger/grow.. Vanilla horde nights now, just kind of level with you, so really there is no increasing risk that you are going to be overwhelmed by ..  Just my opinion .. 

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